Dear Mr. Mindworker (song)

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Imagine there's a little man

sitting atop your frontal lobe

controlling every thought

affecting every emotion

Ever wondered why He pops up in a thought

when nothing around can connect to Him

when it comes on so randomly

suppression is hard to reach

Imagine there's a little man



Dear Mr. Mindworker

why are you doing this to me?

I've tried so very hard

to forget his beautiful face

why must you remind me of

everything I don't have

and everything I want

it's cruel Mr. Mindworker

why are you so cruel?

It hurts to think of what He would do

if He were here with me

if you thought resurfacing past emotions

would build me up, you're wrong

With every reminder I'm breaking more

I can't ignore the pain

you've forced this on me, what do you expect?

not someone strong, I'm sure.

Dear Mr. Mindworker

why are you doing this to me?

I've tried so very hard

to forget the words He said to me

why must you remind me of

everything I don't have

and everything I want

it's cruel Mr. Mindworker

why are you so cruel?

Name your price, sir

I'll bend at your every will

what ever you desire

as long as it stops

the memories.

the dreams.

the thoughts.

Dear Mr. Mindworker

why are you doing this to me?

I've tried so very hard

to forget all that's happened

why must you remind me of

everything I don't have

and everything I want

it's cruel Mr. Mindworker

I don't know how long I can last.

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