☆In his eyes☆

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The beauty of a man must be seen from within his eyes, because it's the doorway to his heart, where love awakens. It's a cold winter night and he's sitting next to me in our secrete cabin in the middle of the forest. We always use to come here when we were younger, and soon it became our spot. I always had a silly crush on him, but when high school struck I fell into a bottomless pit filled with his fragrance.

"What's on your mind ?" He caught me staring , and I blush.

My heart skips a beat as he places his big, rough hand onto my cheeks, a million fairies dancing beneath his palm. A sudden sadness overwhelms me. How will i ever be able to tell him the truth. My love for him is like a raging fire, to powerful and strong for anyone to extinguish. A fire that can survive any winds, rain or storm, withstand any pain.

"Nothing important." I lie, staring into his eyes. A smile so sweet, yet it saddens me, a blade ripping through my heart. His eyes tell the truth yet his words say other wise. Fear lurks beneath his eyes, I don't know why, but it makes me wonder. Sorrow shadows his posture but love reflects his voice. I feel like autumn, confused. The trees shaking of their unwanted leaves, the leaves not knowing why. The daisies busy dying just because the lived during summer.

"Don't lie to me dear." He says after a moment of silence. My heart beats rise and my palms get sweaty, I love him but he's not allowed to know, winter overwhelms me and and the pale color spreads through my body, the trees are naked and vulnerable, I feel naked. The daisy died and the sun hides away.

"Nothing I promise." I tell him with a faint voice. He makes me weak, the glaze in his eyes. Suddenly his warm lips are teasing the skin of mine. My heart stops but I fall into his embrace. Two souls colliding for a moment, becoming one and dancing the same song. Note by note. A warmness spread through me like spring sun breaking through the clouds, taking away the sorrow, warming the earth and germinates the daisies. A new beginning. He takes me into a deeper kiss, tugging at my hair. I can't do this, I'm not suppose to but I can't stop. It will ruin my parents.

I back away slowly breaking up the kiss and I see the teasing grin in his eyes, he chuckles and I feel the excitement of summer. The ocean breeze, the ice cream and the warm sun. Daisies in full bloom and the trees as green as ever. He nibbles on my upper lip, me wanting more. Yet he will never be mine, his heart will always belong to the next.

"We have to head home." I say.

Winter striking again.

Yet the summer rain will fall soon.

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