Chapter Twelve ~ It's Ironic

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I stood back, the heat running through my veins beginning to subside. Illius was pressed against the wall, his breathing heavy, his wings flinching as the colors slowly began to fade and his black-feathered wings returned to normal. He stumbled from the wall, his wings folding into his back, his blue eyes cast away from me, "Did I hurt you?" His voice was barely more than a whisper.

"No," I stepped towards him, but he moved back.

He held his hand out, "Don't. Don't come closer. I don't want to end up hurting you."

My heart ached, "You won't..." I trailed off.

His blue eyes met mine, "How do you know that? Whatever that was, I couldn't control it. What if it's dangerous?" He gripped my wrist and turned it over, where my veins were usually blue, burned a heated, orange light that was slowly fading, "It affected you." He quickly removed his hand from my skin, "I did that." He shook his head, moving away from me. My lips parted, but he quickly cut me off before I could say anything, "I won't touch you again. I promise, not until I figure out what that was." There was a pain behind his eyes and he turned his body away from me, running a hand grimly through his hair, he sauntered away.

I weakly slacked against a wall and looked down at my wrist, the light had almost completely faded and with it the warm, tingling feelings. My heart sank and I peered around the corner, West and Killian were still fast asleep, their bodies spread out on the dirt beneath them. Illius strode towards the entrance to the cavern, the blizzard outside had relaxed to a light snow and he stepped out into it, disappearing from my sight.


"Well, well, well," Cael chortled as Illius appeared in front of the golden cage in the darkness of the orb, "If it isn't the Ripper, missed me already? You know I do enjoy our conversations, but I'd enjoy them better if I was outside of this Hell for a cage!" He shouted, slamming a fist down on the floor. His white wings spread out on the ground around him as he sat, his legs folded in a pretzel.

But Illius was in no mood for one of the angel's fits. He was still shaken up by the excrutiating pain that had ebbed through his wings as he had given in to Ava's touch. He could still feel the pressure of her lips against his, the way an electric current had ran through his body from where she touched, "What do you know about the Soul Bound?" He asked, his voice shaking.

Cael's eyes narrowed as he looked at him, noticing the way the demon began pacing back and forth, anxiety practically radiating from him in waves and how there was a small glow around his body that pulsated every so gently. He clenched his jaw, his hands curling into fists, "So you opened up to her after all." He growled, jealousy pricking at his heart, "And you don't even know yet, do you? They really have kept you in the dark."

"What are you talking about?" Illius' blue eyes met the golden orbs of the angel.

Cael crawled to his knees, pulling himself up on the bars of the cage, pressing his face against their frigidly, cold surface, "It's been getting colder in here. I assume we're somewhere near the north." He tilted his head, his wings rustling behind him with suppressed emotions, "A Soul Bound has two potentional soulmates," He watched the demon for a reaction, but Illius only stood there, his face expressionless as his cool eyes bored into his, "One an angel, and the other, a demon." Illius shifted his jaw and Cael chuckled, "You still don't get it yet? I'm not just her Guardian Angel," His lips curled into a mocking grin, "I'm her Angelic Soulmate." Illius flinched, his hands curling into fists and Cael took notice, "Finally, you show some emotion!" He was highly amused by now, "You heartless son of a gun. It seems that we now know who her Demonic Soulmate is, don't we? Yeah, that burning sensation, that rush, that's your souls reaching out to one another." His features became dark with frustration, "But in the end Ripper, she makes the choice. Of course, other demons and angels can still interfere, like your brother." He let out another laugh, shaking his head, his eyes glinting, "It's funny isn't it? That her soulmates should be you and I. Oh, the irony is rich. Fate plays a cruel hand, doesn't it Ripper?"

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя