Awkward Birthday Encounter

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13 years later...

Balancing two gifts in one hand, Ben rang the bell unsure of what to say or act. Cath had just started dating someone new, it has lasted more than two years and Ben has never met the guy. 

Being at the Parker's house was odd for Ben. "Hey!" Stephanie opened the front door enthusiastically, wearing a huge '28' pink birthday badge on her denim jacket, she pulled him into a tight hug like he never left for London 3 years ago. "Happy Birthday!" He said giving her one of the gifts.

"How's France?" Ben followed her into the house, noticing all the new paintings they put up, which made the corridor feel even smaller than before "Nothing bad. Just the usual," He knew what this meant.

 Stephanie just like her twin, was guy crazy but unlike Cath, Stephanie was never lucky enough to keep a boyfriend for more than a week. Which was extremely unlucky for Ben who had to watch guys come and go from Cath's life "Who knew Paris could be such a bummer?" He smiled.

"Why can't every guy be like you Benjamin?" Stephanie grinned up at him, opening up her present.

"Is that Ben?" He heard Cath from the other room. She threw her arms at him into a hug, just like her sister but it felt warmer for Ben. "Happy Birthday C," he laughed smelling her raspberry scented shampoo which has never left her hair since year 3. She grabbed her present "Let me take that," She said and joined it with the mountain of gifts by the food table.

 Everyone was there, the Parkers, his dad, Aaron and Liam, work friends and even some of their old college friends but Ben could not see any new boyfriend or any guy he didn't know, which was very rare since Ben tried to know every guy Cath knew, just to know what he was going against. "Hey, I want you to meet someone," shit. This is what he didn't want to hear. 

She grabbed his sweaty hand and dragged him into the dinner room, where most of the 'mature' people drink Champagne and talk about adult stuff like furniture shopping and wine tasting, aka people Cath and Ben always made fun of when Mrs Parker hosted her old dinner parties which Ben would sneak into Cath's room to keep her company. 

"This is my boyfriend, Frank." She leaves Ben's hand and wrapped both arms around Frank's arm. "Frank, this is my friend, Ben." Frank looked slightly older than Cath, maybe on his late 30's, he was just as tall as Ben and looked like one of those people who would go wine tasting. He looked like a dad next to Cath's young face. "Hello, Frank." He said giving him a hand. 

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you Ben," He smiled shaking his hand. 

"Really?" Ben looked at Cath "All good I hope,"

"There's nothing bad from what I've heard," He took his hand back "You should  come visit us sometime,"

  US?  "You're living together?" Ben chuckled. Cath looked down and pressed Frank's arm because she knew that Ben must be thinking "We just bought it, it's nothing big.  I was just going to tell you." She said feebly 

"Well yes, we just bought this house on the other side of the lake," Frank sips his Champagne like the godfather, making Ben's organs twist up in anger. 

Ben knew that Frank was talking about  Lakewood Manor, it was a huge mansion built in the 19th century. "It's a beautiful house." Ben forced a smile "You know what? I'm thirsty, excuse me." He walked away to the bar on the balcony, it was also full of people just like the rest of the house. 

He grabbed a glass of their strongest wine and drank it all at once.

Suddenly, the lights inside went out and someone lowered the ear-burning 90's music. 

Mrs Parker came out holding a round chocolate cake with sparkler candles on top which read 'Happy Birthday'

Happy Birthday to you...

The twins stood on the other side of the table as everyone gathers to join Mrs Parker's singing, Ben stays put outside watching them from the top of everyone's heads.

 Happy Birthday to you...

She puts the cake on the table and calls Mr Parker to grab the camera as everyone claps to a rhythm 

Happy Birthday dear Cath and Steph...

They both stood there unsure of what to do, both smiled awkwardly 

Happy birthday to you. 

They both blew out the candles as Mr Parker's camera flashed their face sheet white. There was a lot of 'whooos' and shouts as the light turned on. 

They cut the cake and started to hand it out. Frank kissed Cath when she passed him his cake slice "Happy Birthday, sweetie." He said holding what must be his fifth glass of Champaign.

"Hey son!" Ben turned knowing by the strong Irish accent that it was Mr Parker "It's been a long time since you don't come and visit us here." 

"I tried but work keeps me in London." Ben smiles. Mr Parker had been like a dad to Ben, when Ben's mother died his father had to get two jobs just to keep their house, the Parkers were family to the three Cooper boys, always giving them a helping hand.

"You can't make work your life, ya' know." Mr Parker shook his head in disappointment "How's your love life going?"  

He looked up from his cake slice "It's never been good Sir." Mr Parker laughed. 

Ben was not joking. 


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