Chapter Two

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The date was going awfully.

I mean Kyle was having a great time, basically laughing while Alyssa sucked on his neck like a vampire. Meanwhile Ashley was staring at me with her big blue eyes, and several inches down was her huge chest where her breasts were literally popping out of her shirt. As much as any normal guy would've been jealous of me, I couldn't be more grossed out.

I looked back into her eyes and shined a totally fake smile. "So, uh, how was cheerleading practice today?" I asked her, and then realized that's something only a gay kid would ask.

"It was great," she started, pausing to take a sip of her diet coke. "I was on the top of the pyramid, so that was fun," she said, giggling.

I nodded and smiled, and took a fry from my plate. "That's cool," I said. "Scary, but cool."

Ashley scooted closer to me, making me completely uncomfortable. "No, not really. I'm used to it," she said, staring at my lips. I gulped.

And then she leaned in. And of course, to keep my cover, I let her lips touch mine and I kissed her back. Gross, right?

I was kissing a girl. She put her hands on the sides of my head and continued to kiss me, and I could hear Kyle make a hooting sound in the background.

Ashley slowly pulled away and smiled. She then bit her lip, and I fake-smiled to let her think I was into her as well.

"Should we hit the movies?" Kyle asked. I forgot about the movies. Ugh.

"Yeah!" Alyssa and Ashley said in sync. I wanted to go home, crawl in my bed, and watch Brokeback Mountain.

Instead I followed the group outside where we walked a few blocks to the theatre. Alyssa and Ashley ran ahead, and I was finally thankful to be alone with Kyle.

"So you and Ashley were getting it on!" He reminded me. I smirked.

"Yeah, I guess. Not as much as you and Alyssa though," I told him. He shined a cute smile.

"Yeah well hopefully she'll want to give me some head when we're watching the movie, I'm kinda horny." He admitted softly.

As much as that turned me on, I nodded. "You go," I fake laughed. He joined in and then we both caught up to the girls.

Inside the theatre, Alyssa and Ashley sat on the outside of us, so thankfully I got to be next to Kyle. Maybe that wasn't so good, though, because it would be distracting if I had to watch Alyssa give him a blow job the entire night. And besides, that would end up in me getting a boner, and I'm not quite sure how I would explain that to Ashley.

The movie started. It was one of those stupid ghost movies that makes everything look real and scary when it obviously isn't. Ashley's head tilted towards mine, and it was very uncomfortable. Of course I didn't say anything, I just awkwardly sat there while she dug her hard-ass skull into my jaw.

Halfway through the movie Kyle gasped. I was about to playfully punch him and tell him that he couldn't be scared from a dumb movie like this, when I realized the gasp came from Alyssa's hand down his pants. I didn't know what to say, or do, or where to look. All I wanted was to shield Ashley from it, so she didn't get any ideas. After all the second she started doing that to me, she'd know I was a faggot, because I wouldn't be hard at all.

And of course she sees Kyle, smirks, and then puts her hand on the top of my khaki shorts, right over my crotch.

Before panicking or slapping her arm away, I thought logically about what I was going to do. I mean, I could imagine it was a guy--maybe Brian McFeely--and go from there, but I doubt Ashley's hands would feel anything like Brian's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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