Going Out

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Maddie's POV
I get a bit nervous leading up to hanging out with Caleb. I am always scared because I'm always embarrassed and shy. So, I like have trouble talking to new people, but once you get to know me I think I am totally different. We finally got situated and he walks over to me.

He asks me "Are you ready yey?", and smiles at me.  I smile back and say "Yeah, I think so, I am probably forgetting something, but it is too late now", honestly I always think I am forgetting stuff, but never am.

"Ok then" he says to me as we start heading for the exit. I can't handle awkward silence so I start up  conversation;

"Where are we going?"

"Honestly, I have no idea, I don't live anywhere near here or have any idea what time it even is, for things to be open", he looks at me at the end of his sentence like he is really confused. I laugh. "I think we should just walk until we see something that isn't...horrible?" He asks as if waiting for me to approve. I not my head and we start walking.

We talk about stuff leading up to idol and our home towns ad stuff. He is actually REALLY funny and makes me laugh really hard. He is doing great impressions and being sarcastic and just having fun with me. I kind of think I am being boring compared to him right now, but it doesn't really matter to me that much at this moment. I am just enjoying spending time with him.

After about 25 minutes we see a pizza place that is open and doesn't look like a gas station. He asks "Do you just want to go there?", he says pointing across the street to the pizza place.

I nod and reply "Yeah, sure, I think it is probably our best option", and look to him. We are at a cross walk and it says we have 7 seconds to cross. Caleb look at me and stretches his hand out for me to take.

I first I am reluctant, but I take it confused. He starts to half run to make to the other side the street and pulls me with him. As a follow him and get sudden adrenaline and realize how much fun I am having.

We walk into the pizza place and let our hands release from each others. We order our pizza and sit at a little table by the window. The chairs are wooden and stained gray with a matching wooden table. We told each other stupid dad jokes and stuff like that as we ate.

After we finish eating we start to walk back to our hotel. As we walk the 25 minutes back we start talking about more serious stuff. Like nerves about idol and feeling like ai can't do it and stuff. Also, like family and relationships. I really felt like I could trust him, even tough we really only just met, he felt kind of special. 

We are almost there and I start to feel how tired I am. I yawn and blink really hard. Caleb laughs a little probably not feeling it yet. As I am looking at him laughing I almost trip in a little divot in the sidewalk. He catches me and we start to laugh. But in hindsight I can't deny it didn't feel good in his arms.

When I am in my hotel room think about how much fun were having and how grateful I am to have made a friend here on American Idol. Ii kind of gave me more motivation to going in this competition. Whether it was just that he helped me see that I can do it or that I don't want to go home and leave him behind, it motivated me.


I haven't uploaded in a week, sorry. I'll try to update more. I appreciate you reading and Have a great day!!

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