Tagger Mctaggersons

20 3 13

Well, so I was tagged by my wolfy friend WolvesAreHellaCool.

Sigh...  I hate these things.

Well, here goes... 13 pieces of information about little ol' me...

1. I'm female.

2. I prefer male clothing over women's cause they're more comfortable and they're not complicated.

3. I love furry animals, even the dangerous predators like tigers, wolves, pumas etc.

4. I love taking pictures of nature.


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5. I'm insanely quiet to the point that sometimes I'm invinsible to others.

6. I'm Filipino. Half Filipino, half Chinese to be exact.

7. I love lazing around, writing, reading, watching anime, cooking, exploring new environments and sleeping.

8. I'm the youngest among us three siblings.

9. I love staring into space and just contemplate life or just stare at absolutely nothing just because.

10. I have a dog named Oreo.

11. I've never felt snow. Seen, yes, in pictures.

12. I love the night better than the morning.

13. I admire the army since they look cool and awesome plus I like camo.

For the Tagger Mctaggersons

Sorry for those I tagged. I chose at random and even though I hate rules and am sometimes a rebel, I can't really ignore this and seem like a balloon popper. Again, sorry.

I'll show you this high kitty as apology.

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