Mr. Overprotective

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"So, what are we going to do for your birthday, missy," Jared asked me, putting his hand at the small of my back as we were strolling down the beach.

"You're asking me? Weren't you supposed to be the mastermind behind all the planning?" I asked cheekily.

"Hmmm, so you're letting me decide?"

"I'm letting you surprise me. But a nice surprise. Nothing like a romantic dinner or those clichés," I said and he was surprised at my comment.

"So basically you stopped being a romantic soul..."

"HA HA Leto... You know what I mean. It's one time of the year, and I think I should at least deserve something outstanding on that day at least," I didn't even think I would have to go this much in detail about what I should get for my birthday. Jared and I have been married for 5 years now, and not once for all that time did he disappoint me with his surprises.

"Well, haha back atcha Mrs. Leto, I was just testing your patience. You're becoming quite a nervous wreck lately," Jared teased me, and I nudged him, before he wrapped his arm around me and brought me closer to his embrace. We were walking by the beach, heading home from an evening walk.

Suddenly his phone rang and he let go of me to answer. It was his brother, Shannon. While they were talking, I was walking next to Jared quietly, only to have a man that was rushing by me almost knock me over, because he wasn't looking where he was going. Barely able to maintain my balance I shouted, "Hey, watch it!"

Seeing that the guy didn't even flinch, let alone said he was sorry, Jared's eyes darkened, and he told Shannon to hold up a second. I knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Hey dude?!" Jared shouted, and the guy turned around.

"What?" the guy asked rudely, and spread his arms like he wanted to start a fight.

"You almost knocked my wife down, you could at least say you're sorry," Jared said.

"Whatever dude," the guy dismissed him and just walked away. He really was in a hurry.

Jared wanted to go after him but I tugged his arm, stopping him from making a scene. Turning his head around, he looked down at my grip, then up in my eyes and was shocked by the sight. I was persistent and wouldn't let go, until I saw him calm down.

Once his body relaxed and he exhaled, I released his forearm saying, "Seriously? You were just gonna go after him like that?"

"He was disrespectful of you, and he deserved to be taught a lesson," Jared said matter-of-factly.

"Oh my God, you would seriously start a fight for him bumping into me like that?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"He almost knocked you over. If you hadn't been farther from the curb, you could've ended up under a car... I don't even want to think about that," Jared was worried sick and I had no idea something so small would ticked him off so much.

Looking down, I noticed he was still holding his phone, and I realized Shannon just heard everything. Pointing to his hand, I also signaled with my eyes that he should probably talk to Shannon again.

"O shit... hey bro," Jared said and started to argue with Shannon. I assumed Shannon was saying the exact same thing as I was, since the two of us were such kindred spirits. Where Jared burst into flames, the two of us were there to calm him down and weather the storms whenever that was necessary. "Stop telling me to relax..." he just kept fighting with Shannon, because you couldn't tell which of the two was more stubborn.

I came to him, tugged the phone out of his hand saying, "He'll talk to you later, Shan," then I hung up. Jared was flabbergasted at my action. I don't think I've ever given myself the right to treat him like that, but I just couldn't stand him yelling at his own brother for a nonsense like this.

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