Guide You Through The Night

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Written for the simplysnowbarry spring 2018 challenge, for the prompt 'sunset'. Character related spoilers for 4x15, but otherwise it's canon divergent, set in some not massively far away future where Barry/Iris didn't work out.

This is, I think, my first proper Snowbarry story, where they get together – though this does also have FlashFrost in it - since I'd only really posted gen/pre-ship or UST for them before, or Savifrost, so I would be extra happy to get feedback on it if anyone feels so inclined.

I make no claims of medical accuracy. I tried my best but it's also hard when the rationale behind how Frost heals isn't clear, so let's go with some handwaving on that.


He finds Frost on the roof. Watching the sunset doesn't seem her style but here she is, legs dangling casually over the edge, nonplussed at the drop to the pavement underneath S.T.A.R. Labs. He supposes having only minutes left to live might change what she considers important. Does she even realise she's their hero too now? That that city horizon she is staring out over is full of people who are starting to respect her, cheer for her, not just for Vibe or The Flash. And soon they may owe Frost her life, Caitlin's as well, sacrified the same any other hero would for the greater good.

Everyone else infected by the meta had died within a hour or so. They'd all died gruesomely, unstoppable widespread hemorrhaging. He knows Frost's healing factor is even more powerful than his own but they can't be sure she'll overcome this. If she has any chance at surviving it she has to stay as Frost, he can't even speak to Caitlin before...

They are down their best bio expert but Cisco, Harry and Jesse are huddled together in one of the labs trying their damndest to figure out how to neutralise the poison in the limited time they have. He'd come up here intending to escort Frost back to them, ready so they could administer any last minute cures, but he doesn't have the heart to insist she go back down when she clearly wants to be alone.

He can get her down to them in a flash should they need to, but that means he at least is staying in her presence, waiting with her, waiting for any sign of distress. He isn't sure how she will take that – angrily, exasperated, literally icy? She helps them out thesedays but he's no closer to understanding her as a person. He's surprised when she merely cocks her head at him and strangely pats the ledge next to her, indicating he should join her.

He sits next to Frost, feeling her chill emanating and it's almost as comforting as the warmth he'd expect from Cait because it means she's still alive. He wants to hug her and resists that urge as he doubts Frost would appreciate such sentimentality. It would only make him feel better at this point and maybe not even that when he'd be wishing she was Cait instead.

Frost seems to be taking the news of her potential impending death spectacularly well, nothing really phases her. He doesn't know how Caitlin is feeling, other than scared. She'd switched in a splitsecond to Frost once they'd realised she'd been infected. He doesn't know if that was simply because she was scared, bringing Frost out naturally, or if it was because she needed Frost, a practical choice. The expression on her face right before it had paled to that of Frost had been indescribable and he can't ask her anything anymore. Not until it's over. Possibly not at all.

He swallows hard at that thought and blinks back the tears threatening to spill onto his cheeks. He looks up to find Frost watching him studiously, like she's trying to figure him out.

"Oh Barry," she says dragging his name out with amusement, "Caity isn't afraid to die. If anything, she's tediously afraid to live."

The Flash - Guide You Through The Night (Flashfrost/Snowbarry oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now