Hollywood Week

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Maddie's POV

I was sitting in the huge auditorium watching contestant after contestant come to the stage and sing a clip of a song. Rows and rows of people starting and finishing and hoping they will make it to the next part of the show.

I made my way to the stage as well. I sang and original, i thought it was a bold move but that the judges should know just who they are getting. Know what kind of writer i am and if they don't like it then i will know i tried and stayed true to who I was.

When it was nearing the end of the people, this guy stood out. He had an amazing country voice, and I knew I needed him in my group. I texted my dad that aswell. I couldn't take my eyes of the performance, his name was Caleb.

When the people told us what group we were in i was so excited. Caleb and I were put together, we practiced and practiced, yet somehow I still wasn't really getting it completely.

We took a break and I walked out, i started to cry a bit, I wanted to hold it in. It was embarrassing that I was only here for a like 2 seconds before I started to cry.

Caleb came out to check on me. He didn't even really know me and he wanted to make sure I was fine. He opened his arms out as of to signal he wanted a hug. I went over to him and just cried a bit in his arms. I composed myself and released myself from Caleb' s arms. He looked at me and held my shoulders so that I was to face him.

Caleb said to me "Are you Ok? Is there anything I can do, even if you just want to talk?"

I said " I'm fine. I just, I don't know. I feel like i am just going to bring this whole group down. I just don't think I am good enough. I will go home and make us look like a bad group and everything. I guess I'm just not ready to be here", I shrugged wanting to cry again but holding it back.

He looked at me and shook his head "You are goijng to make this group look good, are you kidding me? You are so talented, you will win this whole thing. You are ready to be here, if you aren't then nobody is. You are going to go out there and kill it. Trust me", he finished.

I told him thanks and that he didn't have to do that because he didn't even know me and that it was really sweet of him to do that and I appreciated it, he said it was his pleasure.

We want out there, and didn't do that great, if I am going to be honest. But Caleb and the rest of the group said good job to everyone, the two other people in our group went home, we hugged and said sorry.

After shooting was over Caleb came up to me and asked "Do you want to go out, maybe I'll get to know more about you without all the tears?", he said sweetly and a bit jokingly.

I nodded then said "yes, of course. And sorry about earlier, really. Usually I don't cry on to people when I first meet them" I said as a joke.

He said "yeah, usually I don't let people I just met cry onto a clean shirt of mine" letting out a quick laugh, I laughed too.

I told him to meet me in like half an hour and then we could go. He said ok  and then we parted ways.

I don't know what really happened, but this is just something I felt like writing because there was none of these out there, that I could find. :)

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