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I was born on the 3Oth of May, my parents were Mr and Mrs. Capuyan, I had 7 siblings and together all of us were 8. My father works as an Attorney as my mom stays with us at home. We were a happy family even though we were many, but as they say "The More the Merrier". Among all of us siblings, I was the only one born in Maternity as they were born at our house assisted by midwives. My name is Angeline but since I was little, they call me Angie and I am used of people calling me that. I had 3 brothers and 4 sisters and if you add me with them It'll be 8. My mom was smart, loving and sometimes strict, but that doesn't mean she's mean. Parents just get worried when something happens with their children, after all Mama doesn't want us to go home late at all.  My father was successful in his job and we were happy of him. My grandfather was Spanish but little could I remember that much memories of him. But I do remember him as a man with brown hair and blue eyes, he wasn't that tall but he was amazing! Sometimes he talks in Spanish which I couldn't understand as a kid. We lived in a not so big-not so small house in a small town in the province of Leyte in the Asian country, Philippines. My dad and mom were both half Filipinos which is why we are living in the Philippines. My father was half Chinese but his mom was Filipino, he met mama in a small town or Barangay called Libas, they both came from there but as soon as they got married they moved to Ormoc City in a small barangay called Barangay Can-Adieng where they made a 2 story house for us to live. It was fun being in a large loving family and I miss being with them. Oh wait, this is just the beginning of my story! Read to the next chapter...

The Story of My Life By: Angeline Capuyan AberillaWhere stories live. Discover now