Encounters with the 'Past'

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Kiara scrambled to her paws. Her teeth bared into a snarl. "What are you doing in the Pridelands, Outlander?" She growled. Vitani was still slightly stunned, but she flinched back slightly at her tone. 

Vitani raised her head defiantly. "Sorry Princess, I don't like to follow the rules that your precious royal family come up." She chuckled with a dismissive flick of her tail. 

Kiara wrinkled her nose up. "I hate when people call me Princess..." She muttered as she gave Vitani a small glare.

Vitani laughed. "But, you are technically a princess." She pointed out. Her gaze softening as she watched Kiara wrinkle her nose again. She sighed as she looked behind her, back towards the gazelle she had killed. "I should be getting out of here before your big bad pride come." She sneered as harshly as she could, though it was quite weak. She flicked her tail before leaping onto a rock. 

"Wait!" Kiara exclaimed as she scrambled up beside her. Vitani took in a sharp breath as their pelts brushed. "I have to escort you. After all, you are an Outlander on Prideland territory." Kiara said with a slightly exaggerated puff of her chest. 

"There isn't enough room on this rock for both of us." Was all Vitani managed to snarl as she lunged towards the ground again. Her chest felt more free after Kiara wasn't beside her, and she managed to breathe a little easier. "Anyways, I can 'escort' myself to the border.." She protested. She hoped that Kiara would back down, as she didn't need to see the kill she made on the Pridelands.

Kiara shook her head. "My father would kill me if I let an Outlander wander on our territory unsupervised." She retorted as she leaped down beside Vitani.

"Doubt that he would kill you." Vitani shot back, though she started moving towards the border. The silence was comfortable and she felt rather safe. As she started relaxing she reached the border of the Outlands. She felt her shoulders sag as she crossed the border. She turned back towards Kiara, who looked like she wanted to say something. "Spit it out then." Vitani growled, though she held a soft grin on her facial features.

Kiara took in a small breath before she faced Vitani. "Would you like to... I don't know.. M-" She cut off her sentence as there was a small roar of excitement from behind Vitani.

Vitani realized she was holding her breath to hear what Kiara would say as she turned around to see Kovu bounding down the slope, bounding over to Kiara and nuzzling her. Vitani gave a small sigh as Kiara looked rather happy to see him too. She gave a small dip of her head before she bounded off. Her limbs stretching to the point that she was moving too fast away from the border.

She growled in frustration as  she had to turn back around and started trotting towards the border, a little ways away from where she left the two lovebirds, so that she could retrieve her food. She ignored the ache in her chest as she thought about the way her brother looked at Kiara. 

She growled as she lunged at a rock, clawing at it's surface in frustration before she crumpled beside the rock face. She felt a couple of tears stinging her eyes, threatening to spill out. She got up and wiped her eyes with her paws. 'I don't feel that way about anybody.' She thought defiantly as she bounded into the Pridelands. She was moving surely towards the kill spot, and eventually found it again. She grabbed up the fawn and started to drag it again. 

She twitched her ears as she scanned the area around her. Her gaze stopped as she saw two shapes, one darker, the other honey golden. She bit back a growl as she noticed the shapes instantly. Kovu was affectionately licking Kiara's pelt. Kiara was letting him, occasionally giving his pelt a couple of licks. 

Vitani felt her claws dig into the terrain beneath her paws. Her teeth gritted before they snapped down on the gazelle's neck, crunching bones. She growled lowly as she dragged away her prey. Her tail twitching irritably. After about a half hour of dragging the difficult gazelle, she managed to cross the border. She pushed away the image in her head, and continued on towards the den. 

Her paws padded on the rocky ground, but the going was easier and she managed to get to the den rather quickly. She glanced around and realized that Kovu wasn't home yet. She gave a small sigh before she spotted Zira padding towards her. Her mother sniffed the prey. 

"You could have done better." She snorted. "But, it will do for now." Vitani gave a small nod and placed it down beside a rock. She grabbed off a small chunk of flesh and padded to a secluded area she went to sometimes when she wanted to be left alone. She settled down on the cool earth, and gazed down at the small stream before looking up into the tree's branches above her. She gave a small grin as she looked at a couple of stubborn flowers, despite the hostile environment, growing strongly. 

She started eating, slowly chewing through the flesh. Once she was done she laid her head down on her paws. Eventually, her world went dark and she slept in the shade of the tree as the sun ventured out of the sky, making way for the moon. 

It was dark when she was awoken by the patter of paws. She glanced up sleepily, looking at the darker shape trotting towards her happily. "Kovu..." She complained. "I'm tired." She stretched her jaws wide in a big yawn. 

Kovu sat beside her with one of the gazelle's bones. "She isn't like any lioness here." He started. Vitani sighed as she glanced towards him.

"This subject again?" She sighed. Kovu tilted his head, obviously confused. 

"You said I could talk to you if I wanted to, about her." He insisted with a pleading look in his eyes. 

Vitani rolled her eyes. "I did say that..." She muttered. "You could just call Princess by her name, you know." 

Kovu shook his head. "No, that means that if somebody overheard, they would know." He growled.

Vitani gave a small growl. "She isn't an object." She growled. "Her name is Kiara." Her tail lashed slightly.

Kovu brought his face a little bit closer, challenging Vitani. "Why do you care so much?" He snarled. 

Vitani was slightly taken aback. "I don't." She muttered weakly. She gave him a swipe over his ear. "If you really like her, you should have the guts to say her name. Don't be a coward." Was all she added before she laid her head back on her paws. As her brother rambled on, he didn't use Kiara's name. She felt a glimmer of hope, but whenever she looked at his eyes, the happiness in them made her chest ache, so she looked away. 

A/N: Well, another chapter out! I could really use suggestions, or just opinions on the story. It is hard coming up with inspiration. XD

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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