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Braden and Harleigh had been hanging out for weeks and weeks on end. Things were going great and Harleigh invited Braden to go to Felicia's birthday party. Felicia always threw great Birthday Parties and this one was going to be crazy. Every girl that was invited was bringing her boyfriend along. Harleigh feared Braden would find someone better than her but she couldn't let her worries get the best of her. She was going to have a amazing night with the guy of her dreams. Braden arrived 20 minutes late, but Harleigh didn't mind, she was just happy he could make it. He greeted her with a wide smile and a wet kiss. Everyone went outside and gathered around the fire pit, people were singing and dancing and having an amazing time until....Chase and Addison show up, they are the worst of the worst. Neither one of the two boys followed any rulers, they were bad boys who drank, did drugs and constantly had sex with new girls every night. Despite their bad reputation they boys were nice and good friends with  Harleigh and Felicia. The good looking boys made their way to the backyard, looking wasted as ever they were welcomed by Felicia with a friendly hug. As the night went on people were getting wild and Addison decided to play a little trick on everyone. He had brought hard liquor and made the awful decision to pour the whole bottle in the punch bowl. This made the night take a drastic turn. Harleigh was dancing like a manic and Braden was getting embarrassed but he couldn't deny he loved her craziness and her. As everyone was getting fearless and making reckless decisions Chase decided it would be a great idea to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Excited everyone agreed, after a few spins people were having lots of fun but it was getting kinda boring. Dixon decided to make the rule, everyone had to come out with a hickie at least, to prove you did something. The bottle was spun and it landed on Addison, he spun the bottle and it landed on Harleigh.......

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