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Peals of mellow indie rock music and the scent of lilies and primroses permeated the air. Plants and flowers cascaded from the ceiling, interweaving with vines and radiant fairy lights. A youthful raven haired male perched upon a stool, inspecting the tiny plant sitting on the counter with great concentration, much like a scientist observing an important experiment.

He draped a piece of fabric around the branches, looping the ends to give it a final touch. Perfect, he thought, leaning back in his seat to examine his work like a proud mother. The bells tinkled erratically against the door and he glanced up with raised brows as a young man bolted into the shop, breaking the peaceful silence.

The florist pushed himself out of his seat with a bright smile curling the edges of his lips. "Welcome to May Blossoms. How may I help you?"

"Right–" the customer exhaled breathlessly, stealing a quick glimpse at his name badge, "Wonwoo. How do I say fuck you passive aggressively in flower?"

Wonwoo stared at him, jaw slacked and eyes blown wide open in confusion. "Excuse me?"

The man slapped twenty bucks onto the counter and tapped his fingers impatiently, "I had a fight with someone so I thought I'd send them a message. Could you help?"

The florist cleared his throat, rendered speechless for a moment, and gestured towards the generous array of floras adorning his quaint little shop. "Well, yellow carnations express disappointment towards the recipient and orange lilies represent hatred so I think they'd make a nice combination. And they look quite lovely together too, so if that's okay with you–"

"Yes, it's perfect. And can I attach a note?"

"Certainly, I'll handwrite it for you."

"I'll take it," he peeled open his wallet and thumbed out a couple of notes, sliding it across the counter.

Wonwoo snatched up a pen to scribble down the order and his cheeks were starting to burn under the intensity of the man's gaze because yes, he was insanely attractive. Tousled blonde hair, golden bronze complexion and warm umber irises, staring straight into his soul. He was absolutely beautiful.

"Your name and number, right here."

He penned down his details and Wonwoo handed him a receipt, attached to a single stalk of peony with a pale ribbon. "I'll call you when it's ready."

"Oh," the man accepted it with a contented smile spreading across his beautiful face, "Thank you, how adorable."

His heart lurched in his chest. Wonwoo struggled fruitlessly to suppress the blush blooming across his cheeks but to no avail, and it was becoming distinctly obvious by the second. The man tucked the peony into his pocket, sharing a gaze with him before departing reluctantly.

Wonwoo released a breath he didn't know he was holding, clutching onto his chest.


He stared at the flowers, bursting forward in full bloom with strings of mustard yellow ribbons and brown paper holding them together. Wonwoo smiled in satisfaction and pulled out the customer's details, punching the numbers into his phone. He cleared his throat and listened to the line beep monotonously.

"Hello?" a familiar husky voice crackled over the line.

"Is this Mingyu?" he inquired hesitantly, "May Blossoms. I have your flowers ready, you can come round anytime."

"Ah yes, Wonwoo–"

The way he uttered his name was going to melt him into a puddle on the floor. Tinkles echoed through the room, and he lifted his head with a blink of surprise. Mingyu stepped in through the threshold, cladded in black leather — What are you, a biker? He ended the call with a breathtaking smile and approached the counter. Wonwoo just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him because – Lord, Mingyu was the walking epitome of perfection.

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