A/N I'm sorry

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Hey guys

I'm so sorry iv disappeared for so long. I should of said something way earlier but I never got around to it.

No before you guys start freaking out, I'm still continuing this book.

I just wanted to explain why I haven't been updating.

So as you know at the start of the year I got accepted into the Tourism course. It was amazing at the start and I really enjoyed it but soon I got piles of 2000 word reports and multiple speech's I had to do one after another.

It got to the point I just didn't want to do anything and just sit in the darkest corner I could find and cry.

The amount of stress I was put under just sorta broke me. I struggle to stay awake and I was just tired all the time. Basically I couldn't do anything (the doctor said it was me spending to much time on my Xbox which I call bull on) So after not going to class for a few days I decided to withdraw from the course.

It's been about 3 weeks since I've been free and I've been able to think properly again, which hasn't happened in a long time.

But honestly I've been getting messages from people asking if I was ok and it literally just made me cry (happy crying!). I'm still getting myself in the right mindset but I'm in the middle of writing chapter 2.

Here's my proof:

I should probably stop talking now 😅

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I should probably stop talking now 😅

Anyway yes I'm coming back, just it's gonna take a little longer.



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