Just Friends | T. Holland

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(F/m/a) : favorite music artist

"I'm here with young actress, (y/n) (y/l/n)! She is currently on the press tour for her new film coming out next month." I waved lightly at the studio audience. "Now, you star in this movie alongside Tom Holland."

When she said his name, the audience cheered. I laughed and looked around. I knew that Tom was just backstage.

"Yes, yes, I love him too!" the interviewer said. "How was it working so closely with Tom?"

"It was great! Tom is a really sweet guy. He made acting with him super easy."

"That's good! Is he really as funny as he seems?"

"Yes, he is," I laughed. "He definitely ruined a lot of takes with his antics. The gag reel is probably going to be mostly him making me laugh during scenes that are supposed to be serious."

"When it comes out, I'll have to buy the dvd so I can see those bloopers!" I cringed slightly at that obviously scripted line. It was normal for interviews to do that sort of thing, but it still felt weird. This was only my fourth movie and this was my first lead role. "Now, you and Tom are rumored to be playing romantic interests. Is this something you can confirm?"

I smiled shyly. "Our characters have some connections." I liked getting to be secretive. I saw the interviewer give me a side eye and I laughed. "That's all I can say!"

"Well, if you can't tell us more about your characters, can you tell us about you and Tom?" I blushed deeply.

"What do you mean?"

"It's rumored that you two got pretty close during filming. You've been spotted at restaurants and amusement parks together." I watched as pictures of us taken by paparazzi were put up on the screen. One of us at a (f/m/a) concert was my favorite. He was hugging me from behind with his arms around my waist. They made me smile but I quickly looked away from them.

"We're just friends!" I urged. The interviewer didn't look like she believed me. "I swear! It's strictly friendship between us!"

"I think I'll have to ask Tom what he thinks!" she said. She gestured to someone behind the camera and he went down the hall. I suddenly felt like I was going tog eat sick. Some of the audience seemed to notice my discomfort. My nerves were on edge as he returned with Tom. He smiled at me and I relaxed a bit. The audience cheered loudly as he waved at them. He sat down next to me. "Hello, Tom!"

"Hello!" He looked at me. He probably noticed how uncomfortable I seemed because he looked worried. "Why am I out here so early?"

"I was just asking (y/n) about your relationship. She claims that you guys are just friends, but it definitely seems like there is something more. Would you like to shed some light on this?"

His smile was gone. He looked at me again. "(Y/n) is right. We are just friends." Even though I knew it was true, it still hurt my heart a little to hear him confirm it. His eyes were back on the interviewer. "It's kind of rude for you to keep pushing something like that. Why wouldn't you believe her?" I held my breath.

The woman looked completely taken aback. "Um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way at all," she said, trying to cover her ass.

"I'm sure," Tom said. He looked mad. It was sweet the way he defended me.

The interview was pretty long and awkward after that. I continues to get dumb and sexist questions while Tom got ones that actually pertained to the movie. When it finally ended, we shook the woman's hand and walked off set. Once we were back to the green room, Tom grabbed my hands.

"Are you okay?" He was looking deep into my eyes. I nodded and he let out a rough sigh. He pulled me into a hug. "I hate when interviewers do that to you. I feel bad for snapping, but we've been doing this press tour for almost a month now. It just finally got to me."

"I definitely get it. Thank you," I said. He let me go and went to grab his things so we could leave. "I don't know why they don't believe that two people can just be friends," I said, laughing.

"Two young and attractive actors in a relationship is sort of an interviewer's dream." I blushed at the casual compliment. He was looking back at me now. "It's the same sort of rumors that came out about me and Zendaya during Spiderman." My smile wavered.

It was hard to be romantic interests on screen for months and suddenly have to pretend that I felt nothing. I never tried to like Tom. I actually fought my hardest not to. But it happened anyway.

"Yeah, I'm sure that made things complicated," I said.

"Not really. Neither of us felt that way about each other so nothing ever happened." I looked away from him and grabbed my purse. "My mum always told me to never date my co-stars. She said it would make everything messy."

"Your mom sounds like a smart woman."

"Yeah, she usually is. I don't know though." He let out a sigh. I let myself gain a bit of hope as I looked at him. "I feel like it wouldn't really be the end of the world." He smiled shyly. He had to be talking about me.

"You could always give it a shot. You only live once, Tom." He moved so he was right in front of me. He brushed some hair from my face before kissing me. It felt so right to be doing this with him again. Finally it was real and not just written out for us. I was brought back to our late night shoots together. I remembered going to get dinner after hours of filming together. I loved every second with him.

He pulled away, leaving my face in his hands. He just smiled at me for a minute. I felt myself burning under his gaze. "I should take your advice more often."

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