Part 5

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Hey guys, FINALLY got the internet back so I will upload as often as possible. I hope you like this part.. Really starting to get into it and loving writing it.. Stay tuned, I guess (: 
Also thanks for the last few comments and votes. You're all awesome :D


Tony yelped as Steve lifted him and started punching at his back. “Capsicle! Put me down! I’ve got work to do!” He tried to wriggle free of his arms. Stupid supersoldier. He thought as Steve carried him away from his work and towards the door. “Not a chance, Tony. You’re leaving this lab. Miss Potts and Jarvis are worried sick about you...” Steve didn’t mention anything about himself being worried as Tony continued to wriggle.
Tony soon realised that himself without the suit, or in fact any decent sustenance to give him energy, he couldn’t break free of Steve’s grip. I swear when I die I’m gonna punch my dad around the face... He thought to himself as he huffed and continued to put up a fight in Steve’s arms, struggling to break free.
Steve just simply shook his head as he ascended the stairs and climbed into the elevator, returning to Tony’s office and bar area at the top of the building, after a few moments of standing in the elevator being beaten by Tony.
Once there, Steve finally put Tony down and pulled away, immediately Tony tried to push past him and Steve simply held a hand out to stop him. He hated having to use his strength over Tony, but he decided that today was the day it was allowed.
“You’re not going down to the lab, Stark. The only places you are going are the kitchen; to eat. The bathroom; to shower. And your bedroom; to sleep, before you get any ideas of finding some girl.” He adds as Tony glares.
“Since when do you get to boss me around, Rogers?” Tony scoffed, Steve frowned and retorted a little angry. “Since; you made Pepper cry on my shoulder!”
Tony looked shocked and stayed silent for a minute, in the years he’d known Pepper he’d only seen her cry once. He looked down to his arc as he remembered being kidnapped and stutters out. “S-she cried?” It was quiet, small.
“Yeah, she’s worried sick about you and all you care about is going back to your lab.” Steve replied before sighing, seeing Tony small for once. “She just wants you to eat and sleep... Just make sure you’re okay, that’s all. Will you do it? Please?”
With that Tony nodded gently and fiddled with his hands, but he didn’t attempt to move. He could feel tears rising and the lump in his throat return, he tried to hold it back and failed as the tears slipped free and he felt himself crumble once more.
Steve froze seeing Tony completely break down. What do I do? Tony isn’t exactly the most emotional person, in fact the only emotion I’ve ever seen is anger and his usual self. Crap, Steve... Just hug him, comfort him. Do something. With that Steve moved to Tony and silent pulled him into his arms, he hated seeing him like this. So broken, so un-tony.
He stood for a minute just holding him allowing Tony to cry into his shoulder until he started to snivel and his hands came up at last and balled in Steve’s shirt.  He lifted him into his arms as Tony’s tiredness took over and he sunk into Steve’s warmth. Steve moved to the couch. Should I lay him down or..? Tony answered the question as if he could read Steve’s mind when he snuggled closer and yawned into his neck, his eyes drooping.  I guess... I’m a pillow. He thought as he sat slowly, careful not to wake Tony as he did and gently laid back on the couch, allowing Tony to curl up on his chest, watching him as he snivelled and sunk into sleep with ease. Yeah, ‘I’m not tired, Steve... I’m fine... I just want to work’ right. Told you, you needed to sleep Tony. He thought as he watched him.
Tony looked... Adorable; if a little messy. And Steve was in awe as he watched him sleep, listening to his soft gentle snores. They were sweet and probably due to the fact Tony had been crying, but Steve loved it.
He took in his rough dark skin, covered in soot and grease and smiled a little. Typically Tony, he thought to himself as he watched him. Get absolutely filthy and fall asleep before you wash it off. He chuckled a little, a deep chuckle making Tony mumble and fidget in his sleep. Steve froze when he moved, he didn’t want to wake Tony. He was exhausted and needed to rest. Steve wondered what to do as he moved and involuntarily moved a hand to his hair and began to play with it, making Tony silent apart from his gentle snores once more.
Steve let out a deep breath. Thank god he didn’t wake up... But now... He looked to his hand that was stroking Tony’s hair gently and just simply stared for a while. His hair was extremely soft and had that tousled look to it, this time more tousled, but still it made Tony look even cuter. Steve couldn’t resist as he began to twirl a lock of Tony’s hair between and around his fingers, he found himself content to stay there and just watch Tony sleep. Look over him, make sure no one woke him and, Steve thought about the word for a moment, but he most definitely was cuddling Tony, there was no other way of putting it and Steve loved that idea. He didn’t know why but he thought for a moment, and looked around.
He spoke in a whisper “Jarvis are you there?” The artificial intelligence unit that run Stark towers came through in a lower tone than usual, clearly noting he shouldn’t wake Tony. “Yes, Captain Rogers, I am here. How may I help?” He heard the British accen say and suddenly Steve felt silly for saying it to a fake person but he knew he had too. “Jarvis, I’d prefer if you didn’t tell anyone about the whole... Cuddling situation that’s happening right now.”
“Of course, sir... No one will find out.” Jarvis states as Steve feels a little blush creep up his neck and into his cheeks. “Thank you, Jarvis...” He stated and looked back to Tony watching as he slept and holding him close.
Steve took in Tony’s features a little smile on his face as he did. He looked down to his shirt, which Tony’s hands were balled into, his grip not loosening at all even though he was sleeping. Steve smiled wider at his hands and sighed as Tony fidgeted and buried his face in Steve’s chest, curling up further and whimpering a little. Steve frowned and on instinct tangled his hand in his hair, his fingers splayed through the locks and he fiddled with them individually and he quietly cooed down to him. “Shhh... It’s okay...”

Tony soon settled and Steve smiled, resting his head on Tony’s as a yawn slipped free. Oh, excuse me... He thought I must have over worked myself this morning during the work out... I could just... With that his eyes drooped, Tony was warm and having him close just made Steve want to doze off with him, his last thought before he sunk into sleep was about Tony; I could stay cuddled with him forever. 

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