Chapter 1

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Isaac's point of view

He drove silently with a slight grin plastered on his face. He shaked his head at the memory of the quivering  scientist. He loved it when he had that sort of effect on people.

He drove aimlessly for what seemed like a lifetime. He eventually ended up at his ex-wifes house.

"What am I doing here he thought aloud?". But subconsciously he knew the reason why.

The truth is that he needed someone to confined in. Someone who he trusted.

I climbed out of my car, walked briskly up the path and gingerly knocked on the door.

Alice opened the door with a look of surprise painted on her face. " What are you doing here Isaac? " She sounded annoyed. Had I  interrupted something or had I forgotten something. Either way it wasn't good. I stood their awkwardly with a baffled expression on my face.

"What are you doing here Isaac?" She repeated in an impatient tone.

Damn it, it's my turn to take the kids. How could I forget. I inwardly groaned.

"I'm here to collect the kids, you didn't think I forgot did you?"

She moved to the side so I could enter, clearly satisfied with my answer. I flashed one of my charming grins and went inside.

I stood be the stairs and waited for James and Samantha to pack.

I was building up the courage to tell Alice of my recent activities with the scientist Lawrence, when a strange man suddenly came out of the kitchen. We eyed each other wearily. Who the hell was he?

"Oh yeah, Isaac this is Dimitri, Dimitri this is Isaac" I politely greeted the man. How did she forget to mention that.

James slandered down the stairs. Before I had a chance to tell Alice. "Hey dad"

James was 16 years old and a carbon copy of his old man. He was the eldest of his father's children.

"Daddy" a high pitched  scream filled the hall. This brought a genuine smile to my face. Sam was  5 years old, she is my little angel. My children meant the world to me.

They said their goodbyes as I bundled them out of the door.

James was complimenting the interior of my car. I told him I would let him drivw it once he passed his driving test. His face lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.  I laughed heartily at his  expression. We were about to drive away, when Alice knocked on the driver window.

"Hey" She used that sweet tone, the one she used when she wanted something.

"Yes" now it was my turn to be impatient.

"I was wondering if you could take the kids for an extra week. It's just that Dimitri is taking me to Paris next week." Seeing my disinterested expression she quickly added, " please, I would be really grateful"

I nodded my acknowledgment and re-entered my car.

I presume the only reason she is with Dimitri is for the money. That's the reason why she married me. My heart ached at the memory.

"Guess what kids, it looks like I've got you for another week". A chorus of cheers filled the car, I laughed at their delighted expressions.

Inside I burned with anger, she needs to take more responsibility. But I guess that some people will never change.

My children are better off without her, I will personally see that it happens.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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