Prove Me Wrong (poem)

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This was supposed to be a song, but I never really got around to finishing it. So until I do, it's a poem for the time being (:

Days on days spent alone

Holed up in the dark corner of a room

Listening to dreary love songs

Dreaming that maybe one day

I'll have everything they always talk about

But until somebody shows me anything else

I'll go on just believing

There's never going to be that one person I'm going to want to share everything with

There will be no warm feeling overcoming my body when I look into his eyes

No one's going to make me feel like I'm the last person he wants to spend his days with

All their stories are a lie

Love's all just a myth,

A made up feeling in a made up world

Someone, you don't exist, but please - prove me wrong.

This could honestly be a whole lot better, I love the idea but I know it's not up to it's potential. Eh, I'll keep working on it. Suggestions?

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