• 3 : Midnight, the stars and him •

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The late relaxed October evening sneaked glances over our shoulders, and the warm moon glittered against the cold stars. Finn & I were framed through the pale windowsill of his room that juxtaposed the autumn night. The boy stared deep into the sky, one hand relaxed, and half cupped in that hand lay my own; we had been chatting amongst one another for what seemed like minutes but for what had been hours.  Finn's voice boomed softly, close to my ears. He did not sing, yet he sang back replies to my own voice. We listened warmly and comfortably to the sound of one another.

I blinked.

"Hey, //your name//?" The boy with the curls began.
"Yeah, Finn?"
"I just wanted to say..."
I noticed he began to stutter and fall over on his words, each letter being tampered with in one way or another.
"Spit it out, F-F-Finn!" I laughed contently and mimicked this stutter.
"I just wanted to say" he raised his voice slightly, overpowering my laugh that soon faded. He lifted his chest high, and I raised an eyebrow at his sudden gain of confidence.
"Today was pretty great and... I don't know, I think it would be cool if we could hang out again." He places the hand that cupped mine on the back of his slender neck, and it was locked there, guarded by hundreds of dark curls.
A small chuckle escaped my mouth as I saw the boy's face turn creamy pink, and as he lowered a slightly nervous, yet very heartwarming gaze to the nearest side of the windowsill.
"Never has the thought of spending midnight with the stars and you ever crossed my mind." I reached out to him, to be warmed by the fire that was his cheek, "But I've got to admit, hanging out with you on this fine October day has been one of the grandest experiences of my life so far. Heck, let's go out for coffee again sometime."
And at this we both immediately opened a smile that was like lighting a second fire on one another's faces.
The boy's slender hand then lowered from his neck to a spot on the the furthest side of me, from where he was positioned, causing a rosey red wild fire to spread over his face, almost burning out the freckles scattered on his face. I noticed his hazel eyes, held a message ever so tender, as they now lowered their gaze to my own soft pink lips. I repeated his actions and with this we both shut our eyelids over our glistening eyes from feeling ever so timid, parted our lips from feeling ever so passionate, and both hearts pounded frantically from feeling happy, happier, happiest.

The boy pressed his full, soft lips against my own for a couple of seconds, though he was quick to retreat back to his original position where he hummed quietly, nervously, softly to himself, his eyes fluttering madly from one direction to the next. He wanted to stay. He didn't want to stay. I probed at his trembling hand with my fingers, in which his response was to turn and face me. I gave the curly haired, freckle faced boy a smile that represented reassurance as I leant in toward him and again pressed my lips against his, though this time the both of us gained an eminent amount of confidence. I parted from the boy with the summer-apple face, and as if it a signal, both turned to the glass window. The hour was late, enough had been said, the time was up. I lay against the side of the boy, and the two of us watch as the occasional leaves of gold, yellow and brown brush against the window, the town clock rang twelve, the second of October began.

Heeeey sorry that this part is 100x more cringe worthy than the other 2 parts but hey, at least I tried, right? This is the first full literature piece I've actually wrote in a long long time and I'm pretty proud of it tbh! I hope you liked this short story about my fave dork haha :D

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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The First of October // Finn Wolfhard x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang