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I have never gazed into such beautiful eyes. They sparkle with such sorrow and longline, or at least that what I want them to be. I can only look at him for so long before I duck my head back into my book. My feet a propped on the coffee table, as my back curves in the chair. The book I am holding is still one the same page it was when he walked through the door. I think I'm getting some blue in the those eyes, but he face is slightly turned toward the teacher he's talk to. His hand slips into his side pocket, and a gentle smile grows to the corners of his cheeks.

The teacher walks away hurried as if she has to deliver an important message. The message that launches the entire plot in a movie, or the climax that changes everything. In high-school it can feel that way, everything is dire and right here, right now. Like the feeling of him glancing in my directions displaying that dazzling smile.

"Hey, when you're done with that book can I borrow it? The library has no more copies."

In my heart I pictured him saying that to me, but my eyes told me the truth.

"Yeah, I'm almost finished I can give to you 10th?" I posed it as a question, maybe because I was frail then.

"Cool, um you know" he lost his voice for a moment. "I've been trying to find a good book to read since I finish The Fountain."

"I love that book." I could have leaped from my seat.

"Yea I saw you reading that a while back..." For a moment there we both paused.

"It was my second time reading it." Then things got quiet. "I read a lot".

"Is that your favorite book?" he was sitting down now, leaning in because its second before the roller coaster plummets.

"No actually-"

I forgot about hot guy for the next 10 minutes. And then two hours after that conversation ended. We didn't talk about anything particularly interesting or profound. We just held each other attention for that moment. That moment would spiral in to many others, moments that we'd forgot and would get lost in the cosmos of our minds. Moments that we'll replay in our head when we are reflecting on our adolescence years later. We'd date for awhile, then learn that the little bubble we lived in, is bound to pop. Our lives will only become so much more after we graduate, and we were only holding each other back. So we'd eventually let go of each other and just kept the memories and the feeling so intense. That feeling of holding someone in your heart.

Imagine if I didn't let that moment flourish, if I had stayed slumped in my chair staring. I would have never had the memories and my heart would have only been broken when I realized the boy with that grin, had a boyfriend.

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