chapter 4

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colleens pov|
I gasped for air as the man took his hand off my mouth. he walks infront of me gripping my wrists tightly infront of my face with both of his hands.

"what do you want?" I asked with a shaky voice.

he screamed in my face. grabbing my wrists tighter every second. It hurt so bad I started crying harder turning my head so I didnt have to look at him.

"HUH?" he yelled grabbing my wrists even tighter until I couldnt take the pain anymore.

"no" I sobbed.

"yea thats what I thought" he said loosening his grip on my wrists but still holding them together.

"okay heres what youre gonna need to do, while keeping your fucking mouth closed, youre gonna come with me and youre gonna do exactly what i tell you to" he whispers aggressively in my ear.

"got that?" he finishes.

I nod my head afraid to say a word. I want erik.

eriks pov|
I look up and quickly realise there are security cameras plastering the celing, I ran as fast as i could to the bar and asked to see the manager.

"can I help you?" the manager asked me politely.

"is there any chance i could check the footage from the security cameras? my girlfriend got up to go to the bathroom and shes been gone for 20 minutes and shes not in the bathroom." I blurted out not even knowing if he could understand be because of how quickly I was talking.

"of course you can, if you'd like to follow me sir" he replied with a calm smile.

I followed him back to a dark room with lots of screens showing all different areas of the restraunt. he looked through some footage and eventually found colleen walking away from our table at 6:42pm, seeing her on the screen made ne want to just cry there and then, but I held it together and continued to watch the footage. and then I saw it, the exact thing I had prayed it didnt happen.

the manager looked schocked at what had happened. I was angry, I was furious. I wanted to kill him.

"that's jason, hes been working here for years, I would never expect him to do anything like this" the manager said shocked.

"I need to go and find her" I said with an angry voice.

"sir jason could be armed we cant just go and find him we need to call the police." he told me

I breathed out slowly trying to calm myself.

"okay call them quickly then" I replied. as he walked out of the room to call them.

I hated myself, how could I let this happe. I am supposed to protect her, this is all my fault.

"the police will be here soon" the manager said returning to the room. as I could already hear sirens in the distance.

I waited for what felt like hours, standing at the front of the restraunt, for the police to arrive, dark thoughts in my head, what was he doing to her right now? is she even alive still?

suddenly the sirens got really loud and I could see the blue flashing lights as the police cars pulled up infront of me. they asked me lots of questions, I dont even know what I was replying with, I wasnt thinking straight. soon I was leading them to the fire exit that jason had pulled colleen out. they walked out of it slowly with their guns drawn, but there was no sight of colleen. we started walking around, turning corners, until we came across an old wooded shed, we walked up close to it and heard a mans voice.

AN- this chapters a bit longer but it also took a bit longer for me to update haha, do you prefer it like that? or just regular short chapters

hey erik Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant