Chapter 4

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"Honey, we just want to talk." She said lovingly, but I knew better.

"No! Stay away from me! It's what you do best: leaving." I don't even know what I'm saying honestly. I'm just really frustrated. They came back here to tell me that they actually want me now and want me to move with them to a different country.

"Come on, we miss you honey." My mom tried again.

"No. Honestly, leave me alone! I only have 2 months of high school left and I'm 18! I can be on my own just fine." I yelled.

"No, you can't." Both my parents said at the same time.

"Just leave!" I yelled and then proceeded to sprint into the woods. I heard my name being called, but I didn't turn around. I kept running as far as I could get.

Running probably wasn't the best idea. Now, I was lost and the rain started to pour. As I found a lake and sat by it on a rock, a loud crash of thunder was heard. Yeah, not the best idea.

I sat around for a bit, thinking. I probably look like a mess. My hair is soaked and my clothes are sticking to my body. My face probably looks bad too. I sighed and decided I should at least try to find my way back.

When I looked up to the left my breath was taken away.

A man stood there with piercing brown eyes. He had a sharp jaw line and dark brown hair which actually looks black due to the rain. The water droplets cascaded down his hair to his kissable lips and down to his body. His chest muscles were visible because his clothes were now stuck to his skin from the rain, and his abs would make any girl swoon. He started walking toward me and that's when I stood up.

"You shouldn't be out here." He stated.

I chuckled. "Why does everyone keep telling me that?"

"Because it's true. It's dangerous."

"What's so scary about these woods?" I asked, hopefully someone will give me a real answer.

"Me." He said flat out. I was a little frightened from this. I took a little step back, but he caught me.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you, but something else in these woods might." His words brought me comfort for some reason. I didn't know why but at this point it didn't really matter.

Then, I heard something running. Both his and my head snapped towards the sound.

"Go home." He told me.

"No." Even though it was stupid, I wanted to stay here. I didn't want to go home mainly because my parents are there and I didn't want to leave him alone for some odd reason. I felt like if I left, something bad would happen to him, and I oddly felt the need to protect him or at least be there for him.

"Go home!" He shouted.


"Because it isn't safe here" he replied as a crash of thunder was heard as the rain kept pouring.

"Damn" he mumbled to himself, "it's too late."

"For what?" I asked before he tried to push me behind him, and that's when I saw it.

Golden, glowing eyes.

He managed to get me behind him and I turned around right then. His clothes were on the floor and he was now a wolf.

I stared in shock as he fought another wolf. And after sometime, the other wolf gave up and ran away. My mind was completely muddy and I tuned out the entire fight due to the shock of what transpired right in front of my eyes. I must be insane.

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