alstroemeria | 04

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MORNINGS WERE ALWAYS the best and worst times. If you were early enough, there'd be a surplus of fresh breakfast laid out on the tables. Castor was one of the first up that day, despite being able to sleep until noon and still be tired. Light softly peered through their dorm windows, bouncing off of traditional golden decoration. It made the area even more warm than it already is. Castor slipped lightly out of the common room and stepped down to the great hall. A sparse amount of students sat at their designated tables. The air was warm and the calm mood blanketed the castle's inhabitants.

The boy knew it wouldn't last long, deciding to take advantage of the peaceful moment. He took one of the buttered croissants and coffee they offered for the older students. It wasn't long until his thoughts took over. His head was always buzzing, jumping from one thought to another. Castor had used to wish he could just stop and sort it out like as if it were a book case. Lately, he let often himself swim in ideas and scenarios. His mind was something he prided himself in; it got him far and would take him farther. Though, he lives with paranoia rooted deep; his fear of losing control was dangerous.

When the Hufflepuff managed to blink himself back to reality, students had started to pile in and start up chatter. He watched as Jon approached the opposite side of the table and plop himself down. The athlete was a constant grinning mess of untamed pale hair and freckled features. "Morning. How was detention?" Jon greeted while piling his plate with food. The idiot was lucky he played quidditch or all that food would end up killing him before Castor could.

"We picked flowers. It was absolutely ridiculous." He grumbled into his mug. He hadn't put too much thought into last night's events, assuming Regulus was just as pissed and tired as he was then.

Jon snorted, eggs making their appearance from inside his mouth, causing Castor wrinkle his nose. "Flowers? For what?" His words were muffled by his half chewed food. Thankfully, he was well used to his friend's mannerism and understood what he'd said.

"Potions and Herbology stuff, I think." Castor responded, taking a bite of his croissant.

The blond nodded. A pause filled the air between them before he peeked up again. "Speaking of which, can I see your essay for Slughorn? I didn't really understand the questions and I need to compare." He held up his long piece of parchment with a smile. The other grinned back. As smart as he was supposed to be, Jon was a shit student and he had to make sure the idiot didn't get cursed by a professor one day. Castor ruffled through his things before pulling out his essay, handing it over to him.

"Exchanging love letters?" A new voice rang out. The pair looked over to see Shoshana quickly approaching the table to sit beside Jon. She had her dark curls in a braid, meaning she just got up and couldn't be bothered to get ready. Both of the boys smiled in greeting.

Castor nodded to her question, "Of course, but you must keep quiet. We wouldn't want anyone to find out." He winked at her. She laughed and went to fix her plate.

To his credit, Jon looked very serious. "This isn't a laughing matter, Shan. We want our love announced in a very extravagant manner." He went to reach for his faux lover's hands but was quickly rejected with a slap to the fingers.

The athlete gasped dramatically, "That's it. We're through!" He huffed. Turning to Shan, he pouted at her, "Darling Shoshana, please be my new lover. We don't have to tell Danny!"

The brunette made a face at him, "I would but alas! Unless you magically grow a pair of tits, then I shan't accept your proposal!" She played along with as much passion, a strawberry clutched to her heart.

"Oh no!" Jon faced his dark haired friend again. "I fear my conquest for new love was fruitless! Take me back!" He held out sausage with a wink.

Castor hid his laugh, "Of course. Now both of you hurry up and eat so we won't be late to Sprout's class again."

"Merlin, I swear the woman's this close to beating me with her plants." Jon frowned, attempting to multitask between looking over his essay and stuffing his face.

oops it's a filler !

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