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@copyright are serious offenses if you want to take a tip just quote and cited it.

Content are not suitable for younger age must be 16 above, you'll be notice some sensitive part of my story. If you're not ready or aware you may go and seek to your suitable  tale.


Some birds are not meant to be

meant to be caught

and meant to be hold

Their wings spread of the sweetness  lullaby,

giving you a sweet memories, before you says goodbye.

So the time to set them free,

or hook up the cage to see how high they flies away apart of your warm shelter

Seeing them rejoice of their freedom

Making a sweet tone of success,

Then seek your wrong decisions to hold on.

Until you see

The last step and says 'until we meet again'

No things and feelings are permanent

That kept giving  you options to hold and let go

To be strong and bold but no one can hold the truth will be set you free

Unhold the secrets of dirty lies

Giving you a hope that this would be alright

Seeing your man holding other arms

Giving a lies between your smile
And saying ' hi ' instead of goodbyes.


Hiiiiiii sooo inedit ko siya for a mean time kasi gusto ko maging maganda na flow ng story  ko hope you like it 😙

Before I let go my feelings (to you) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now