A Day At The Park

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×× I'm just shooting out all the drabbles aren't I. This time: The Vantas Family! As the description entails, it was for a friend, hidden in the archive of my notes. It's relatively short, so yeah. Of course, there's a buttload of cursing, thankies to Karkitty. At the beginning, Karkat is 9 ½, while Kankri is 11. You, the reader, are 12 (and homeless, azdhlajbakflla)... Anywho, enjoy! ××


What a fine day for a walk in the park. For anyone who wasn't poor, little Karkat Vantas or his brother for that matter. He was standing in front of his wounded brother, defending him from the onslaught of assholes who decided it was fun to shove him from the high platform of the slide.

"Back off, you jerks! My brother's hurt and you're only making it worse!" He hollered, trying to slap their offending hands away. His brother, Kankri, older by a year and a half, had a horrible scrap on his knee, and a blood-stained hole in his fluffy sweater where his shoulder protruded. Kankri wasn't the one for violence, but he wished for nothing more but these bullies' demise. It was unjust.

"What are you gonna do, cry about it? Little Krabass Vantas can't do anything without his brother can he?"

"That isn't my name, you buttmunching bottom feeder! And I can too do plenty without him!" Something lapped at the back of his throat, and something stung at the back of his eyes. His head hurt as he stared holes into the three boys' skulls. Why couldn't they just leave?!

"If you can do something," the tallest one, Tyler said, he couldn't be no older than 11, four years older than Karkat. "Fight me!"

"I'm not wasting my bre--ah!" He certainly lost some of his breath when that fist collided with his stomach. He crouched, huddling just before his brother on his knees.

"K-Karkat!" Was all Kankri could mutter, his knee still too fragile for him to move closer. His shoulder was bleeding and as much as he wanted to do something he was rendered. When the bullies knee came up, that's when it happened in slow motion. A whisp of light gray and red invaded the space between the offenders and Karkat, who was still coughing and whimpering softly. Kankri stared in disbelief as long, messy brown hair stilled against the large gray hoodie of... A girl.


"If it isn't little Homely. Whatcha doing out of your cave, Homely?"

"Why are you bothering them? Don't you have anything better to do? And watching porn isn't anything better." His friends snickered while he ground his teeth. Kankri found this all very unsettling and with some force off of his leg, he grasped Karkat close and pulled him back.

"Listen, Homely, no one asked for you to be a hero an--"

"No one asked for your opinion." She threw a punch to his jaw, sending him sideways a bit. While his lackeys watched him stagger, she took handfuls of the right-most boy's shirt and threw him over her shoulder into the left-most boy. They toppled over Tyler and they fell, cursing and swearing on their mothers.

Kankri shuddered in disbelief, the pain in his shoulder still evident. Only Karkat managed to say something and even then, it was too quiet for anyone else to hear. The girl turned, her face now visible to the injured brothers.

Her face was marred with dirt and cuts, and the hoodie was baggy and torn at. Under the hoodie, she had a soft green camisole on, but it was dirtied and stained. She wore these denim shorts that came a little too close to her mid-thigh for Kankri's comfort, but he wouldn't say anything to their savior. Her knees were scabbed and parts of her legs, both calf and thigh were littered with scars. Her boots were the shiniest shade of red the boys had ever seen. She must've cared for them dearly because they were the cleanest of her outfit.

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