Beating Heart. (Prologue)

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I was in too deep, like a little kid jumping into the deep end of a Swimming Pool I felt like I was suffocating, at the brim of going under for good. Maybe I was over heating; I glanced down at my white Tee shirt, blue jeans that clung to my legs tightly making me look skinny as hell when I felt really overweight.

  I've been in this airplane for about ten hours and I was more than ready to jump out of it at any cost, I wasn't alone on that thought seeing how half the plane was squirming with anticipation to make it to the airport in one piece. Maybe if I count slowly it'll take the anxiety down a notch, 1....2...3..4...567... 8..9.10- my eyes snapped open to an older woman leaning halfway over her chair to get a good look at me, "Aren't you the brunette from The Direction" (Niall was brunette in One Direction, then dyed it blonde to hide) she mumbled raising an eyebrow at me "Nope, I don't know what your talking about Miss" I struggled with my accent trying to sound as American as possible to keep from having the plane jump ontop of me. She gave a curt nod before leaning back to a regular sitting position, my breath was raggged from my nervousness Jesus this plane needs to land now so I won't get anymore attention that I already got.

After minutes of silent tension I noticed an attractive boy giving me small glances at me then back at his phone as if comparing me to sonething, his slender fingers tapped rapidly at his phone before he unbuckled and stood up straightening his jacket. Dear god please be going to the bathroom my fingers clutched the seat as I forced my eyes from looking at what might be my death call he calmly slid between my knees sliding into the empty seat next from me he leaned on the arm of the chair giving me a hard look before smirking, "Can I help you?" I questioned struggling with keeping my Accent from popping out of nowhere, "You're are a really bad actor Niall" he purred my name giving me a knowing look, shit, c'mon Niall say something. "My name isn't Niall." I blurted out making the boy's facial expression change as if he wasn't ready for that kind of reply (1 - Niall  0 - Attractive guy.)

I smile grew on my lips as I turned my head to ignore his curious looks and attractive grins. "So you're telling me you're not Niall Horan.. International heartthrob who disappeared from the media two days ago, I'm surprised you haven't been spotted till now" he laughed running a finger up my arm trying to find a way to make me crack.

"S-sir please go sit back to your seat" I gasped out feeling his foot poke at mine, his bold eyes examining my face, "I was at one of your concerts" he whispered in my ear "Does 'Zayn Malik' refresh your brain a bit?" he grinned grabbing my wrist he flipped it over showing the white piece of the Yin & Yang sign, he held his wrist to mine connecting something to it. Where are the workers when you need em' I looked down the cramped isle as he fiddled with something on my hand "Look..." he mumbled making me glance down at our bracelets that fit together perfectly..

Malik + Horan..

Malik.. I gasped quietly

It was the boy from Cuba.

"Looks like you've seen a ghost, love."  His eyes shined with interest as a smile grew wider across his face.

(Should I continue this, Teddy and I really wanted a Ziall in Las Vegas and this was all I could think of..

Yay or Nay?)

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