Part 2: A New Family?

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((A/N: I've changed your voice to hold as your wearing your helmet and that you have your demonic voice changer))

2nd Person POV

You: I'm regretting being here already

Kali: well I'm sorry, but you should at least enjoy being here while you can before you go wherever you want to go

You: Whatever

Right now, you and Kali are walking towards her house which you can see in the distance and for a place which is crowded, it looked like it had so much space

Right now, you and Kali are walking towards her house which you can see in the distance and for a place which is crowded, it looked like it had so much space

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You: You know...for a place which is crowded, it sure has a lot of space

Kali: well that's what you think, but there's actually very little space compared to the other places like Vale, Atlas and other places aswell

You: Right

You two carried on walking for a little bit then eventually ended up at a place which is clearly the biggest house here

You two carried on walking for a little bit then eventually ended up at a place which is clearly the biggest house here

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You: Huh......this is the biggest house here

Kali: yeah, my husband is the leader or chief of this place so we get the biggest place

You: So you got power over these people?

Kali: well yeah of course

You chuckle amusingly

You: I might just like you already

Kali: why? Because we have power over everyone?

You: yes and you don't think your better than everyone else....just like those pitiful White Fang people

Kali: right *chuckles nervously* but anyway we should go in

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