I'vwe gotta hide it.

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Cronus pov

All my life i have always felt abandoned. On top of that Mituna is the only troll I have a quadrant with, and he's my black quad. I act cool, calm, and collected around other trolls, especially around Tuna and Kankri. Why, well I don't want Tuna to think I'm weak, and I have a flush crush on Kankri. Soooooooooooooooooo...

*knock knock knock*

I was pushed out of my thoughts by the knock on my hive.

"Giwve me a minute!" I called, while putting on my jacket to hide all the dark purple lines. "You can come in," Kankri opens the door and walks in.

"Well hell9 Cr9nus," he said nervously.

"S'up Kank, if I did anythin triggerin, let me knovw, k"

"N9, it was Damara, she p9sted s9mething very triggering, and I kn9w that y9u will listen t9 me, s9 I came here t9 rant," I just nodded my head and patted the spot next to me on the couch.

"9h, 6y the way, Cr9nus I have n9ticed that y9u like t9 wear y9ur jacket al9t m9re," at this I hesitated and looked down at my wrists "9h n9, did I trigger y9u?" "No, I just really like it I guess," Kankri just nodded and then started his rant.

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