collab; rosykun

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Greeting fellows humans-- sorry, I wanted to begin with something cool after I give a full speech about how much love Rosykun and the works with did together. 

Anyway, we did a gif and it was so much fun doing it since I always wanted to do something like that with rosy and I was at the top of the moon when she said yes. Everyone already knows how much I love her work, so making this was such an honor. I gave her the base and did the gif/fade thing and she finished the rest. (she said it was perfect before, but let's be real she made it perfect)

I must say I love her icons too, she makes them so detailed and so colorful that the moment she told me about another collab, but with icons--- I kind of screamed a little inside of my head

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I must say I love her icons too, she makes them so detailed and so colorful that the moment she told me about another collab, but with icons--- I kind of screamed a little inside of my head. YES, I WAS FREAKING OUT THERE I SAID IT. We made three icons following a neon matching theme for the pack. 

If anyone wants the icons, please go to her portfolio and give her a good amount of love. And rosy, sorry, but I was so lazy that I used your own preview just 'cause it's so pretty that I couldn't do another preview when yours is already this amazing.

 And rosy, sorry, but I was so lazy that I used your own preview just 'cause it's so pretty that I couldn't do another preview when yours is already this amazing

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Eu fiz esse collab com a famosa e talentosa desginerm, Rosy, que eu ando super apaxionado. No gif quem faz a base e o ''desaparecimento'' dos personas, fui eu e ela que terminou deixando ele bonitão desse jeito. Depois ela propôs um pack de icons no tema de neon e devo dizer que eu poderia ter ido melhor? poderia, mas olha como os icons dela estão maravilhosos e essa preview que ela fez então? sério, ela fez todas minhas previews parecerem um lixo e eu to amando isso. Enfim, se vocês quiserem os icons eu quero que vocês vão lá no livro dela e mandem muito amor para essa maravilhosa. Ela também tem meus icons, então não tem problema pedir por ela. (já q eu n tenho os delas separados)

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