(ii) Overanalyze again

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Your laugh, echoes down the hallway

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Your laugh, echoes down the hallway

Carves into my hollow chest, spreads over the emptiness

The two of you sat in your spot and talked for hours, occasionally laughing out loud at each other's stories and alternating between sipping on beers and cigarettes. You admired his laugh, and you'd missed that too. But most of all, you missed his warm, brown eyes - they were deep, so deep that you could stare into them and get lost.

At around 3 AM, the two of you emerged out of the Diner - drunk and delirious. You made your way to the car and leaned on the rear door wearing an almost deranged smile on your face whilst eyeing him to come over.

It's bliss

As he approached, you tugged on his shirt and kissed him lustfully. He smirked and unlocked the car, urging you to fall into the back seat. You giggled at your newfound clumsiness and gasped hysterically when he rushed in with you. He laughed too, and leaned on to your body, between your legs after closing the door shut.

It's so simple but we can't stay
Overanalyze again, would it really kill you if we kissed

You attempted to stand upright, but failed due to the low roof of the Mustang, and fell back into a heap of laughter. He smiled in amusement, and moments later, gazed at you with an apparent surge of drunken lust. You too stopped laughing, and intently stared back at him.

He pecked your neck as he dug his hands to your waist. You moaned and arched your back in pleasure as you tightened your grip on his neck. After leaving a trail of kisses up your neck, he playfully kissed your lips, hungry for more. You kissed back passionately, despite your intoxicated situation, and tugged on his perfectly messy and soft, brown hair.

His lips tasted of beer and cigarettes.

All we do is drive
All we do is think about the feelings that we hide

He pulled back and tugged on your jacket assertively, removing it off your warm body and throwing it in the front. You giggled while helping him take his jacket off too, and continued to pull him over to kiss as he unbuttoned the back of your blouse.

You breathed heavily as the fabric parted from your skin and you were left in your bralette and high-waisted shorts. You yanked his t-shirt off his body, tossed it to the front and pulled his bare torso closer.

All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign
Sick and full of pride

Still silent.

He ran his arms along the curves of your body as you kissed his neck and wrapped your legs around his.

His touch was just like his jeans - rough.

All we do is drive

"Nice bra," he flirted as he studied your body and pulled you closer, "Is it for me?"

"Maybe," you played along with a wild smile.

"Well I think you'd look better without it", he said feeling around your back as he searched for the clasp, attempting to kiss you once again.

"Nuh-uh-" you pushed away and smirked, "you first."

And California never felt like home to me
And California never felt like home

He pushed and pulled his denim jeans off his legs, revealing his plaid boxer shorts. He then eagerly unbuttoned your shorts, pulling them down your tanned legs as he planted kisses down your bust to your stomach and teasingly plays with the lace on your panties. "It's been a while, huh?" he joked with a hint of nervousness.

You paused mid-action, as though you had an epiphany, and shifted your body to lie on your side. You faced him and asked with concern, "Why'd you ask to meet me?"

"Because... It's you. I haven't met a girl like you, and you're all I've dreamt about...", he trailed away as he placed his hand on the side of his forehead and laid in the backseat. "You're like my best friend... but with way more benefits", he chuckled hesitantly and scratched his neck, "And frankly, it's a miracle that you'd agreed."

You smirked and continued your foreplay, "You're damn right."

And California never felt like home to me
Until I had you on the open road and I was singing

He let out a laugh and caressed your dirty blonde hair, with a newfound admiration, apparent in his chocolate eyes. He smiled at you, as though he'd found his destined love - which he did. You gazed back at him with your chestnut eyes wide open, enjoying his presence that miraculously returned into your life.

Still silent.

But after a few moments, he dug his head into your neck and kissed it enticingly, as you grabbed onto his pale back, leaving scarlet scratch marks on it with every peck. He let go and reached out to the front, pushing a few buttons randomly to play a song and set the heated mood. You giggled playfully, leading him on. You moaned with satisfaction as he breathed heavily into your chest. He led his warm hands towards your derriere as the lecherous song played in the background. Occasionally, he let you tease him during the sex - groaning and growling zealously with pleasure.

He was in control - and you loved it. You loved him.

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