The day Hinata Shouyo decided to die

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If you asked Hinatas team to describe him in one word, theyd all say the same thing. "Happy".

If you asked the boy himself, hed reply with "normal".

If you asked Hinatas team to say one thing he was good at, theyd say "volleyball".

If you asked Hinata, he would reply with "nothing really".

If you asked Hinatas team what they thought of him, they would say "great guy", "friendly", "great for the team".

Hinata himself would answer "worthless".

On the outside, Hinata Shouyou looked like an ordinary person. He was always smiling, cracking jokes, and generally acted as though the sun came out his ass. To other people, he looked happy.

On the inside, he felt useless. Stupid. Pathetic.

Hinata Shouyo was suffering, and no one could tell.

nobody would have guessed that karasuno's number 10 hated every breath he took.

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