Suddenly I'm Helpless

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Alex's POV

I have no clue where I am, I don't even have a ten dollar bill. I come from an island of poor, filled with defenseless and somewhat insane people. I heard it's loud in New York, I heard it could change you, I heard it can help you. Yes, that's why I'm here, to start over, to make a statement. But, like I said, I cannot even comprehend my surroundings.

"Um, are you stoned? You're just standing there and not obeying my orders", a deep voice said, sounding like he just stepped on something that was utterly the opposite of pleasant.

"Oh, I uh... Do you know the directions to Kings College?", I asked, getting a good look at him. Damn, I thought, he is not someone you should ask for help. I mentally face palmed for what I just said, and the way I said it. He towered about a foot over me, maybe more. His hair looked so silky soft, so  welcoming, but his eyes demanded respect. He definetly dressed to impress, with a magenta (is that what it's called?) suit, a bit formal, but the color had quite a comedic output.

"You're standing right in front of it", he snorted and strutted away.

Wow, I just arrived here and already look like an idiot. I brushed the thought away and walked to the front desk. A kind woman with warm eyes sat there and immediately straightened up when I walked in.

"Hello, I'm Alexander Hamilton", I put out, not sure if I said the right thing.

I was about to open my mouth but she stopped me by raising her hand. "Say no more", she commented, handing me some papers. "Everything you need is here", she told me, pointing at the sheets. I thanked her as I walked to my dorm. I was kind of nervous - who am I kidding, I basically shaking - to meet my roommate. Or is it called a flatmate? Dormmate? I couldn't open the door, my hands were too sweaty. I knocked on the door hoping that they were already here, but I was dreading making a first impression like this, a nervous mess.

A young man opened the door and I'm pretty sure I was staring, but I couldn't stop myself. He had a structure like no other. Perfect jawline, strong cheek bones, and his adorable freckles evened out his masculinity. And god, those eyes, greener than Mother Nature's creations.

But then the worst possible thing happened. My nose bled. MY LEFT NOSTRIL DECIDED SHE WAS ON HER PERIOD AND FORGOT TO BUY TAMPONS. I didn't know what to do so I just awkwardly stood there. He took a step back from shock, but then softened up as he handed me a tissue.

"Uh, thanks", I giggled nervously as I rolled it up and put it in my nose. Great, I thought, way to make a statement. 

"You're welcome", he beamed. "You must be Alex, apologies if you would rather me address you by your full name, Mr. Hamilton", he joked, doing a little curtsy.

I laughed at his sarcastic chivalry. "No, please do shorten my name, I wish not to waste your time with two extra syllables", I demanded. 

He held my hand and brought it towards his lips and pecked it. "For a princess deserves respect", he explained. 

I'm felt my face go red as I unpacked my things, which only consisted of a leather satchel. My mother had embedded my name onto it, A. Ham, to make sure I wouldn't lose it, as if anyone would return it to me if they found it. Most people didn't have anything on the island and the rest had everything. Even a decaying bag is valued to ones like me.

"So, where's your family from?", he asked.

Oh no, I started to fidget and just said, "Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done. So, what's your name?" Which is a very popular coverup I would use, it's surprising to think that so many people want to know who you are.

"The name's John. John Laurens", he answered. He sat on the bed across from me. "I like turtles", he randomly shot out.

"Turtles are pretty cute", I smiled. But not as cute as you, I thought. Wait what?

He just giggled. "Thank you", he said, as he covered up his face. Did I say that out loud? "Yeah, you did", he smirked. 

I mentally slapped my self. "So, do you have classes today?", I questioned, trying to change the topic.

"No, I dont start 'til Monday", he said, showing a bit of an accent. Today was Friday. "What about you?", he mirrored.

"Nope. So, tell me about yourself, Monsieur Laurens", I ask.

"Well, my best friends are insane, but aren't everyone's?"

"I don't have any friends..."

"Huh", he puffed, "Are you implying we are only acquaintances?" He laid on his back with his hand on his head, pretending to to be dramatic.

I began to giggle and so did he. Before we knew it, we were panting for air. "Are studying to to be a comedian", I say, only half joking.

"Actually I want to be a marine biologist, but my dad is forcing me to take law", he sighed.

"At least you have a father", I spoke in a voice hardly even audible. But John seemed to have heard, he looked at me, his eyes full of sympathy. "It's okay", I start, "You don't have to feel bad".

"Hey, do you want to meet my friends, the Schuylers, at that coffee shop nearby?", he offered, trying to cheer me up.

I blatantly nodded my head yes. He got up and made gesture to tell me to come. I put on my raggedy letterman jacket and a smile. Maybe, I think, I'll be able to make a good impression with these "Schuylers".

A/n - This is actual crap. Thank god no one will see it. But, I published it anyways. 

I just realized I kept switching the tenses.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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