● C H A P T E R 1 ●

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Chapter one: Slight Turbulence

I was sitting on a plane, which is flying in the direction of New York City after a long mission on solving and killing witches in upper state, when I hear a storm brewing outside. I look away from the book I was reading and glance across the man, sitting next to me, through the window at the clouds, and let me tell you it did not look good at all.

I look back at my book, thinking it was just average weather clouds, when I see the man, sitting next to me, breathe on the window. And then I see it, the symbol that appears when you apply any of the four elements to it. The symbol that magic is present. I knew of this because I've been alive for 780 years and also because of what the witch counsel has told me. I'm on my way to New York because one of the Dolan brothers, Dolan the 36th, has requested my presence and help, and I also live there.

I hear the man whisper, "Magic." To himself, and then wipes the window with his hand. I look away, in shock that another human being knows about magic other than myself, but then again I'm not completely human.

I looked through the corner of my eye and saw him quickly grab a booklet and remove a staple and straighten it out, then he looked towards me, "Excuse me, ma'am?" He called.

I looked at him, before answering, "Oh, hi. Can I help you?" I asked. He froze as he saw my face. I looked at him confusedly, "Are you okay?"

He snapped out of his trance and smiled at me, "Are you going to finish that water?" He asked me.

"Nope, you can have it if you want." I gave a small smile.

He took it and smiled graciously at me. I went back to my book but still kept an eye on him. He put the staple in the water, looked around and got up from his seat. He apologised when he walked passed me to get to the aisle and started going to the front, probably following the direction of the staple. I got up and followed him a few minutes after, just went right passed him to the bathroom stall, but never went in. I stood in the doorway, watching him so calmly converse and fix the problem.

All of a sudden the plane started to shake and jerk, people started panicking and gripped onto their seats or placed their seatbelts on. I just stood there as if it was a normal plane drive and nothing was happening at the moment. Then things started calming down and settling, after the plane has come to a complete calmness, I went back to my seat but bumped into him by accident. He caught me before I could fall and looked into my eyes for a moment. His eyes were a dark shape of brown but in this lighting you could almost mistake it as black, like the midnight sky. I looked and pulled away from him, then I thanked him before walking off and taking a seat.

I saw him talking to one of the flight attendants, but went back to reading my book. A few minutes later he came back and took his seat beside the window. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't get it out.

He took a deep breath then turned to me with an outstretched hand, "I'm Kaulder, by the way." He said.

I glanced at his outstretched hand for a moment before taking it, "Hi, I'm Kiara." I said as I shook his hand.

I turned back to my book, when he suddenly spoke, "I haven't been to Britain in a long time."

To say I looked shocked was an understatement. Nobody has ever, besides the British, have ever gotten my facial features or accent right before, they always took me for someone who was American. "How'd you know I was British, I could just be a sophisticated American? I haven't had an accent in years. Most people assume I'm American because the world is stereotypical and they believe half of the people that populates the Earth is American." I state.

"I've been travelling for a long time, I've picked up a few things here and there." He says with a smirk.

No shit Sherlock, obviously you would because you travelled, I thought to myself, mentally rolling my eyes at his vagueness.

I just nod in response. "I'd like to get to know you more." He says.

Before I can respond, the intercom comes on, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking, we have arrived in New York City, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts because we are about to land. I repeat, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts because we are about to land. Thank you."

I pack my book in my hand bag and fasten my seatbelt as the plane descends.

As the plane finally comes to a stop, the fasten your seatbelts sign switched off and everyone started removing their seatbelts and got up to retrieve their carry-on luggage and leave. I did the exact same thing, and when I went to get my carry-on luggage, Kaulder stepped in and remov it for me. I thanked him and left the plane.

I got through security and fetched my luggage, and a hand came out of no where and picked it up for me, turned to see Kaulder, again. "Thank you, but I just have to say, you're very persistent." I say to him.

He just smirks and says, "Like I said I'm trying to get to know you, but you're not making this easy for me."

"That's because I'm complicated and wanting to leave because I have a meeting in two hours." I matter of factly. Just as he was about to say something James, my butler, came and took my luggage.

"Good evening, Miss Kiara, your car awaits you. I hope your travels were a success. Good evening, sir. Madam." He gestured to leave.

I looked at Kaulder and said, "Goodbye, Kaulder. Enjoy your evening." I gave him a small smile before I turned to leave.

As I neared the car, James spoke up, "A new boyfriend, Miss Kiara?" I looked back at Kaulder only to find him staring, then turned back to James, "Oh shut up, James." I playfully scolded, then got into the car.








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