Scott POV

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(Trigger warning: Panic attack description, although it's not well written lol nothing in this book really is though honestly)

All three of us went back to a hotel. We decided to all share a room to spare expenses. Kevin and I would share a bed, and Avi and Esther would share a bed. This decision was easily made, although Avi and I were giggling to each other afterwards about how Kevin and Esther should've shared a bed.
When we were driving to the hotel, they were having an intense conversation about their life goals, which ended with Kevin, saying, "We're not that different, Esther, and I'd love it if we could get to know each other better." Esther had nodded, but Avi and I both saw the pinkish red tint spreading across her cheeks. Kevin was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and Avi and I were whispering and giggling like 10 year old girls who had just spotted a cute boy.

It was time for bed, and Kevin fell asleep easily at 9:00. I was still pretty shaken up by the whole hospital experience, and couldn't sleep. I laid in the bed for about an hour, sweating, before I had to walk around. I got out of bed, and quickly put a t shirt over my bare chest and jeans over my boxers. I paced around the hotel room for a little bit before running to the door.
I ran out of the room and into the hallway. It was brightly lit to an almost green, eerie setting. I let the door slam behind me, forgetting about the loudly snoring Kevin inside. I sat next to the hotel door in the hallway and tried to calm myself down. I was breathing heavily, and it felt like nothing was real. My vision started to fog, and I needed to grip something. I grabbed my forearm, and held onto it tightly. I squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to focus on reality. My heart pounded, and I felt like I could barely breathe. I felt like I was dying. The heartbeat monitor suddenly seemed to appear in my mind. This time, there was no heartbeat, my eyes were flooded with more tears- I had no idea I was crying before. In my mind, it was Alex who had crashed the car, and it had killed Mitch. "This is to punish you for being gay, I'll kill your little boyfriend and then maybe you'll learn." Alex's voice flooded my mind, and suddenly the hotel hallway became the school hallway. All of the students, whispering, trying to avoid me, some even laughing. Their voices and slurs seemed to form a swirling wall around me, and I was gripping my arm so tightly I felt like I was about to rip it off. Suddenly, a face appeared in front of me.
"Alex? Come to torment me more?!" I whisper screamed. Tears streamed down my face.
"Scott, it's just me."
I gasped. "Mitch? Oh my god, you're a ghost. I'm so sorry Alex punished me through you, you're gone, you're gone, you're gone and it's my fault all my fault." My words slurred together as I apologized.
"No. Scott, it's just me, Avi."
At the sound of his name, the wall of homophobic slurs broke down. The silent heart beat monitor disappeared, and the school hallway became the hotel hallway again. All that was in front of me was a pale, green eyed, bearded face.
"Avi!" I exclaimed. "Avi, what just happened to me?"
He crouched next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "I think you were having a panic attack of some kind."
"Avi.." I whispered, "I'm scared. This has never happened before."
He tightened his grip on my shoulders. "Well, Scott, it's been a crazy day."
I nodded, leaning on his shoulders. I let out all of my tears, and he simply let me cry on his shoulder.
"I miss Mitch, Avi."
"I think we might see him tomorrow, the hospital called and said that he woke up. That's why I was awake in the first place."
I sighed. "That's good, Avi."
"I know."
Avi stood up, and offered me his arm. I got up slowly, and wobbled before finally balancing.
"Do you want to sleep in my room?" Avi offered. I nodded briskly, and we walked into the hotel room.
From what we saw, Esther had moved from the other bedroom to Kevin and I's room, and was cuddled up, asleep, with Kevin. Avi and I turned to each other and basically squealed like mice. "Omg, Kesther is real!" Avi exclaimed quietly. I giggled softly before we walked into the room. I changed back into my boxers, and dove under the covers. Avi sat on the bed as I drifted off to sleep. "Can you sing me to sleep, Avi?" I asked. "Sure, I have a song in mind."
"Opera?" I asked.
"No, it's a song I wrote."
I smiled. "I can't wait to hear it."
"Close your eyes, lay your head down. Now it's time to sleep. May you find great adventure, as you lie and dream. If you're scared of the darkness, I will calm your fear. There's a light in the hallway, so you know I'm here."
I could hear Avi continue with the beautiful song, but I was tired, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

My longest chapter! I have a few things that I just want to talk about here, so be prepared. I originally had this whole story finished, but not published. However, afterwards I realized that it all came together too easily. I deleted everything after Mitch's car crash chapter, and rewrote it so he crashed, and nearly died. I wrote this chapter today, basically in a writing frenzy, and I was getting emotional because Scott's experience is similar to one I've had. Anyways, this is the last chapter I have written, so the rest might take a bit longer. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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