Mine? his?

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-Blaine pov-
Most of the glee club had to leave due to it being a school night. The only ones here are Me, Rachel, Finn, Puck, Quinn, and Thad....then Hunter walks in
"Hello lovely people" he smiles while we all glare
I get up and get in his face "leave Hunter"
Hunter frowns "why are you being so mean?" He quickly smirks "after all I am the dad of this child after all"
"What do you mean?" Hunter turns and we see Sebastian behind Hunter looking confused
"I was with her for a one night stand late one night 3 months ago I think it was" he smirks "she was upset and a little tipsy"
I grab Hunter by the collar "why are you lying Hunter?"
"He's not" we all turn to seb
-Sebastian pov-
I remember back to her coming back. Head down ashamed of something. She cried for hours. She would never tell me. Now I know why.
"You remember now" I look at Hunter and see his smirk "you saw her walk of shame into your former house my new one"
"I gotta go back" I walk to the room they are putting her in after surgery and wait
-Blaine pov-
I push Hunter away "SIT NOW!" Hunter flinches and sits "we'll find out who's the dad" I hope it's not Hunter
-Sebastian pov-hour later-
They push in a wide awake Santana "hey sebby"
I wave and the doctor looks at us "the other kid is ok now she'll be ready hopefully in 5 months and there is no other problems"
I nod "thank you doc"
He smiles "no problem kids" he walks out
"So Seb how are-"
I cut her off "did you sleep with Hunter?" Im met with silence and look up at her "did you?"
She looks over frozen in shock "I didn't want you to-"
"WE HAD-" I lower my voice "we had one small fight and you get drunk and have sex with Hunter?"
She turns and looks at her hands "I'm sorry Seb"
"So is this kid even mine?" Once again I'm met with silence I pick up my chair and throw it "IS IT MINE?"
She looks up in tears "I don't know"
I put my hands on my waist and shake my head "I come back because I love you just to find out I'm more then likely not the kids dad" I take off my ring and place it beside her "I'm gone find me if it's mine or you love me more" I run out to the waiting room
"Seb?" I turn toward the group
"She has or had twins ones alive others dead I don't know anymore" I look at Hunter "guess what? you finally beat me Hunter!" I run out of the hospital
-Hunter pov-
Thad runs after Seb, then puck and Finn. Rachel walks over to Quinn
"We are gonna see Santana" the two girls go to see Santana
"I should feel like I won over him" I look at the ground "so why do I feel like I lost?"
"Because you destroyed a couple who loved each other more than anything" I turn toward Blaine "you destroyed a family"
I look at the ground again "I...I feel...bad"
I see a hand in front of my face and I look up to see Blaine "how about we fix that and figure out what happened that night"
I grab hold of his had and stand up "alright"
He smiles "where was the first place?"
I think about it for a little bit "get the guys we are going to have to look at the cameras In a bar"

Smooth criminal = love? {completed}Where stories live. Discover now