Chapter 3

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Carter's POV

We get out of the hotel and head to my car, I then open the door for her so she can get in first, I start the engine and I asked her where we should go.

"Can we go to Starbucks I haven't had my coffee all morning," brittany says

"Sure, but the closest Starbucks is a mile away that's the only one that I know about, is that ok with you?"

"Yeah of course, we talk about family and friends, then she asked me something' " hey what school do you go to?"

"I go to twin branches high school, I don't really go to school a lot because of magcon, I try to go when I have time."

Brittany's POV

"Really I go to twin branches high school, I haven't seen you their before"

We keep talking and talking, until I screamed..... A car came full speed and crashed into Carter's car, making it flip over, that's when I thought that moment was going to be my last....

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