Chapter Twenty: Day of the Dead

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Erick slid his hand to the inside of my thigh. I stopped him.

"As much as I'd love that, I am not having sex in a car," I said.

He laughed. "Okay, okay. We probably need to put that on pause, anyway."

"Probably," I agreed. "Also, I really need to get home. I've gotta wake up early to help finish setting up for the dance."

"What are you going dressed as?" Erick asked. "I'm going as Gatsby."

I looked at him. "Really? Well, I'm going as a sugar skull bride."

"What about everyone else?" he asked.

"Well, Scarlett is going as Jessica Rabbit, Phoebe is gonna be a 50's girl, Lydia and Damian are going as Edward and Bella, and Brittany is going as Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure about the other guys. Phoebe may have talked Kaide into being Batman, but I really don't know." I replied with a chuckle.

After that, I went inside and go in bed. But I couldn't sleep. I was so excited for the dance tomorrow night. No one was home though, and it kind of gave my basement bedroom a creepy vibe. After I'd killed Brian, I could swear he was haunting me. Things would move from where I'd placed them, I'd find items that I didn't own laying around. Once or twice, I swore there was wolfsbane in my tea.

I was almost asleep when I heard something smash into the wall by the stairs. I did not hesitate to snatch my phone up and call Erick.

"Erick there's something in my house please get here soon," I whispered quickly into the phone. "Just get here fast, please."

Then I shrieked as the blankets flew from my bed. I pushed myself to very corner. This was definitely Brian. And if he was going to have the power to torment me, it would be these next three days that he'd be strong enough to do it: Halloween day, the day before, and the day after.

It was eerily quiet. Then suddenly my foot was yanked out from underneath me and I was in my floor. I got up as fast as I could and started to run up the stairs. Again, my feet were pulled from under me. This time, my face smacked into the concrete steps. I got back up and ran to the door. Suddenly I remembered something Mr. Hernanchez taught us about ghosts: salt could protect me. All I needed to do was get to the kitchen. And I did. As soon as I had the cylindrical container in my hand, I bolted back downstairs and created a barrier of salt around my bed. I sat and waited for Erick, leaving him more voicemails.


Oh this was glorious. She couldn't even see me. I had her terrorized. I was throwing her all over the place and it was such a thrill! I couldn't feel more alive...for a ghost, that was. When I tried to go back downstairs, though, something stopped me. It was like a force field or something. I looked down. Salt.

I growled and pounded pointlessly on the invisible wall. I paced back and forth, trying to think of a way to get her out. A vase ended with a loud, shattering noise as it burst at the base of the stairs. More vases, picture frames, met their end as I picked them up and threw them. Athena shrieked every time there was another crash.

Then an even greater idea occurred to me. I made myself appear to her so that she could hear me.

"Okay Athena. If you don't come out in, say, two minutes, I'll burn your house down," I threatened. I already had matches in my hand and I was walking to the garage to find some gas. "You have from the time I get back," I called over my shoulder.

I came back and noticed that the salt in her doorway was perpherated. I smiled. I turned around, still wearing my smirk, to find Athena holding a shotgun. I assumed they were iron shells filled with salt. Shit.

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