The Last Straw

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The Last Straw

(This is the continuation of "Escaping The Twilight" as you can tell. Anyway in this book they will find their way to the end and attempt to kill the queen. Will they succeed or will the crumble and fail? What will happen between Sammie, Ravs and Nilsey? Will I shut up to write the book? Probably because otherwise it won't be written.)

Chapter 1

"Rythian. What's going on?" Zoey asked, surprise and fear filled her voice.

"The last straw was pulled." I spit in anger. The queen is going to die for what she has done.

"Dammit Ravs this is your fault. You're the one who hired the nurse." Nilsey snapped at Ravs, venom fill his voice.

"I never! It was hired when I got here!" Ravs snapped back, returning the same hateful voice.

"GUYS THIS IS NO TIME FOR YOUR PETTY LITTLE FIGHT!! MY SISTER IS SERIOUSLY HURT!!" I shout at the top of my lungs. My patients quickly depleting.

The door squeaks open as Tee comes into the room, the life stone glowing brightly in his claws.

"Please be charged." I whispered to myself as I place it next to Sammie. Before i know it Her color started to slowly come back. Groaning weakly she slightly shifted, nd a breath of relief flooded out of me.

"SAMMIE!" Nilsey screamed in excitement trying to get to her but Tee quickly held him back.

"Tee let go." He said struggling to get to her side. I felt my face get hot with anger.

"NILSEY, RAVS GO!! I DON'T NEED THIS RIGHT NOW! TEE,, MAKE SURE THEY STAY AWA PY FROM HERE," I ordered. Tee had to drag them out but as they left I felt I could finally breath again. Bending over Sammie once again I took in a deep breath.

"Consano, percuro, medico, confervo, integro, sano." I mumbled the many words meaning heal in latin hoping it would help heal her. (A/N: I decided to search up different words for heal or health in Latin because why not. I chose the best ones that I saw.)

An hour passed of heavy silence. Waiting for Sammie to wake up, every second felt like a year. Zoey sat in silence, not trying to chear me up like she normaly would, instead she silently wrapped her arms around my chest and leaned on my shoulder.

I couldn't handle the silence, but I couldn't find any words. Loosening all of my control my body shook in a sob and I broke down into tears sobbing into Zoey's shoulder.

*Nilseys POV*

Tee dragged me and Ravs out of the hospital by our collars. He usually wasn't this blunt but I guess he just wanted to get the job done fast. As he releacede my shirt color I jumped to my feet and turned back to the hospital.

"Tee you have to let me back in." I pleaded, not trying to hide Any of the desperation in my voice, I had to get back to her.

Slowly, He sook his head and moved his massive bod in front of the doors, crossing his arms and showing he that nothing would change his mind.

"Nilsey it won't work. He ps just following Rythian's orders." Ravs said sitting on the stars, head hanging low in defeat.

"It's all your fault." I grumble, sitting down next to him.

"How Nilsey?" He asked. He sounded upset, but annoyance hung in the air.

"You... Uh... You... I don't know." I stumble, collapsing my head into my hands. I was rubbish at this.

"I need a drink. You want one Nilsey?" He grumbled, hoising himself up. I was bewildered by his hospitality.

"Sure why not." I said unsurely. He started walking away towards the town hall and I quickly jump up to follow him, and Tee wasn't far behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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