Amber and I

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I'm sitting at the kitchen table bored out of my mind when Elizabeth walks in and tells me she's going over to Ashton's to see April.
"Can I come!?" I say
"Ashton's not home" she says shrugging.
I frown and sigh.
"Why don't you call Amber?" she says grabbing an apple and walking outside.
Duh. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts.

To: Amber :)

Hey! we haven't gotten the chance to hang out just you and I! Wanna come over?

From: Amber :)

YES I'm on my way. :)))))

To: Amber :)


I smile and toss my phone on the couch as I run upstairs to get dressed. I throw on a teal tank top and jean shorts. Then I braid my hair down my back in a fishtail bread. After I do my makeup I smile excitedly, then run downstairs and plop down on the couch. 5 minutes later there's a knock on the door. I open it and Amber is standing there rocking back and forth on her heels, biting down on her lip and glancing down the road nervously.
"Amber?" I say curiously.
"Oh!" she says realizing I opened the door. She comes inside, drops her bag on the floor and then runs to the window to look outside. I raise my eyebrows.
"Ok what are you doing?"
"Huh? oh Ashton's outside." she says
I tilt my head and walk to the window."Liz said he wasn't home."
"He is now." she says
"Amber are you...spying on Ashton?" I say smirking. No answer she just stares out the window biting down on her lip again. "Why are you spy- O MY GOD wait a second. Amber do" I ask grinning.
"What no!" she yells.
"Yes you do!" she blushes.
"Do not."
"Yes you- o my god is that Luke?!" I say as I glance out the window. She spins around and we both peer out the window.
"Hey yeah it is- o my god they see us!" Amber yells as we duck down.
"Guys we can see you!" Luke yells from outside.
I smile. Unfortunately Amber saw that smile and she grins at me evilly. She grabs my wrist and pulls me put the door.
"Amber no!" I yell as I try to run back inside.
"Olivia?" Luke says behind me. I whip around.
"Hey Luke!" I say nervously. I look over at Amber and she's staring at Ashton while he twirls his car keys around his finger. I elbow her and she shakes her head turning back to Luke and I.
"Ashton and I are gonna grab lunch, Michael and Calum are busy you guys wanna come?" Luke asks casually ignoring our weird behavior.
"We-" I start but Amber cuts me off.
"We can't we have plans."
"We do?" Amber glares at me. "Ah! yes yes we do!" I reply nodding my head.
"Ok?" Luke says. Ashton narrows his eyes at us.
"Ok! Well we better get going." Amber says grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside, slamming the door shut behind us. She shakes her head as she paces around the hallway. I giggle and stare at her wide eyed.
"What was that?" I say smirking.
"Sorry! I just couldn't be around him anymore I look like an idiot."
"I thought you guys hated each other?" I say
She shakes her head. "He hates me. I just put on an act so he doesn't know but it's getting worse. Every time I'm around him I get butterflies in my stomach and my palms get all sweaty and I don't know what to say." She rambles.
"Ok he does not hate you." I reply
"Whatever it's not a big deal can we just move on?" she asks plastering a smile across her face.
"Sure." I say putting my hands up in defense.
We end up going to the mall. I'm sipping on my Starbucks while I glare at Amber. She's staring at herself in the mirror of wet seal. She had been for 45 minutes. I sigh.
"I'm sorry ok! I have been feeling really self conscious lately. I don't know what to get!" I pick up a tank top next to me. It had this giant picture of buzz light year on it. I hold it up to her jokingly and raise my eyebrows. She laughs. I smile and throw it back on the bench.
"Amber you literally look flawless in everything you've tried on today." I say sincerely. She grins at me and holds up two pairs of jean shorts, a black and a white pair. I point to the black pair and take another sip of my Starbucks. She drops the white pair on the bench and sighs in relief. Then she picks up all her stuff and walks to the check out. I do a fist pump and whisper "yes!"
"I heard that" she says. I walk up to her at the counter and she turns to me.
"Thank you." she says
"For what?"
"Being my friend. You know I've never had a friend to go shopping with."
I smile "Me either" I reply grinning as I nudge her with my elbow playfully. After we pay we walk out of the store and we both stop to check our phones. "Ok" Amber says. "We can either go to Aeropostale or we can grab some pizza because honestly I am starving!"
"Shut up!" I whip around.
"Did you hear that" I ask Amber
"Hear what?" she says looking up from her phone.
"Never mind" I say as I look around suspiciously. "Let's get pizza"
"Yes!" she runs off and I giggle as I jog after her.

"Sooo" Amber says raising her eyebrows at me while we eat our pizza.
"How are you and Luke?" I choke on the water I was drinking.
"What!?" I say
"Oh come on we've had this conversation before. It's so obvious you guys like each other."
I shrug "no I don't" she rolls her eyes .
"O my god is that him?" I whip around and there's Luke, leaning up against the wall across the food court. Ashton is standing right next to him looking around. I make eye contact with Ashton and he quickly looks away.
"C'mon" I tell Amber as I grab her arm and pull her towards them.

Ashton's P.O.V.
"Dude how much longer are we gonna be here?" Luke asks. I ignore him. "We can't spy on them all day." he sighs and looks back down at his phone. I look back over at Olivia and Amber and they whip around to look at me. I accidentally make eye contact with Olivia and I look away quickly.
"Luke I think they saw me what do I do?" I say nervously. He sighs.
"Just stay here I'm not hiding again they already almost saw us when you told me to shut up outside of wet seal." He says
I look back over at them and see them walking our way. "Crap they're coming over here be cool!" I tell Luke. He looks up at Olivia nervously. I laugh as I watch him realize he'll have to talk to Olivia. He had this massive crush on her. ALL HE TALKS ABOUT IS OLIVIA. She's pretty cool. I like her. As a friend. He rolls his eyes.
"Don't make a fool of yourself in front of Amber" he teases trying to scare me. I gulp.
"Hey guys what are you doing here?" Olivia says casually as she bounces up to us.
"Just hanging out!" Luke says a little to quickly. I sigh.
"What are you guys doing here?" I say trying to break the tension. I look over at Amber who's staring at the ground. She hates me.
"Same as you" Olivia says giggling.
"Cool" Luke says while scratching the back of his neck. He does that when he's nervous.
"Well.." I say awkwardly.
"Yeah we better get going" i say as I look over at Luke.
"Yeah us to" Olivia says as. She nudges Amber.
Amber looks up at us, annoyed. Again, she hates me. "Yeaaaah." she says dragging out the word. They walk away and Olivia glances back at Luke. Luke waves at her like an idiot. I sigh. "I made a complete fool of myself" I tell Luke.
"At least you didn't pretend to hate her like you normally do." he replies


Amber ended up sleeping over. It was 10:00 and Amber and I were sitting on the couch watching Pitch Perfect and munching on popcorn when Liz walked in.
"Mom!" she screams "can April stay the night?!"
"I don't care" mom yells back
In walks April with all her stuff already packed.
"Hey April" Amber and I both say.
"Hey guys" she replies smiling.
"So!" Liz says as they both plop down on the couch. "You knoooow... Olivia's birthday is next satuuurddayyyy!"
"What!? o my god and you never told me?!" Amber yells.
"We should have a party!" she yells as she jumps up from the couch.
"Amber it's not a big deal-"
"Shut up" she says waving her hands at me. I laugh at her
"It has to be huge! will you help me Liz?!" she yells.
"Of course I'll help Amber!" Liz says as she sticks her tongue out at me.
I roll my eyes. "Guys I'm only turning- o my god I'm turning 16!"
They all stare at me "Duh."
"Fine" I say smirking.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Comment if you liked this chapter or not because honestly I'm not feeling good about this chapter lol so sorry if it's bad! Also comment if you would like to hear a portion of the story in a certain persons point of view and predict what you think will happen! I already have the next 4 or 5 chapters planned out I just have to write them! Bye guys! ;)

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