Letters ~ Chapter 13

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~Virgils PoV~

When Deceit and Depression disappeared, I knew I had to do something. I ran around his room, looking for something, anything, that could be a clue.

I spotted Roman's red sash, my breath caught in my throat. I picked it up, taking deep breaths. Deceit and Depression were going to pay dearly.

I suddenly spotted a letter, I saw it was addressed to me. I picked it up and opened it, staring at the words on the page.


We, Deceit and I, decided to make this somewhat easier for you. You can use this to communicate with the creative aspect. That is all. Until we meet again!

Virgil! Are you there?

I'm full honesty, I didn't believe that was Roman, not at all, so I'm going to quiz him!

Yea, I'm here, but here's the thing. How do I know if you're really Roman?

And how do I know if you're really Virgil?

Quiz me, then I'll quiz you

Okay. What were we arguing about a few weeks ago?

About how I shot down your ideas in a video.

Okay, nice Virgil. But for real, how is the cutest boy in the world doing?

I don't know, how are you

You're Virgil

And you are most likely Roman, but I want to make sure.

Okay, go ahead.

What's my favorite movie?

Nightmare Before Christmas

Good. List your many names and titles

Here we go: Princey, Prince, Creative Side/Aspect, Prep, Sir-Sing-a-lot (one of my favorites), Romano, and yours (my favorite)

Yup, most definatly Roman

I'm now going to list your many names and titles

Roman, no need I know its you

Okay let's see. Emo Nightmare, Hot Topic, Sunshine, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance, Negative Nancy, Jason Toddler, Surly Temple, J.D.-lightful, Dr. Gloom, Brad Pityful, Panic at the Everywhere, Charlie Frown, and... one more I'm forgetting... oh right! Mine

Even in letter you manage to be smooth af

It's a talent

Right, but now that we know that we're who we say we are, I need to know where you are

I don't know exactly where I am. All I know is that I'm in some castle and it's super dark. Also! Deceit and Depression seem to have an army of dream demons. A lot of them. Listen to me, go to the Dream World and try to summon an army of Dream Warriors, they're not Dream Demons and should have a white aura.

Wow, okay thanks, I'll be going now. I'll try to get you as soon as possible.

Okay, but heads up my knight in shadow armor, they're after you

~Authors note~

"Woah! You updated already? Wtf is your updating schedual?"

The answer is, I don't have one, I update when I feel like it, anyways, I wrote this on my phone and not computer so it's probably crappy lol



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