[SNSD] 100 minus 1 daymarried to her - Taeny, Yulsic (End)

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100 minus 1 daymarried to her
Starring Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yuri & Jessica
Supporting cast: SNSD members

“Do you Kim Taeyeon, take Tiffany Hwang to be your lawfully wedded wife, to
have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for
poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; andpromise to be
faithful until do death do us part?
The Taeyeonʼs throat was feeling dry but she tried to swallow hard on
whatever that came down her throat. The words she tried to force to come out
of her throat was stuck and couldnʼt find its way up.
Her stutteringmade the audience curious at what was going on, why wasshe
not answering? Their faces filled with questioning looks and they peering at
one another to find an answer.
Taeyeon lookedover to theperson next to her, and millions of questions went
through her mind. The woman was focusing to the front;she did not even turn
to look at her. Was thiswoman she the destined? Was this the right choice?
Was she ready to get married? Her heart couldnʼt find answertoher thoughts.
Taeyeon took a huge breathe in and then breathe out again before swallowing
whole of whatʼs left of her anxiety.
“I …”
Chapter 1: Starting from now
“Taeyeon!” A girl called out from a far;as she came closer her smile shone
even more brightly excluding the strong sunlight rays in early morning.
“Hey Jessica” Taeyeon greeted as she pulled her luggage out and down the
never-endingstairs. Taeyeon could have gotten a servant to take it down for
her but she thought it wasnʼt that heavy until she tried to take it out herself. It
was harder than she had imagined. Jessica rushed up the stairs to help poor
Taeyeon drag the luggage down the stairs.
“Yikes! What is in here? A stone?” Jessica said heaving with all her might.
“Not really, just a few things my mother packed for me” Taeyeon rolled her
“I see, a few alright”
Finally they reach the last step of the stairs. Taeyeon pulled out the handle
and started pulling it behind her toward Jessicaʼs car. Yuri then came rushing
out after seeing the two from her reverse mirror.
“What took you so long?” Jessica whined
“I was parking”
“It takes only a minute to park, Taeyeon has plenty of room for even 20 cars
to park” Jessica said
“It is a brandnew car! I have to take good care of it”
“I donʼt see you taking care of me like that…” Jessica mumbled.
“What?” Yuri couldnʼt hear what Jessica had just said.
“She said help me!” Taeyeon was getting cranky with the heavy luggage she
was trying to pull all by herself since Jessica was too busy whining at Yuri.
“Okay okay” Yuri said and lend out her helping hand.
It took the three of them to carrythe luggage into the bulk of the car.
“Careful, careful, careful!” Yuri said as they leveled it in and Jessica shut it
with a bang.
“Ouch! My baby!” Yuri cried out.
Jessica rolled her eyes and headed towards the front door. Taeyeon took the
backseat and Yuri kiss her car better before taking the driverʼs seat.
“To the airport!”Yuri exclaimed
“Shut up and drive” Jessica said
“Yes maʼam”
It was a speedy drive because Yuri loves speeding, she speeds so much she
had gotten at least 5 fines within a month. Luckily for her she didnʼt get her
license taken away because she bribed the police with a decent amount to
shut them up. Once they reached the airport Yuri parked her car in the rent
car-park section before taking down all belongings.
“I wouldnʼt be going to California if it wasnʼt for you two, if you two werenʼt my
best buddies I would have beenskiing at snowy mountain or sightseeing in
Egypt” Taeyeon complained as the three sat waiting for their plane to depart.
“You will love it in Cali” Jessica said as she placed the sleeping eye mask on
even before the plane departed.
“Jessica knows best,she lived there,”Yuri said reading the menu she stole
from the seat opposite of her.
“Iʼll trust you two this time, if anything goes wrong watch out. Iʼll ditch you two
in Cali” Taeyeon warned.
“Oh Taeyeon, mostly likely weʼll ditch you in Cali than the other way around”
Yuri chuckled.
12 hrs later
Welcome to California, I hope everyone had a great flight, hope to see you
The three felt jetlag as they got off the plane, all three of them were already
wearing sunnies before evenstepping a foot outside the building, they were
all expecting sunshine and nice warm air. Everything was the exact opposite,
it was pouring rain and the sky was dark and filled with clouds.
“And you were saying Jessica?” Taeyeon could notspot where it was warm.
“Bad weather today, it might be better tomorrow” Jessica said while she held
onto her sunhat tightlyasthe wind blewstronglyfrom all different directions.
“Well this is fun” Yuri yelled out.
The three of them caught a taxi and headed to their booked hotel. When they
finally reached the grand hotel they were happier than ever to see it. They
were all exhausted from the trip and the weather worsened their condition,
even energetic Yuri was tired.
The girls had booked a large bedroom with three king single beds, they rather
stick together than stay in separate rooms, it was much more fun that way.
When they got to the bedroom Taeyeon slopped onto the bed and laid there
like a dead fish, she could even budge, same with the other two.
The next morning Taeyeon woke up the earliest, she pulled the curtains open
to let in the morning light.The other two yelp like helpless puppies and rolled
in their beds to avoid the sunʼs rays.
“Rise and shine!” Taeyeon paced over to them and stood in betweenthe beds
and removed the covers with her hands. It took about half an hour before
Taeyeon got the two to get up and wash up.
Taeyeon headed down to the restaurant on the 2
floor first to wait for the two
to finish washing up. There was a perfect spot in the corner just by the side of
the windows;it had the view of the beautiful city. Just went she was about to
sit down another person rushed over to the seat and sat down with a thump.
Taeyeon looked up to see whom this outrageous person was.
The person in front of her disgusted her eyes, this rude girl stare back at
Taeyeon without guilt. Her stare was fierce and piercing back at Taeyeon. She
was wearing a leather jacket;she has black straight hair and some piercing n
her lips and nose. Her ear has at least 5 earrings, and her hair was ruffled and
messy like scene hair.
Taeyeon watch in disgust as she was chewing on gum and then stuck her
index finger into her mouth to remove it form her teeth. It was the most
disgusting thing she had ever seen. Taeyeon was a clean freak and this
person had at least cross out 10 not to do thing on her list.
“Excuse me, I saw this table first”
The girl smirked and tilted her head to right.
“Would you please leave and find another table?” Taeyeon tried to be polite
as possible.
The girl stuck a finger into her mouth ad removed the chewing gum with her
index finger and thumb, she stretched and stuck it onto the table.
Taeyeon watch in disgust, she was on the verge of throwing up.
“That isnʼt going to make me leave,I saw this spot first”
The outrageous girl then crossed her arms and sat back and rested her black
boots onto the table. She waitsfor petite girl to react.
Taeyeon lifted her shoes up as well and rested on the table, she wasnʼt about
to give up that easily. Taeyeon had a very prideful attitude and she wasnʼt
scared to put up a fight.
“Fine weʼll sit here and see who leaves first”.
Jessica and Yuri just came down from their room and they scanned around
the restaurant to find their short friend. Jessica eyes are quick and sharp as
she saw Taeyeon in the far corner near the windows, she noticed there was
another punk looking girl who was sitting opposite of her. Jessica wonder who
it was, by the looks of her she might be a stranger because Taeyeon hates
making friends that is down dressed.
Jessica and Yuri made their way over to Taeyeon as fast as their heels could
bring them. Upon the arrival Jessica check out the girl as she gotten closer,
looks like this girl was trouble.
“Who is this?” Jessica asked
“Some rude person who wonʼt leave” Taeyeon said with a grudge
The girl smirked and laid her head back.
“You little!” Jessica tried to hold back, she hated people who smirk because
only she could do that.
“Hey girls we need to get going, we havebooked the city helicopter at 9
oʼclock, it will be here soon” Yuri said checking her watch.
“Well that can wait I arenʼt going nowhere” Taeyeon was angry;she was
going to be persistent to claim what belonged to her.
“I think Yuri is right, let this punk off, we need to hurry and eat”
“You two go eat over there Iʼm going to stay here”
After 5 minutes of trying to persuade Taeyeon the girls gave up and went to
the table beside them and ordered their luxurious breakfast.
Taeyeon ordered a large breakfast the ones where you mouth would water
just by looking at it. She took a spoonful of the rice and a small piece of egg
and spooned it into her mouth in the toughest way possible. Her eye did not
leave the eye once; she was still having the staring competition with the girl.
The girl started retreating her leg and boots back down onto the ground.
Taeyeon stayed focus to see what she was up to. She bend down and was
doing something Taeyeon couldnʼt see under the table. But the girl was bend
down low enough to reveal her cleavage, Taeyeonʼs eyes bulge like a the type
of odd looking goldfish. Taeyeon thought the girl was pulling a seducing move
but oh boy she was wrong. The girl placed her bare foot onto the table again
after removing her boots.
“What thehell do you think youʼre doing?” Taeyeon yelled drawing the
attention of the whole restaurant.
Taeyeon triple in thoughts and anger, she was flaming because she couldnʼt
take it anymore, this girl had no manners what so ever. Taeyeon stood up and
accidently knocked her knee on the corner of the table when she was trying to
get over to the girl. Due to Taeyeon cripple leg she fell onto the hard ground
face first.
Jessica and Yuri was so shock they froze on in their seats. Taeyeon laythere
until she found the strength to pulled her self back up. The two girls then
rushed over to her to help out. Taeyeon anger almost blew the roof off, she
was about to tackle the girl for giving her that smirk again. Jessica and Yuri
stopped Taeyeon in time and dragged her out of the restaurantbefore
anything could have happened. It would have ended badly.
Chapter 2: Tattoo
After a bad morning Taeyeon had started to forget about what had
happened, she decided to let it go and pretended it was a nightmare.
“Tae come over here!” Yuri called out enthusiastically.
Taeyeon hurried over as fast as she could get through the sandy
ground. The beach wasn’t where she desired to go but her friends
insisted it would be fun. Yuri was holding volleyball and she was
juggling it in her hand, Yuri threw underarm over to Taeyeon. Taeyeon
made it rebound over to Jessica over the net. They continued playing
for an hour before Taeyeon gave up; she was sweating a litre of sweat.
She lied under the big umbrella and put on some sunscreen over her
red skin, it was burning hot.
It was an exhausting day but they had fun touring California, they went
around to the prettiest places. It was getting dark but that didn’t stop
them from finding fun. Jessica and Yuri dragged their lazy friend to the
club that night; Taeyeon was forcefully dragged into the doors of the
club. She was too tired to go to a noisy club; even so she didn’t have
the strength to dance.
“My father called me to come home quickly, I hid from him to go out with
you two, now the club? If someone sees me at the club in California I
will banish. My parent might have sent someone to spy on me” Taeyeon
whined. Taeyeon’s mother thought that she was going to sleep over at
Jessica’s house and go to the vacant holiday house in Jeju with her
other friends so she packed a whole lot of equipments and Taeyeon’s
favorite items.
The other two heard everything but it all came out the other ear
because they have heard it a thousand times since morning.
“Lets sit here” Yuri gestured at the empty table, on the right side where
there was less people.
“Hey beautiful, would like to come out and play?” A girl dressed in a thin
dress that revealed her cleavage, Yuri’s eye shot open and her mouth
was leaking out some liquid.
“Sure” Yuri eye gawked at the view. Yuri followed the girl onto the
dance floor ignoring Jessica’s glare.
“You stay here I’m going to find myself a dance partner” Jessica told
Taeyeon who was half asleep.
“Alright” Taeyeon mumbled.
Taeyeon’s eyes closed for about a minute before she started to feel like
she needed to go to the toilets, Taeyeon hurried to the corridor to find
the restroom. She quickly did her business and headed out.
Out of nowhere she heard a screeching noise coming from the room
down the dark corridor. It was a busy corridor; there were couples
making out and people drunk on the floor. Taeyeon got closer and
closer to the door, she heard a girl calling out for help. Taeyeon
slammed the door open she found a group of girls who were drunk and
“Sorry, I went into the wrong room” Taeyeon apologies when she
realized there was no danger occurring.
Two of the drunken girls rushed over and dragged Taeyeon in.
“Come drink with us, the more the fun” One of the girl with wavy short
hair said.
They pushed Taeyeon down near to another girl seemly looks familiar
but were drunk as the others. They were all speaking gibberish.
Taeyeon tried to free herself from their grip but they held onto her
“Drink drink!” The girl forced a bottle toward Taeyeon’s mouth; Taeyeon
continued to back her head until she reached the coach behind her. The
girl forced more and more alcohol down her throat, only within 15
minutes of seating. Taeyeon’s face became red like a tomato; her eyes
could barely see anything clearly. The amount of people seems to have
multiplied because of her blurry vision but she enjoyed every bit of it.
The morning light made the girl’s eyes cringe, it brighter than the other
morning because of the white curtains not far away from the king size
Her vision soon gotten clearer, she rubbed her eyes to get even better
vision of her surrounding.
“Ah, where am I?”
Taeyeon head ached and she wasn’t feeling too good, she was
drenched in the smell of alcohol. Her bodyfelt numb especially her legs;
it felt like they had fallen off because of the heavy weight pressing down
her body. She was surprise the naked body under the cover was not
moving an inch, that person must have drank more than her self.
Taeyeon could not see the face because the girl was faced down on the
pillow; she trembled as she moved the body. Gently and quietly she got
off the bed, being as careful as she could she grabbed the scattered
clothes on the ground.
Taeyeon hurriedly dressed herself and quickly escape through the door,
Taeyeon huffed and puffed after closing the safely. She avoided waking
the girl because she didn’t want to witness the awkward moment
between them two, she knew that they had did some thing last night
after witnessing the nakedness right up in the morning.
The girls were to meet up the airport that noon, since yesterday night
they had lost contact so Taeyeon called them and they said they would
take her luggage to the airport therefore she didn’t have to worry about
“Hey Tae, where did you go last night?” Jessica asked curiously
“I don’t know but I felt sick”
“You must have been drunk, I can smell alcohol from you shirt” Jessica
sniffed Taeyeon’s collar. She discovered a red lipstick mark on the edge
of the collar, it was smeared but it was recognizable.
“You slept with someone?” Jessica raised one eyebrow.
“No, not really…”
Jessica kept her eyebrow lifted. She didn’t believe Taeyeon’s words.
“I might have, I don’t remember” Taeyeon stuttered.
“And someone saidno sex before marriage.” Yuri added.
“Whatever, let get on the plane before it leaves us here” Taeyeon pulled
her suitcase with her and avoided the two eyes that were questioning
12 hrs later
“Oh darnit! I lost my wallet!” Taeyeon exclaimed whens he reached into
her pocket, it was empty and completely clean.
“Well, it happens when you get drunk” Yuri commented
“Nothing is important in it right?”
“No just some cash and business cards, and credit cards”
“Well cut those credit card asap and then everything will be fine”
Jessica suggested flickering her hair away from her face.
“Yeah I guess” Taeyeon headed out with the other three to where Yuri
had left her car.
After their short trip to California everything went back to normal like it
never happened. Taeyeon went on with her studies at University,
forgetting all the things that happened in Cali. There was barely
anything Taeyeon could have remembered. Taeyeon was a very
structure person; she scheduled her personal time and herstudy time
so it would fit the time in one day exactly. About 2 month had passed,
and her life was going well until this one day a person popped up in
front of her door.
“Despicable!” Taeyeon heard her dad yelled as she entered the front
door. This didn’t sound too good, Taeyeon swallow down her salvia.
“Wait until she gets home I’m going to give her a life lesson”
“Calm down honey” Taeyeon’s mother said calmly.
Taeyeon took all her courage to walk through the living room where her
father and mother were present. But strangely enough there was a
young girl sitting in the most obnoxious posture.
As she entered the room all 3 pairs of eyes were on her excluding the
maids who stood quietly to the side. Her father’s eyes were in flames,
she could feelhis anger just by looking at them. Her mother eyebrows
crossed, she looked upset, which she rarely does show.
It took quite a while for Taeyeon to register the familiar face in front of
her, her black messy hair and her leather jacket triggered Taeyeon’s
“It’s you!”
“What are you doing here?!” Taeyeon yelled out.
The girl smirked, that familiar that was imprinted in Taeyeon’s memory.
“You sit down now!” Her father ordered
“Look at this for yourself” He handed her a piece of paper.
It read, Certificate of marriage and under the title it had Kim Taeyeon
and Tiffany Hwang and her signature was found underneath. Taeyeon
fell back in shock.
“This must be fake!” Taeyeon exclaimed
“It is real, I’m Tiffany Hwang by the way,” The black haired girl said in a
mocking yet truthful way.
“Explain to me now, how did you get married without telling your mother
and I?”
“I don’t know…”
“How could you not know?” Taeyeon’s father erupted like a volcano.
“I… I was drunk”
“You better take responsibility of your irresponsible actions, fix it
yourself I am not going to do this for you” Taeyeon father said burning
with flames, he got up and walked out of the living room.
“Taeyeon I think you handle this, you’re a big girl” Taeyeon’s mother left
the living room without saying another word.
“This is a copy? It must be fake then” Taeyeon noticed
“Yes, this is a copy, I kept the original just in case you wanted to tear it”
Tiffany said feeling satisfied at Taeyen’s reaction.
“Then how do I know you’re not lying?” Taeyeon blurted. 
“Well that is easy, do you have a mirror in your room?” Tiffany asked
oddly as it sounded.
“Just lead the way” Tiffany stood up and fixed her tight shorts. She was
wearing those trashy clothes Taeyeon first saw her in. Does this girl
ever change her style? Taeyeon thought in disgust.
“Here” Taeyeon walked through the door and into her room and pointed
at the mirror in her wardrobe room.
Tiffany followed Taeyeon inside the small room where all Taeyeon’s
branded clothes were stored. Each and every one was iron to perfection
and folded neatly in their draw. Tiffany had a feel of everything as she
waked by.
“What is it that you need a mirror for? To looked at yourself?” Taeyeon
Tiffany lowered her eyes to Taeyeon’s level, her smile changed
dramatically. It was like a vampire locked on its prey. Taeyeon backed
up a few steps. Tiffany kept moving forward locking in her target.
“Don’t come near me!” Taeyeon yelled
Tiffany kept getting closer and closer with each footstep; it wasn’t long
until she had her cornered.
She licked her lips and devoured her bottom in her most seductive way.
She was so close Taeyeon could feel her hot breathe on her cheeks.
Taeyeon held her breath in but it didn’t last long until she needed to
catch her breath again.
Tiffany distracted Taeyeon’s attention before she reach down to the belt
on Taeyeon’s jeans. She unbuckle it without trouble, Taeyeon froze and
didn’t know how to react.
She then pulled down the jeans slightly. Taeyeon’s eyes enlarged as
she felt her pants being tugged.
“Here is the proof,” Tiffany said pulling on Taeyeon’s pants and
revealing a tattoo on Taeyeon’s bottom. Taeyeon peer into her reflect
and looked at what Tiffany was talking about.
“OMG when did this happened?” Taeyeon stared at the tattoo that said
Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany married 27.09.11.
“My beautiful bottom!” Taeyeon was worried why was there words
imprinted on her body more that the message that was on there. Then
Taeyeon realized the serious message in the tattoo, it was real after all.
That must have been the night she gotten so drunk she couldn’t
remember. Why was this happening to her? Why couldn’t it be player
Yuri? That girl needs to settle down rather than herself.
["Do you do you want it?" Right here Taeyeon slurred, she pointed to
her behind and smile drunkenly at Tiffany. Taeyeon yelped painfully as
the needles went in, but she endure it until the end. Tiffany held her
shoulder out and half opened her eyes to see the needles go onto her
flesh. Tiffany got hers tattooed behind her right shoulder]
“Well we are married baby” Tiffany affirmed, turning back to show her
right bared shoulder where the tattoo was imprinted.
“Married?” Taeyeon face expressions werefull of shock and confusion.
Her heart felt like it stopped pumping blood, the circulation of blood
through her system was suddenly corrupted. The thought of being
married was like her worst nightmare.
The juxtaposition of fear and anger were stirred together, she could not
get the idea of being married through her mind. Slowly registering what
had just happened in the last 20 minutes she slapped herself awake.
“This must be a dream” Taeyeon slapped so hard her cheeks were red.
“Let’s get a divorce” Taeyeon said in her most serious tone.
“I don’t want too” Tiffany rejected
They were both in a classy café that Taeyeon came to often, it was a
nice pleasant luxurious café for the wealthy people in the suburb.
“You want money?”
Taeyeon took out her check and a pen
“Just tell me how much and I’ll give it to you” Taeyeon was ready to
scribble the number of zero down.
“I don’t want your money, I just need 100 days” Tiffany chewed on her
new piece of gum
“100 days?”
“We can stayed married for 100 days and I’ll retreat after that, and you
will receive my divorce letter after 100 days” Tiffany explained
“Why 100 days?” Taeyeon asked
“Not particular reasons, I like to do what I feel like” retorted Tiffany
“You are a weird girl,” Taeyeon said taking back her check. Taeyeon
could not tell what this girl was thinking, this girl gave no signs and no
clues to what her plans were.
“You have two choices, it is either you move out into my house or I’ll
move into yours?” Tiffany said naturally.
“We have to live together?!” Taeyeon thought it wasn’t going to get
worse butt hen it did.
“Yes, that what married couples do”
“I’ll move out into yours then, my parent would be extremely angry with
me right now, and I don’t think they would like to be reminded why I got
married drunk” Taeyeon stated.
“Okay good, move in tomorrow”
“Why so soon?” Taeyeon asked
“Because I like it that way, don’t ever ask me why” Tiffany said standing
up and left before she could say anything.
“Your married?” 
Her two friends were on the verge of exploding. They had millions of
questions in mind but they could not ask them all at once. Taeyeon was
attacked in all directions; the questions were continuously thrown at her
like meteors.
“Shut up!” Taeyeon finally yelled.
“I don’t know the answer either all I know is that, that night I got drunk
and it happens so that I got married”
“Look here” Taeyeon lift her pants down enough for the two girls to see
her tattoo.
“You even got a tattoo!” That is so cool!” Yuri said
“Not cool at all” Taeyeon retorted.
“You really got married, even earlier than me” Jessica laughed.
“Does she want your money?”
“You could pay her to get divorce”
“Pishh like I didn’t think of that” money was Taeyeon’s answer to every
thing, it was her number one problem solver weapon.
“But she said she wants us to stay married for 100 days before she
agrees to getting divorced”
“Wait who is this girl? What is she like?”
“It is that rude girl we met in California that morning”
“What?! Her? You have the worse of luck girl” Yuri said was surprised
as Jessica was. Their jaws dropped a metre at about the same time.
“I can’t believe my life ended up like this, why me?!” Taeyeon asked
“Poor Taeng” Jessica patted her friend’s back to give a little comfort.
“I have to move in with her for the next 100 days”
“This is going to be fun, by the looks of her I figure she must be living in
an apartment” Yuri added to Taeyeon’s grief
“Take it in as an experience” Jessica chuckle, she was feeling sorry for
Taeyeon but she couldn’t help but laugh because she knew Taeyeon so
well, she never lived the life of a normal citizen.
“How am I going to survive the next 100 days?” Taeyeon cried out.
Chapter 3Moving in
“Let me go! Why are you tying me up?”
The girl shouted in fear, her hands were dangling from rusty chains in a dark
basement, she culd see nothing but an evil smirk, which appears to be the
person she dreaded most.
“Stay quiet or else I suck your blood dry” The evil girl laughed
The poor chained girl struggle to stand up straight, she wriggling herself to
see if she could get the heavy chains off. It was hopeless; they were secured
onto her wrists.
“For 100 days Iʼll lock you in this basement, you will endure it all” The girl
laughed another evil echoing laugh.
“This is prejudice!”
“Oh Taeyeon, you got yourself into this, no one forced you” Tiffany lift
Taeyeon chin as she spoke, and poked Taeyeonʼs nose.
Tiffany went to the table situated in the middle about 1 metre and half away
from her;she grabbed a whole pack of chewing gum and unwrapped each
one. She slid each one into her mouth and chewed it engrossingly.
“No, no, no!! Donʼt you dare” Taeyeon exclaimed
Tiffany came over to Taeyeon and then she dug into her mouth to remove the
large piece of chewing gum that excreted a slimy substance, called saliva.
Tiffany played with it to enlarge the piece she then held it up to Taeyeonʼs
“Wake up already!” The girl pushed Taeyeonʼs body slightly.
Taeyeonʼs eyes shot open, and she saw that evil person again but this time in
her room.
“Donʼt,please donʼt, Iʼll do anything” Taeyeon pleaded helplesslyclinging onto
Tiffanyʼs waist.
“What are you talking about? Wake up already, Iʼm here to pick you up”
“Huh?” Taeyeon gazed up at Tiffany.
“It was a dream?” Taeyeon retracted her arms quickly, rubbed her eyes and
checked out vision. She was in her room not in the dark basement; it was a
nightmareafter all.
“Iʼll be downstairs, when you finish come down” Tiffany said and left the room
“Is she my mum or what?” Taeyeon watched the girl leave
In about 10 minutes Taeyeon came downstairs, Tiffany was sitting in her
usual careless posture in the living room. She was wearing her usual leather
jacket, but this time she had denim jeans on.They were partially ripped from
the usual style. Tiffany was twirling her hair and observing the painting on the
wall as she waited. The house peered to be made out all shades of gold, the
rim of almost everything is a gold color, and itlooked rather expensive.
“Iʼm done” Taeyeon said dragging along. Taeyeon didnʼt bring anything
because she was going to get it delivered to Tiffanyʼs house.
“Cool, lets get going then” Tiffany chewed on her piece of gum.
Taeyeon followed behind and paced towards the front door, she had told her
parents last night that she was moving with the girl, she didnʼt go into details
but because she felt she was responsible for this mess. Her parents was
angry so they told her that they will cut all her credits cards and she wonʼt be
allowed to come back. Taeyeon had no choice but to accept her fate.
Taeyeon looked back at house for the last time, sheʼll be missing it for the
next coming months.
“Where is your car?” Taeyeon looked around to see where this car was but
there was no trashy car in sight.
“Get on” Tiffany said as she got onto her bike and held the helmet out to
“What? Youʼre expecting me to ride on two wheels? Neverhad Taeyeon ever
rode a bike, this was even more shocking than anything.
“Hurry up, you whine too much” Tiffany arm was getting tired because of the
heavy helmet.
Taeyeon took the helmet and balanced it with her two hands, it was heavier
than it looked. She put it on but couldnʼt find the buckles.
“Help” Taeyeon yelped
“Youʼre so bothering” Tiffany said turning to her right where Taeyeon was, and
fiddled with the buckles. Taeyeon looked away because she felt pathetic not
knowing how to buckle a helmet. Tiffany tightensit making Taeyeon let out a
“There, now get on” Tiffany ordered
Taeyeon managed to get on but she struggled a bit due to herdisadvantage
inheight. The seat was long enough for a passenger and it felt more comfy
than Taeyeon had imagined.
“Hold on tight” Tiffany warned.
“What?” Taeyeon couldnʼt hear what Tiffany was sayingbecause the helmet
was blocking her hearing. But Taeyeon soon realized why. Tiffany flew off like
a torpedo; she raced out the front entrance in 2 seconds. Taeyeon managed
to wrapher arms around Tiffanyʼs waist in time, she held on tight as possible
almost suffocating Tiffany.
In less than 10 minutes they arrived at a block of buildings. Tiffany parked her
motorbike swiftly and smoothly into the adjacentparking along when the other
cars parked. She turned off the key and removed and then tucked into her
pocket securely. Taeyeon followed Tiffany off and unbuckled her helmet, she
handed the helmet over to Tiffany who was waiting for her. Tiffany put inside
the motorbike seat.
“Follow” Tiffany ordered.
Taeyeon followed closely behind Tiffany, Tiffany went up to the front door and
entered some numbers before the door allowed them to go through. Taeyeon
scanned the inside; it wasnʼt like any building she ever went too. The lights at
the top were blinking constantly and the smell of the place reeked. It was
almost like the houses she saw in the down town movies. With each step
Taeyeon heard an echo, and it creep the backside of her hair, they were
standing onit own. 
They enter the elevator; the gloomy light in the elevator was creepier than the
light on the main floor. Taeyeon stayed closer behind Tiffany, it felt like she
was going to be possessed any minute.
Bing the elevator alerted, the elevator stopped at the 6
floorand it opened
with a thud causing the elevator cubicleto shake from wall to wall.
“Is this really where you live?” Taeyeon whispered.
“Is there a problem?” Tiffany took the keys out of her pocket and dug its way
into the keyhole. The security door was pushed to the side and then the main
door was slammed in. Taeyeon was astonished at Tiffanyʼs roughness, she
thought it was the out appearance but she was tough inside and out.
“No,no problem” Taeyeon eyes almost dropped out of eye socket when she
saw the mess in the house. The clothes were found everywhere and in every
inch of the house, they looked like they have been there for weeks. Tiffany
kicked the piece of rug, which seemsto be a shirt out of her way as she
walked in.
“The room is in there” Tiffany pointed into the dark room on the left of the
“Only one room?” Taeyeon exclaimed, she at least there were two rooms she
never shared a room with anyone before.
“You can sleep on the floor or share the bed, it is yourchoice” Tiffany said
chugging down the water bottle she had taken out of the fridge.
Taeyeon kicked the objects on the ground as she passed through to the room;
the room was horrendous it was even worst than outside. The curtains were
closed and the bedwas not made.
“Ahhh!” Taeyeon screamed
Tiffany ran into the room to see what Taeyeon was screaming about, Tiffany
Taeyeon standing the bed looking down at a crock coach.
“What is that?!” Taeyeon yelled out in fear.
“That is a crock coach scaredy-cat” Tiffany step on top of it without showing
any fear.
Taeyeonʼs face squinted, she felt like spewing after seeing the squashed
crock coach.
“Get use it, you will see many more species habituating here” Tiffany smirked.
“There is more?” Taeyeon faintedonto the bed.
Tiffany was amused at Taeyeonʼs reaction, so far it this was the only thing
that made her smile all day. Once Taeyeon was awake her nose led her
outside to the kitchen, she smelt something and it was food.
“Hungry?” Tiffany moved the panover to the table and used the spatula to
scoop out the scrambled egg.
Taeyeon gulp, she was hungry but the food one the table was not the type of
food would have eaten daily.
“Sit down” Tiffany ordered
“Iʼm not going to eat that” Taeyeon sat down opposite of Tiffany with arms
“Fine then donʼt”Tiffany didnʼt care if Taeyeon ate or not.
Taeyeon watched Tiffany eat, she swallow down her salvia. Her stomach
started to growl, she held onto her stomach in embarrassment.
“Eat, stop holding it in” Tiffany said pushing the bowl over to Taeyeon and
continuing consuming her portion.Taeyeon eyes started to sparkle, the food
turned out to be not so bad. Taeyeon took one bite after another.
After having their breakfast Taeyeon realized that it was almost time to attend
her lecture. Taeyeon had some classes to attend to.
“I have to go to class, Iʼm almost late” Taeyeon said rushing out the door.
She hurriedly got outside to the elevator and then down to ground floor.
Taeyeon waited on the side road; she decided to take the taxi to school
because her parents didnʼt allow her to have a driver after choosing to move
Taeyeon pulled out her wallet to check how much money she had, it turns out
she didnʼt even have a penny. What was she meant to do now? Taeyeon
tucked it back into her pocket. There was a loud broom noise that came from
behind; Tiffany came out with her bike. She lifted her helmet covering
revealing her flawless features.
“Get on Iʼll take you Uni”
“Iʼm fine”
“Are you sure?”
Taeyeon wasnʼt fine at all, she had no cash and no car to get to Uni, andso
sheeventually gave in and climbed on the bike.
The loud motorbike noise attracted the attention of the people surrounding, it
was usual to hear motorbike noises around the university, the students all had
cars and V8 engines.
Jessica and Yuri werewandering why Taeyeon wasnʼt at Uni yet until they
saw the familiar body figure getting off the black motorbike. They hurried over
to confirm it was Taeyeon. Taeyeon took her helmet off and gave the helmet
back to Tiffany.
“Thanks” Taeyeon said before Tiffany flew off without a word.
“Wow, she ridesa bike?” Jessica was almost speechless for words.
“Yes apparently” Taeyeon answered fixingher clothes.
“She is more wild than I thought, I like!” Yuri said jokingly.
“Yeah you can have her” Taeyeon said not interested.
“Really?” Yuri asked excitedly
“NoI was kidding,sheʼs is my wife” Taeyeon claimed.
“Yuri would you stop being so…” Jessica was angry at Yuriʼs behaviours.
“What? What did I do?” Yuri asked
“Never mind” Jessica led the way to their class.
Yuri followedJessicalike a lost puppy, why was Jessica always picking on
her? She always gets angry at everything she did.How comeTaeyeon never
gets treated like that?She could never find the answer why, she tries to be
extra nice to Jessica always trying to make her smile being a dork from time
to time. But it just makes her angrier. Yuri lips pout following by Jessicaʼs side.
“Would you stop giving me that face” Jessica scolded.
“Smile then” Yuri said giving her the eye-smile
“Hmm” Jessica smiled for a second and when conformedto her ice princess
“Yah!” Yuri yelled out trying to catch up to Jessica. Taeyeon doesnʼt know how
those two continue to be friends when they are like that every day.
Chapter 4: Devil may cry
“Jessica lend me some cash, I need to take the taxi home becausemy
parents cut all my credit cardand I have no cash left”
“Poor you, here take this”Jessica handedTaeyeon some notes.
“Howare you going to survive without money?” Jessica asked.
“I have no clue yet, I havenever beenso lost” Taeyeon said looking down at
the groundand kicking the pebbles.
“And that is why I wouldnʼt get married” Yuri said satisfied with her words.
Jessica glared at Yuri.
“Stop adding salt ontomy woundsYuri”
“Taengare you sure the girl isnʼt doing this for money?” Jessica hesitated to
“I donʼt think she is after my money because I have nothing now, not even my
car. She had to even drive me to Uni, you two witnessed it this morning”
“What is she after then?”
“I donʼt know, my looks?” Taeyeon said posing with her infamous V sign under
“Hahaha you crack me up Taeng, you wish! She might be after me rather than
your looks” Yuri laughed hard.
“I know! She is a pervert! She wants your body… Just imagine this… One
dark stormy night a shadow swoop passes you while you were sleeping on
bed. A shadow hover over you and your eyes slowly opens just in time as she
launches her body on yours and then...”
Jessica gave Yuri a knock on the head.
“What kind of story is that? Are you telling a ghost story? It is giving me goose
bumpsall over!”Jessica yelled.
“Hey that hurt!” Yuri expressed.
“You deserve it, telling such a creepy story. I think it would have been rated
MA 18+ if I let you continue”
“Hey I got to go my driver is here,”Jessica said waving farewell to her two
friends. Jessica gave Yuri her usual Icey look and then left.
“Why is she always like that?” Yuri asked Taeyeon
“Are you blind girl?”
“Canʼt you see she is infatuated with you” Taeyeon socked Yuri, her jaw
dropped and she became speechless.
“How come you donʼt notice this?”
“How? She always acts so mean to me, almost everything I say gets on her
nerves.” Yuri finallyfound words to say
“She is jealous thatʼs why, every time you talk it is about someone else and
you never relies that she likes you and cares for you secretly”
“ButI donʼt have feelings for her. Jessica is a nice girl, she is our close friend,
that is why Ihavenever thought of her that way”Yuri confessed
“Jessica!” Taeyeon saw Jessica standing behind them. Jessica ran away with
tears in her eyes.
“That did not just happen” Yuri didnʼt know if she should chase after Jessica
or let her go.
“What are you waiting for? Go after her”
“I think I should let her clam down, theirs is no point chasing after her, I
wouldnʼt know what to say anyways” Yuri held tightly on bag strap. She really
wanted to run after but the other half of her doesnʼt want too.
Jessica tears kept coming out, she sniffed and sniffed, and walking along the
unknown road she wiped her overflowing tears. Her mind was blank; she
allowed her feet to take her anyway, just away from Yuri. She pulled away her
brunette hair; I was sticking toher face due to her tears that wet her cheeks.
Why, why doesnʼt she like me? Is there something wrong with me? Jessica
kept on questioning herself.
A soft voice from behind made Jessica stopped on the spot, she knew who it
“Jessica, listento me” Yuri placed her hand on Jessicaʼs shoulder so she
wouldnʼt run away.
“I think you would have heard what I said to Taeyeon, I have really have no
feelings for you. I feel we are good as close friends, youʼre like a sister to me”
“Is there something wrong with me? Can you give us a chance?” Jessica
“I … youʼre just not my type”
“Not your type? But I can change!” Jessica insisted
“Changed? How are you going to change? You are who you are. To be
honest, Iʼm a player and I like the sexy girls, the ones with long legs and the
ones with cleavage you know. I donʼt take dating seriously and I donʼt date
any one for longer than a month. By the way I called your driver, so you
should go home take a rest. Forget about everything I have said today and we
can be good friends again” Yuri smiled her heart-meltingsmile and led
Jessica over to the car.Jessica didnʼt say a word and went into her car
because she was in deep thoughts. Yuri watched the car leave into the far
That night Tiffany wasnʼt home, she could be late but Taeyeon was stomach
was growling, Taeyeon doesnʼt know how to cook at all but her stomach
persuading her to try out. Maybe she should try to cook something for both of
them to eat, Tiffany was kind enough to share her breakfast with her, she
should repay her. Taeyeonended her thought andwent over to the kitchen
and checked around for something, she found a can of Tuna near the
microwave, Taeyeon looked through the draw and found the can opener to
open the can lid. TheTuna smell was so strong, Taeyeon never smelt Tuna
with that strong flavor. She tried to pickthe pieces of Tuna out of the can. She
accidentally slit her finger against the sharp edge of the lid.
“Ouch!” Taeyeon dropped the can on the ground and held onto her finger, she
need a band-aid, she went through the draws in the kitchen but there wasnʼt
Taeyeon traveled from the kitchen to the living room, she looked through the
draws to find a bad aid, butunexpectedly she found a familiar item. It was the
wallet she lost in Cali, she opened it up and nothingwas missing. She
wandered, was this how Tiffany found out where she lived? Taeyeon had her
licensewith her address and personal details on it.
“Open up!” Someone banged at the door.
Taeyeon freaked out at the loud bang, why would someone be so loud at this
time of the day? Taeyeon took the bat she found on the ground, why was a
bat in the house? There was no time to investigate. Taeyeon came over to the
door and peeked through the hole. It was Tiffany.
She opened it up the several locks on the inside and Tiffany entered with a
grumpy face.
“What took you so long?” She then chucked her bag onto the coach.
“Can you ring the bell? I thought it was a group ofgangster outside the door”
“Donʼt beridiculous”
“Ridiculous? How can a human live in a place like this?” Taeyeon thrown the
bat down and dropped herself onto the coach.
Tiffany went over to the kitchen to get ready to cook dinner but when she
stepped into the kitchen she found a can of Tuna on the floor and chunks of
Tuna scatter everywhere and oil spill made the ground exceptionally slippery.
“What did you do to my kitchen?”
“I was…”
“You are such a spoiled kid, you didnʼt clean up this mess”
“Hey what?”Tiffany glared back atTaeyeon
“Nothing..” Tiffany looked really stress out so Taeyeon didnʼt bother arguing
She came over to the kitchen facing her back to Tiffany and picked up the
Tuna and put it into the can. Taeyeon hid her bleeding finger, it was stinging
causing her a lot of pain but she ignoredit.
Tiffany took a rag and bend down to wipe the oil off the floor before she notice
some red drops mixed with the oil. Taeyeonʼs finger was dripping blood,
Tiffany rushed to the cabinet in the bathroom and took out the band aid.
“What are doing still?” Tiffany yelled at Taeyeon who was cleaning up the
“Cleaning up what else?” Taeyeon was wiping the ground
Tiffany went over and grabbed Taeyeonʼs hand and put it under the taps to
clean the blood away.
“Ahh! It stings!” 
She then dried it clean and dragged Taeyeon over to the coach to stick the
band-aid on her index finger.
“You idiot, you could have told me you were bleeding. I would have gotten a
band aid for you” Tiffany scolded.
“I forgot about” Truthfully Taeyeon forgot about her bleeding finger because of
how stressed out Tiffany looked, she looks like a person with a lot of thoughts
and worries. Taeyeon observed Tiffanyʼs features, she never been this close
to see clearly of Tiffanyʼsfeatures. She was actually really pretty, well when
she is not being her usual self. In a split second Tiffanyʼs attitude became her
self again.
“Donʼt be an idiotagain”Tiffany went to the bathroom to take shower.
“I just wanted to make you dinner,”Taeyeon mumbled.
Taeyeon touched the band-aid on her finger; she hadnʼt cut herself for a very
long time, maybe even since a childhood. Everything was done for her, and
she didnʼt need to do anything for herself. It felt different.
After taking a shower Taeyeon laid in bed, she was in deep thoughts again.
Tiffany was lyingwith her back facing her. They didnʼt even exchange a word.
Tiffany ate quietly and Taeyeon consumed the food without complaining a
word. Taeyeon was chewing on a piece of chicken that was spiced and fried.
It wassimple buttasty and it smelt delicious even better than the food the
maids cooked for her. She heard some sniffing and Tiffany was looked down
when Taeyeon peered over. Was she crying? Taeyeon saw some tears
dropping into the rice bowl. Tiffany was crying. Why was she crying? Taeyeon
didnʼt know what to say to comfort her. She never witnessed anyone cryingin
front of her before. Tiffany was the first. Somehowwatching her cry made her
heart throbbed;it was making her sad too. This was only their first day as a
married couple; what was going on? [Ends]
Taeyeon turned over to face Tiffanyʼs back, her hand wanted to reached over
to the girl but she instead she hovered above the shoulder. Tiffany made a
sniffing sound and herhand immediately retreated by her side. She closed her
eyes and counted numbers until she fell asleep.
One week had passsince that night, Taeyeon forgot about and didnʼt ask. It
was Tiffanyʼs private life. She has no rights to interfere. 
The rustling morning noise interrupted her dream. She wokeupfeeling a bit
upset. From the bedshe could recognisethe figure walking around from one
end to another. Was Tiffany cleaning the house? Taeyeon illusion was kicking
in;in reality Tiffany was changing intoher outfit and was moving between the
closet and the bathroom to check her self in the mirror.
“Do you always have to dress like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like a gangster” Taeyeonsaid trying not to be offensive as possible, shestill
couldnʼt get use toTiffanyʼs style.
“Well get use to it” Tiffany couldnʼt carelessabout thecomment.
“What do you do?” Taeyeon hesitated to asked
Tiffany came over to where Taeyeon was sitting, she put one foot up onto the
bend and lowered to Taeyeonʼs eye level with vicious look “Youʼll be afraid if I
told you”
Taeyeon pulled back, the hairs on her arms lost its gravitation and stood upon
its roots. The black hair girlsmirked andthenpulled away;shestood there
tamperedwith the gloves in her hands before putting iton.
“I slaughter people as a hobby,” Tiffany sarcastically added
The girl on the bed refrained herself from shaking, she tightened her fist until it
became numb. She had never met anyone like Tiffany, this girl was serious
business, and howdid she getherself into this state? The petite girl slid off
the bed and glued her self to the walls, staying far away from the black air girl.
She progressed to the nearest exit along the walls of the room.
“I need to go toilets” She excused herself in the quickest way she could
“I saw a crock coach giving birth on the rug in the toilets this morning!” Tiffany
said laughing on the inside;she was satisfied with her teasing game.
The petite girl swallowed hard, upon hearing her dreaded enemy that was
habituating the small area she had just step in. She checked every corner
carefully and there were no bugs in sight, the evil girl was teasing her to
She was doing her business peacefully until the door slammed open. Taeyeon
covered herself with twohands.
“What in the world?” Taeyeon screamed
“Donʼt worry Iʼm not interested in watching you pee” The rude girl reached to
the top shelf to get a toilet tissue roll.
“You could at least knock!” She was furious and embarrassed
“Thanks” she slammed the door shut making Taeyeon almost bounce off the
toilet seat.
That girl is weird;one moment she makes you feel like you want to protect
her, and the next thing you know she makes you want to pee in your pant and
finally her typical rudeness could be made into a collection ʻnot to dosʼ.
Stepping out from the toilets, she forgot about what had happen earlier, but to
her surprise there was soaked toilet paper on the floor when the carton of
juice was spilt.
“Bacon or bacon?” Tiffany asked as she fried itin the pan.
“Bacon?” That was the only choice after all.
Taeyeon leaped over the toilet tissues and the split mess, she misses the
maids who kept her house clean. She wished she could have kept one of
them in times like these. She went over to the tableand sat down waiting for
the bacon to be fried.
“Hey, clean the mess on the ground up, donʼt sit there like a statue”
“I donʼt clean” Taeyeon never did chores in her life; yesterday the tuna spill
was her first time.
“Donʼt eat, simple as that”
“Whydonʼt you get a maid?”
“Little rich brat” Tiffany rolled her eyes.
“I am serious, then you wonʼt have to do it and your house would be clean”
“Do you know how much it cost to hire one?”
“Obviously more than youʼre worth” She doesnʼt know she wasgoing to put up
with this spoilt brat for months, which seemed like a decade now.
“I am worth a lot, then it must cost a fortune to hire a maid” Taeyeon thought.
Tiffany gave up. “Clean it up or no bacon for you”
Considering her state she couldnʼt object, Taeyeon went over to the floor
pinched the soaked tissues like it was infested. She picked it up and threw it
into the trashcan. She then rolled out more tissues and wiped the floor.
“Goodenough for you?” Taeyeon came over and sat down at the table.
“Okay” Tiffany observe the wiped up mess.
“You should be honored, I never cleaned in my life. Not everyone can make
me clean” She was getting overboard with her self-praising.
“Eat before I shut you up,”Tiffany warned clenching her fist tightly. Taeyeon
quickly made the food on her plate disappear leaving no trace of itsexistence.
“Do you need a lift today?” The girl peered over to Taeyeon; she diligently
drank the juice without taking a breath.
“I can take myself” Taeyeon was too scared to bother Tiffany; she couldnʼt put
her life on risk again.
“Alright Iʼm off” Tiffany rolled down her sleeves and took her bag off the coach
walking out through the front door.
“Phew” She was scared Tiffany was going to make her ride the motorbike
again, it hadbeen a week but for the pass days she avoided by asking Yuri
for a ride but today Yuriʼs car broke down so she had to get it fix and wouldnʼt
be able to pick her up early.
Taeyeon used the elevator to get to the ground floor. Downon bottom ground
the creepy lights greeted heras of every morning.
Why was it consistently blinking, where was the manager of the building how
come it hasnʼt been fixed yet? Taeyeon thought to herself. Taeyeon ducked
passed it and ran to the exit.
In theinside it was dark, the fatal contrast from the indoors and outdoors
made her eyesalmost blinded. The shimmering of the white objects causes
her eyes to squint like a like a mischievous ratin those kids cartoons. She
raised her hand up to shield the lights out of her eyes. She stayed standing at
the gates, because she hadnʼt figure out she could get to University yet.
“I donʼt bite you know” Tiffany said appearing slowly from the side road. She
was waiting for Taeyeon to come down. She knew Taeyeon had no ride to get
to University. She had overheard Taeyeon talking on the phone with Yuri in
the morning. 
“Here get on, donʼt make me wait” Tiffany handed the helmet to Taeyeon
“Iʼm fine, really”
Tiffany shot a death glare at Taeyeon which worked perfectly as planned,
Taeyeon hopped onto the bike without another word.
The bike smoothly entered the front entrance leaving a black tire mark; the
skid mark is the result of strong braking.
The sudden entrance draw attention form the other students, theywere
whispering to one another looking at them, they appeared to be scared of
“If anyone messes with you tell me” Tiffany said eyeing the other students.
“They wouldnʼt dare” Taeyeon answered slinging her backpack over her right
shoulder. Taeyeon fear of Tiffany died out in front of others; sheextruded her
coolness that whimpered away at home. Taeyeon was the type of person that
liked to makes other stand in awe and praise her for her attractive aura. She
did have a handful of followersat University, those that hadlittle crushes on
her and beg her to give them a glanceonce and a while. Tiffany was very
different to the usual people she had met, she was tough on the exterior and
extremely intimidating at times. They became a bit closer than before but
there was this distance between them, she couldnʼt understand Tiffany well
enough to get close. She was too scared to ask.
Tiffanyʼs eyes fixated on the slim figured with the curly longhair, seducing
exterior, heart meltingsmile and the darting eyes approaching their way. She
witnessed the girl taking Taeyeon by surprise into her embrace from behind.
The girl laid pecked Taeyeonʼs lip, Tiffany fingers clutched onto the handle
with extreme force.
“Taegoo!” The girl sweetly greeted.
Taeyeon pulled away;to her surprise it was her ex girlfriend.
“Youʼre back, I heard people say you went to Cali for a month”
“No just a day” Taeyeon held onto Sunmito refrain her from wrapping her arm
“Ahem” Tiffany let out
“Oh Sunmi, let me introduce Tiffany, my wife” Taeyeon said looking in the
Tiffanyʼs direction
“Your wife?” Obviously Sunmi didnʼt know. The news was spread around the
school the first day Taeyeon was seen riding on Tiffanyʼs motorbike.
“Hello, nice to meet you Tiffany…” Sunmisaid and smiled.
“Hi” Tiffany greetedcoldly.
“Umm Yeah, I better get to class, see you later Tiffany” Taeyeon felt the
awkwardness between the three; she excused herself from the intense
“Right, bye” Tiffany U-Turned with a swift move and rode off into the distance.
“She seems cold” Sunmi commented
“She is cold” Taeyeon agreed
“We broke off not too long ago and you already gotten married” Sunmin
“It was unexpected” Taeyeon kept walking, she refrained herself from looking
directly at Sunmin. They used to share a special relationship, it made
Taeyeon believe that they were destined but not until that one time she saw
an unpleasant sight. Sunmin cheated on her. They remained as friends after
but they could not be the same. Taeyeon couldnʼt stand anyone being
dishonest, lying is a lying there is no excuse to make up for it.
“I saw Sunminbefore, she just came back from Japan. She asked me about
you and Tiffany” Yuri said
“Tell me something I donʼtknow”
Taeyeon wasnʼt interested; once the trust is broken there is nothing to mend
“She still cares for you” Yuri commented
“I donʼt give” Taeyeon replied coldly,it didnʼt shock Yuri at all, Yuri predicted
Taeyeon to react that way.
“Hmm so how are you and Jessica?”
“I donʼt know, I havenʼt seen her sincethe last time we talked” Yuri felt guilty
for rejecting Jessica, but there was nothing she could do to mend their
“I hadnʼt been able to contact her either. Jessica had had a crush on you for a
long time, I think itishard for her to face you, but maybe time will erase the
Taeyeonʼs words made Yuri felt a bit betterbut she was worried why Jessica
didnʼt come to school for so long.
There was a sudden hurdle of people heading towards oneparticular
direction. They were pushing and shoving, but what was going on? Yuri pulled
back on of the guys to ask.
“There is a foreign student that just arrived the school, it was rumored she
was runner up for Miss Pageant but she dropped out.
Another added “She is extremely beautiful and has a became the new icon in
the model industry”
“I think she is a student at this school”The guy flew off after finishing his last
Another kid said “No, it just a stick”
“What is all the unnecessary fuss? I bet it just another Barbie doll” Yuri joked
The two friends gather to where the crowd was, everyone was trying to get an
autograph so itwas hopeless to see her face. But they managed to get
glimpse of her from afar. Shehad long wavy hair, branded sunglasses, a floral
dressyet revealing dress,and crème colored heels, a slim tall figure, and an
essence of elegance with a sexy appeal.
It was predicament sight;the crowd was pushing and shoving crazily. It was
getting out of control. It was likea movement of the century,the waypeople
followed her. The endangering stimulus crowd closed in on the poor girl, she
dropped her sunglasses and it broke into two parts.
“Goddess” Yuri expressed
“Jessica?” Taeyeon mouth opened wide.
Chapter5 – Lovelockdown
Love is blind, and lovers cannot see, The pretty follies that themselves commit
“Goddess” Yuri expressed
“Jessica?” Taeyeon mouth opened wide. It has been a while since she had
seen Jessica. Jessica eyes looks lifeless, blank, dull, tired. She stood parallel
the two. Taeyeon could seeglimpse of Jessica through the little gapsthe
crowdspared with each movement. Yuri was too mesmerized by the
appearance of the new student to notice Jessicaʼs presence. The petite girl
looked down after having a long gaze at her crush, her shoulders drooped
along with her head.Within a blink of an eye Jessica disappeared.
“Yuri! I saw Jessica!” Taeyeon tugged onto her friend
“What?” Yuriʼs eyes still followed the beauty
“I said I saw Jessica!” Taeyeon shouted into Yuriʼs ears
“Jessica? Where?” Yuri mildly looked around; there was no sight of the friend
she had heartlessly rejected
“She was there a minute ago, she disappeared now” Taeyeon pointed to the
opposite direction
Jessica had disappeared around the corner, her eyes filledwith tears. The
moment before had caused her heart to detain constant percussion. It jittered
her lips,made her eyes water. Her mind deceived herself at the sight of her
crush awing over another. She knew she hadnʼt gone back that day, she knew
she shouldnʼt have eavesdropped on them, now it had made her heart bleed.
“Jessica!” A familiar voice called out
“I know youʼre still here”
She wondered on the same ground in circles.
“I know you can hear me, donʼt run away please”
She begged in her heart forher to come closer.
“I know our friendship cannot be mended…but I have got something to say”
Her walls surrendered.
Opennessemerges when the individual themselves become willing to
suspend their certainty in otherʼs presence. If openness is the quality of a
relationship then building a relationship is characterized by openness.
Jessica crept out of her hiding ground, her head still lowered and her eyes still
wet. Something within those eyes held some truth behind it. She believedYuri
had something important to say;after all she got nothing to lose anymore.
“There you are!” Yuri slowly stepped closer. Taeyeon had left quietly;she
figured they needed time alone.
“I have been thinking for the past week, I really wanted for us to be friends
again, but I think that isnʼt possible”
“Enough…” Jessica wept. She was scared Yuri was going to say they were to
treat each other as strangers.
She gripped herself tightly.
“I havenʼt finishedyet…would you…be my girlfriend?” Yuri calmly asked
Jessica immediately looked up, stunned of what she had just heard.
“I mean it, you askedme, why didnʼt I give us a chance? I figured, why not?
Maybe you would think differently once we dated. I will change your mind. You
might get sick and tired of me and then we can be friends, friends with
benefits. Iʼm kidding on that last part, the benefit part”Yuri laughed it off.
The brunette girl wept even harder, she tears came out non –stop;her body
couldnʼt hold herself standing.
“Wait donʼt cry, did I say something wrong? Donʼt cry please, please I beg
you” Yuri bend down to where Jessica was kneeling.
“No, Iʼm just overjoyed” Jessica said breaking from her crying.
“Gezus, if I knew you were going to cry this much I would have brought a box
of Kleenex with me” Yuri wrapped her arms around Jessica who nested her
headed onto Yuriʼs shoulder, soaking the shirt she was wearing.
The coming afternoon Taeyeon took a bland nap, she was a little tired that
afternoon. In the distance two girls held hands walking towards the napping
“Taeyeon ah, it is class time” One out of the twonudged
“Er..Huh?” Taeyeon opened her eyes meeting the lights that made her squint
“Taeyeon, itʼs class time” Yuri repeated
Demised being awoke she was overjoyed at the sight;her two friends were
hand in hand. It made her smiled unconsciously.
“You two are together?” Taeyeon asked
“Yeah, weʼre together now” Yuri smiled as she held up their intertwined
hands. Jessica blushed revealing her red cheeks.
“Alright love birds let get going” Taeyeon said leaning the bench she rested
“Wae!” Tiffany shouted
“Because I want too,” Taeyeon said in her most ignorant tone
“I donʼt want to invite anyone over” Tiffany like her personal life to be private.
She doesnʼt want anyone to enter her territory
“Jessica and Yuri are my closest friend, they have the rights to come visit me.
I invited them so discussion is over” Taeyeon ended
“You,.. You” Tiffany gave up, she couldnʼt stop Taeyeon or change mind, it
was hopeless.
“Knock knock!”
“Theyʼre here!” Taeyeon said excitedly. She rushed over to the door to
unlocked it and let her friends come in
“Wow, this is one creepy building” Jessica commented
“This is a like a junkyard, did you get hit by a hurricane that we didnʼt know
of?” Yuri examined the interior. The faded color walls, the dimly lit inside, the
barbarian and tacky objects called furniture, that should be substituted by the
word obstacles, was no help to finding her way through. Broken pieces of
furniture laid on the floor like it hadnʼt been touch since a hurricane hit the
“Thanks for saying nicethings about my house” Taeyeon agreed it looked
messy but she wasnʼt happythat her friend had to witness it. Tiffany told her
not to touch it, because one it was Tiffanyʼs, two it was dangerous, and there
could be anything in that mess. The only place she seen Tiffany clean up was
the kitchen, that was it. But for her friends to add onto her midst theory of why
the house ended up looking like this was upsetting. 
“Youʼre welcome” Jessica laughed.
“Sit down” Taeyeon said picking the clothes on the coach to make space for
the two to sit.
Yuri pulled Jessica over to the coach and did as they were told.
“What is this?ʼYuri said feeling something under her ass, anitemthat she
was far too familiar with.
“Tiffanyʼs bra” Taeyeon chuckled as she reached over and grabbed it by the
“Wow, Iʼlllove to find treasure in your coach every day” Yuri joked.
“She is very open, so you might find things you donʼt want to see” Taeyeon
warned. She was use too it, by far she had experienced worst cases.But how
can you define worst? That is that question left unanswered.
“Donʼt tell that is a G-string your fiddling with” Jessica eyes widened
Taeyeon had a habit of fiddling with these when she is a bit nervous;she
wondered what her friends were thinking.They were all from the upper class,
with huge mansion, fancy cars, and very strictly organized environments but
this wasnʼt anythinglike that.
“What? Noooo”
“Or is it?” Taeyeon stared at the item in her hand. She immediately threw it
hitting Yuri in the head.
“Thanks, I needed that” Yuri said sarcastically.
“Well, it is nice to know you are living well” Jessica examined the kitchen;the
place looks like it was falling apart.Jessica was being humble at her utter
most. She had changed progressively after she dated.
“Where is Tiffany?”
“She is in the room I think, Iʼllgo get her”
Before Taeyeon could move Tiffany came out with a movie casein her hand.
“Hello Tiffany” Jessica and Yuri greeted
Tiffany smiledin reply. Taeyeon felt she was up to no good with that smile.
ʻ”You two want to watch a movie?” Tiffany held up the coverand strutted over
to the front.
“Sure why not” Yuri loves movies
“What kind of movie is it?” Jessica asked, she was feeling awkward because
of their first meeting back in Cali.
“It is fun, Iʼm sure youʼll love it” Tiffany turned on the TV, and placed the disc
into the DVDplayer. After she done her deed, she turned around to find a
place to sit, there was only a spot left to sit, and it was beside Taeyeon. She
came over beside Taeyeon and uncomfortably sat down.
Some time hadpassed.
The smiling faces that were seen earlier had now turned pale. The two friends
who had been dragged into this were gripping tight onto each other and could
not gain the courage to saya word. Only screaming was heard throughout the
movie and the echoing voices that gave then goosebumps down the spine.
Yuri and Jessica were clinging onto each other without room to breath; they
both were sweating cold sweats. It turns out that it was a horror movie, and
Tiffany was having fun watch them freak out. Suddenly a ghost appeared
behind the doors, it popped on scene making the three scream their lungs out.
Taeyeon groped onto anything she could find, and that was Tiffany, she held
onto Tiffany and buried her face into Tiffanyʼs jacket.
“Ahem, watch where your hand is groping” Tiffany warned Taeyeon who was
frightenedfrom the sudden ghost appearance
“Sorry” Taeyeon took her hand off Tiffanyʼs chest but Taeyeonhidher head
behind Tiffany for the rest of the movie. The girl was annoyed and tried to pull
away from the whimpered girl, but somehow she unsuccessfully retreated
because the adorableness made her lay off her strength. She couldnʼt help
but smile.
“Iʼll make sure the next we watch a movie from Tiffany, itʼs not going to scared
the shit out of me,”Yuri said afterwiping her sweats. Jessica who was
cuddled up beside Yuri nodded in agreement.
“That was fun”Tiffany commentedmischievously.
“I only watch horror movies, and this one is not even scary”
Tiffany planned to scareoff the two with her movies,but it didnʼt work well
enough. They were still there.
“Let watch another!” Tiffany exclaimed
“No, no... I mean no thank you. It is really late we better be off” Yuri rejected
the idea and pretended to lookat the clock, it was almost 10 oʼclock
“Yeah we better get going” Jessica grabbed tightly on Yuriʼs arm.
“Okay, then bye” tiffany was glad they were finally leaving
The girl beside Tiffany released her grip and checked the time. “Ten already?
Time sure goes by fast,I thought it had only been 15 minutes. I guess I
shouldnʼt be keeping you two,see you two tomorrow”Taeyeon waved to her
friends after she escort them to them to the door.
Taeyeon was lying on the bed alone;the cold shivers came down her spine.
Her hairs were standing on its roots. Tiffany was still in the showers, Taeyeon
was terrified; she hid herself under the blanket.
She heard the water stopped, and movements leading back into the room.
Tiffany was finally done showering. The foot steps had gotten louder as she
gotten closer.Tiffany dried her hair thoroughly beforelying down onto her side
of the bed. Immediately two arms caught herby surprise. The arms wrapped
around her like sticky tape that could not be pulled off.
“Let go! What are you doing?” Tiffany yelledstruggling in Taeyeonʼs arms
“Iʼm scared” Taeyeon whispered under the blanket. Tiffany could barely hear
“Scared of what?” Tiffany harshly questioned
“The ghosts”
“It was only a movie!”
“But still… Iʼm scared” Taeyeon buried her head onto Tiffanyʼs bare skin.It
was soft and it smelt nice, she smelt like rose petals, endearing and fresh.
“How am I going to sleepif youʼre suffocating me?” Tiffany askedgrumpily
“Pretty please, just for tonight” Taeyeon begged. She tightensher grip on
Tiffanyʼs body.
“Are you sniffing me?” Tiffany exclaimed, at the strange sounds.
“Nooooo, why would I be?” Taeyeon was obviously lying.
“Omg, let go, let go, you strange kid!” Tiffany kept on strugglingto find her
way outin the dark.She tried to wriggle her body to loosen the grip but it
didnʼt do any good; it only made the grip on her even tighter.
“When I get scared Iʼll pee in my pants, and you donʼt want to be sleeping in a
wet bed do you now?” Taeyeon revealed her dirty, embarrassing secret.
“You are such a kid!” The trapped girl complained.
“I am a cute kid then”
Sniff. Sniff.Sniff.
“Youʼre are doing it again!”
“No,am not!”
“Stop it.”
“Youʼre taking advantageof mearenʼt you?”Tiffany mumbled.
“….” Taeyeonʼs little head peeked through the covers
“Never mind go to sleep”
Tiffany had forfeited. She lay still like a log, and she barely could move.
“Thanks” the tiny, whispered could be heardwith a hint of shakiness.
Tiffany swore on her soul, she would not watch another horror movie with
12: 36am
“Tiffany” Taeyeon whispered.
No answer.
Still no answer
“TIFFAAAAAAAANY!!” Taeyeon shouted in one ear.
“Ahhh! What do you want?”
“I need to pee”
“Go, you donʼt need my permission” She tried to close her eyes again.
“But but… Iʼm scared. Can you come with me?”
“Youʼre an adult”
“You donʼt want the bed wet do you?”
“Omg... come on” Tiffany was released from Taeyeonʼs embrace and got
down to the side of the bed. Taeyeon grabbed onto Tiffanyʼs hand and held it
tightly. Tiffany looselyallowed Taeyeon to hold her hand because she wanted
to go back to sleep badly, she couldnʼt bare to argue all night.
“Hurry” Tiffany beckoned
10 minutes passed. Tiffany leaned against the wall to find her dreamland
“Okay Iʼm done” Taeyeon poked Tiffany gesturing her to wake up.
“Finally! Though you fell asleep in there” She sluggishly dragged herself on
her two feet again to progress back to the bedroom, she mindlessly grabbed
Taeyeon hand to lead her back.
Hey got back into the bed and Taeyeon cozily cuddled tightly onto Tiffany like
she had before. Tiffany eyes closed automatically due to her sleepy body
weretoo tired to retaliate.
That morning Taeyeon woke up early; she was still embracing the black
haired girl. She peered at the girlʼs sleeping face, peaceful, calm, and sweet
and it was giving her butterflies feelings in her stomach just by looking at her.
Thepiercing on her face wasdistracting but it could not completely divert the
attention from the beautiful face. The type of feelingthat wonʼt go away no
matter what you do. She wish that the girlcould stay in her angelic
appearance all the time, only when she sleepsmakes her feel that Tiffany
could be nice.
Tiffany head slightly movedshe was about to wake up. Taeyeon managed to
close her eyes in time, she didnʼt want to get caught gazing at the girl.
Tiffanyʼs body felt numb all over due to her limited movement during the night,
by the pair of arms bounded around her body.
Her eyes met the adorable face, the milky white skin, the messy fringe, and
slowly her eyes traveleddown to the timid pink soft lips. Taeyeon is like a
premature adult, she had a baby face, and the stubborn personality of akid
but she still could capture hearts with her exterior. Tiffanyʼsheartbeat
increased by 100 beats.She raised her hand to feel her chest. This wasnʼt
good, wasnʼt good at all she thought. Tiffany starts to feel some weird
tumbling feelings in her stomach.It was doing turnovers. Her breathing got
heavier with every breath, she started to pant. She breathed in and out. In and
out, trying to stabilize it back to her normal pace. She had stop observing the
sleeping girl to refreshher thoughts before it took a wrong turn. Tiffany
pushed the girl face away with one push on the side cheek, away from her
bare shoulder. She feltrelieved.
“Owww!” Taeyeon cried out in pain. She rubbed hernow pinkcheek.
“What was that for?”
“You deserve it, itʼsbetter than me Iʼm numbed all overand Icouldnʼt move at
all,Iwas locked down all night becauseof you”Tiffany massaged her arms
and legs.
“You make it sound like I raped you” Taeyeon humph
Tiffany wrong thoughts came back in that instant, her cheeks were forming
intored plums, and she used her cold hands to cool her burning cheeks. In
that instant she was speechless, Tiffanyneeded to get out and fast too.
Tiffany ran to the exit like a flying arrow, she did not even dare to look back.
Taeyeon hand soothedher sore cheek in confusion, “Did I say something
Chapter 6 Grinding the night
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged
Cupid painted blind
The pen tapping repetitively on the desk, causing vibration to the surface and
her foot tapping in sync withthe rhythm against theground. The lecture was
boring her bit by bit as time goes by. The clock ticked, the sound of the clock
could be heard vaguelythroughout the room, tick, tock, tick, and tock. When
was classgoing to end? Taeyeon thought to herself. She checked the clock
50 times per minute, and it didnʼt help one bit. Unexpectedlyher mind
wondered to the beauty she had woken up with this morning, the pleasant eye
catching features she could not forget.With every tick the image of the beauty
became a puzzle piece put together in front of her, she keep working on the
pieces of puzzle that she could remember accurately.
The closed eyes with long eyelashes that curved upward, the thin nose that
matched perfectly with her face frame, the luxuriouslips, so kissable.The
more she thought about it the more detailed it became. She started to wonder
why she could remember such details when it was only a short moment; the
fluttering feelings came back inside her. It was travelling around incircles
insideher stomach. The answers she came up with didnʼt do her justice.
Twohours had passed. The lecture had ended, all Taeyeon did throughout
the lecture was daydream about the beauty. The name of that person
subconsciously wanders through her mind. She couldnʼt retaliate but neither
does she want too.
Afew metres away from her class, afamiliar backside caught her eye in the
crowded corridor, she wasnʼt daydreaming thistime, but she wasnʼt definite
that it wasnʼt her illusion playing up on her.
“Tiffany?” Taeyeon blinked twice, she doubtedher eyes, because itdidnʼt feel
right. Why would tiffany be at Uni?She shuffled through the crowd to get to
the familiar person.
Tapping on the familiar shoulder the person turned around and it turned out to
be the person she didnʼt expect to see at University.
“Tiffany? What are you doing at University?” Taeyeon was curious to why
Tiffany unexpectedly appear at the University.
“Oh hey, nothing… Iʼm just here to pick you up” Tiffany is anxiously. Why did
Taeyeon feel like Tiffany was lying? She didnʼt know why but the way Tiffany
spoke felt different to her usual assertiveness.
“Okay… We can go now”
Back at home.
“Weʼre going to a party”
“We and together?” Tiffanyʼs eyebrows riseas she turned around to face
“Yes, well apparently we need to take a partner and I think youʼll be the most
“You have no one else to take?”
“I assumed itʼs null then”
“False, I have a lot. Just that I have uh… ah… But theyʼre busy” She tried to
make a convincible excuse. Taeyeon slid both her hands in her pockets; she
was getting sweating in palms. She had no idea why. It was like back in high
school when she first asked her crush on a date.
“What is in this for me?”
Tiffany gave her seriously questioning expression
“I was joking. But it will be fun” Taeyeon tried to convince
“Pleasejust for tonight” Taeyeon consistently urged
“No is no”
“Pretend you are babysitting me” The baby face pouted
“Donʼt give me that look, I donʼt give in to it” Tiffany straighten her fringe and
her jacket.
“Where are you going?”
“Iʼve got plans” Tiffany pulled her gloves and adjusted her posture
“What plans? With who? Where?”
“When did you become so whiny?” Tiffany groaned.
“It what you get after getting marriage”
The girl shoveled around the living room and reached the draws to find the
keys to her motorbike.
“I learnt it from my parents” Taeyeon shrugged
“You talkway too much, Iʼll be home by midnight” Tiffany took themetalclub
that she left by the side of the door and exited without another word.
“Well you look like youʼre going to have fun…” Taeyeon mumbled just after
Tiffany left.
That night Taeyeon went to the party with her other two close friends. The
party house was filled with people from left to right. They were all in very nice
elegant clothes. Each and every individual glowed in their own way, they were
having conversations to each other and some enjoying their own thing.
“Taeyeon youʼll find a partners here for sure” Yuri checked the girls out.
Taeyeon looked over tothe girls Yuri was checking out, they were not her
taste at all.
“See them hot girls, lean and mean”Yuri licked her lips and made some
prowling noise.
“That is overboard” Taeyeon commented
“But theyʼre gorgeous assesyou have to admit”
“Um… Those skanky Hoes?”Jessica butted in.
“But those are my people”Yuri pouted adorably.
“Poor taste” Jessicajealousy was noticeably shown, she knew what she had
gotten herself into but she could not get herself out.
“So now letʼs go meet the person whom invited us to this party”
“The person you despised most?”
“Not necessarily, I do not hate her because I do not know her. But my parent
seems to love her for some reason. I have never once visited them and
apparently we have been family friends for sometime, for business relation
otherwise” Taeyeon cringed at the thoughts. Family friends never gave great
thoughts. All their ʻfamily friendsʼare rich spoiled brats. One hundred times
worst than Taeyeon had been. 
“And as a result we were also dragged along” Yuriwhined.
“Yes, and so we shall meet her together” Taeyeon led the way towards the
main room. The elegant figure in a short silky red dresswas found surrounded
by many other guests seemto be the one they were looking for. The guests
surrounding the person slowly moved away. The girl in the silky dress
attention drew towards the new faces that were waiting aside.
“Hello, Iʼm Kim Taeyeon” Taeyeon approached the girl to give her greetings
“Oh hello Taeyeon, I heard a lot about you. Iʼm Yoona”
“I heard more about you, Yoona” Taeyeon smiled
“Well that equals out” Yoona laughed it off.
“Maybe. I guess they were right that you resemble an angel. Very beautiful I
must say”
Yoona looked pleased being praised so upfront.
“Why Thank you, I hope you and your friends enjoy this party”
“We will” Taeyeonsmile andlook at the other two and nodded.
“Alright I got to go greet my other guests, enjoy” Yoona said
“Okay, talk to you later” Taeyeon said watching the girl leave the carpet
“Did you just flirt with her?” Yuri said in astonishment
“That was not flirting, I was being nice”
“I guess she was pretty though” Yuri searched her memory block.
“My parents werenʼt bluffing after all, she seems nice”
“I guess youʼre right about that one”
“Where is your girlfriend?” Taeyeon asked after realizing that Jessica had not
been presence since they began talking.
“I donʼt know”
“How can you not?”
“Maybe she went to get drinks or the toilets or something”
“Hmm maybe”
“Let go have some fun! There are so many pretty ladies here to keep me
company” Yuri eyes sparkled
The dangling chandelier located in the central of the room sparkle prettily
along with the matching interior decorations. Taeyeon and Yuri headed over
to the wine bar to grab a glass of wineeach. Anelegant figure approached
Yuri as soon a she took her first sip from the glass.
“Hey therewould you like a drinkwith me?”Thepretty girl laid her hand onto
Yuriʼs arm.
“Yeah sure, but a little later” Yuri seductively replied.
The pretty girl left with a wink and swiftly took off towards another direction.
“It like youʼresome sort of bitch magnet, no offence” Taeyeon said taking a
sip from the wine glass.
“No offence taken”Yuri smirked. She liked it.
“I know your game very well Yuri”Taeyeon took a sip.
“Butt, boobs, face are the requirements to enter the game”Yuri laid down the
glass of wine.
“Youmake it too easy to judge you”
“I know. I prefer it that way. But Iʼm unpredictable you know it”
“No apparently youʼre very predictable according to me”
“That is because you know me too well, but they donʼt know my game”
“Hmm really? Iʼm not the exclusive one here. It looks like your girlfriend is
cheating on you”
“What are you talking about?” Yuri became lost after Taeyeonʼs last line.
“Look there, she is flirting with some stranger and it looks like theyʼare pretty
“I donʼt care” Yuri laughedawkwardly
“Really? She is grinding her body against the stranger now”
“I donʼt, Itold you I had no feelings forJessica”
“Wait so you asked Jessica out because you felt sorry for her?”
“Yes, I told you I only think of Jessica as a friend”
“Why did you accept her then?You ʻre giving her hope and hurting her at the
same time”
“I donʼt know…Maybe because she resembled someone I use to know”
[End of flashback]
“No, I think you are jealous” Taeyeon observed her friendʼs posture. She was
stiffening and her hand was holding onto the glass with extra force.
“I am not jealous okay? I am going to find my own partner to grind with. And
no, I am not staring at herboobsright now, I am just lookingat her necklace.”
Yuriʼs voice changed from her casual tone to her angry tone.
“Alright, please yourself” Taeyeon watched her friend make her way to the
crowd. It looked likeshe was going to have a grinding battle.
Taeyeon left the wine bar to find something else to do. It was getting lonely by
herself after watching the grinding battle turn out to be a make out battle
between her two friends. It was changing from entertaining to mind scarring.
The lonesome girl wondered upstairs and she found a room with a special
doorknob, it had little diamond embedded around it. The door was fancy like
any other door. She pushed it open slightly to wait for any reaction before
entering. She reached out for the light switch on the wall and turned it on. She
the room that was covered in pinkinterior itmust have been a girlʼs room.
Slowly entering the room she observed the furniture inside. Nothing in
particular special about the furniture design or layout, they were the expensive
brands she had seen often. Something that caught her eye was in the far
corner, a few photo frames. Taeyeon embarked towards the photo frames.
Therewas a family photo;it had Yoona and all the family members. The other
one beside the family photo was one of two people. This was one of Yoona in
when she was still in her teens;she still looksthe samenow. Taeyeon eyes
opened wide as she tried to magnify the person next to her.
“Tiffany?” She was unsure if hereyes were playing up on her.
She observed it at a closer distance; the girlʼs hair was combed up and neatly
tied in a pleasant looking bundle. She had no piercing, no dark make up. She
was really beautiful, in a short floral dress and pearls around her neck.This
wasnʼt a casual photo but a professional taken photo, like the one you take on
a family photo day. Why was Tiffany in the photo? Thatwas the question she
needs an answer to. Taeyeon carefully placed the photo down and creped out
the door without anyone knowing. It wasnʼt right in the first place to go in
preposition of permission. She needs to find a chance to ask Yoona about it.
“Taeyeon?” A soft voice called out.
Taeyeon turned around to see the girl she greeted earlier.
“Oh hey Yoona” Taeyeon moved towards the girl.
“Where are your friends? Why are you hanging by yourself?” Yoona leaned
back in interest.
“They are having their fun time, I decided to find my own”
“You can come chill with me and my close friends”
“Itʼs okay” Taeyeon tried to run away. She knew if she gotten into it she
couldnʼt get out. But then it hit her. She remembered she needed to find out
why Tiffany found in photo she had seen earlier. This was the perfect chance.
“Come on it will be fun” Yoona surprisingly grabbed onto Taeyeonʼs wrist and
dragged her towards one of the rooms.
“You brought a friend,” A girl said as she raised her drink.
“This Taeyeon my family friend that Iʻve just met today” Yoona introduced
“Hello everyone” Taeyeon nervously bowed.
“Here join us,”The girl offered Taeyeon a glass of wine. Taeyeon cheerfully
accepted the offer.
“Taeyeon we are playing truth or dare, are you gamed?” Yoona sat down
beside Taeyeon.
“Sure, I am gamed”It wasnʼt like she could say no, they were all focused on
her. The empty wine bottle started to spin on the table. It went round and
round in 4 to five spins. It landed on a girl wearing some sort tight black dress
that cling to her body.
“Hyuna truth or dare?” Yoona saidwith her admirable daring smile
“When was the last time you had sex, be honest”
“1 week ago next!” Hyuna spun the bottle. It unexpected landed on Yoona, the
head half missed Yoona.
“Truth or dare”
“Dare”Yoona said daringly
“I dare you to drink all for this” Hyuna gave Yoona one whole bottle of alcohol.
Yoona choked it down like it was nothing. She licked her lips deviously.
The next spun it landed on Taeyeon. Taeyeon needed them to get drunk
before she could ask anything.
“Truth or dare?”
“Truth”She said knowing her fate.
“What age did you lose your virginity?”
Taeyeon thought about it for a while, she could not recall her first time
encounter. From what she remembered she had woken up naked beside
another cloth less body. Shehad her ʻfirst timeʼin California with Tiffany. She
wasnʼt intothe stage 3 whenever she dated. It was uncomfortable to say she
had only lost her virginity at 22. But she could lie.
“uh… 18”
“With who?”
“Only one questionallowed” Taeyeon nervously stated.
“Awww, right next!”
The game went for over hours until everyone was completely drunk. Taeyeon
turned out to be one of those. She had too many to remember her plan. The
drunken bodies laid everywhere in the room. One found slouching over the
coach, the others on the floor and on the table. Taeyeon blackedout after
having too much to handle, she layknocked out on the floor.
The next morning, Taeyeon found herself in a familiar room. It turns out to be
her bedroom. She wondered how she had gotten home. Her head was aching
and her body felt like it had gone through a battle of the survivals.
“Ah!” Taeyeon felt a lump on her forehead;her stomach didnʼt feel too good
“Why is there a lump on my forehead?”
Taeyeon got out of her bed and rose towards the mirror on the wall.
“Ouch! What did I do last night?”
“You vomited all over me,”Tiffany said entering the room
“Really? Iʼm sorry,but why is there a lump on my head?”
“That… well”
1:45 am
Tiffanyʼs phone rang while she was dozing into her deep sleep. Shepicked up
her phone and to her surprise Taeyeonʼs number appeared. Why was
Taeyeon ringing her at this time?
“Hey Tiffany can you come pick Taeyeon up?” Yuri asked.
“Where is she”
“At the party, Iʼll text you the address. She is a bit drunk so be careful. She a
bit of a handful when she is drunk”
“Okay” That was the last thing on her mind to do. Pick up a drunken person
after midnight. Why couldnʼt she just sleep over or something?
As she arrived at the party she found Yuri and Jessica holding onto the
drunken body. Taeyeon was swaying from one side to another.
“Thanks Tiffany”
“Great.” Tiffany was left with the petite girl. She struggled to balance the girl
on her own two feet. She rocked back and forth falling here and there as they
walked to the motorbike.
“Tiffany?” Taeyeon hiccupped
“I am impressed. You still recognise me”
“Of course I do”
“Thatʼs great, now get on” Tiffany dragged Taeyeon onto the motorbike.
“Youʼre my wifey, wifey” Taeyeon hiccupped again.
“Hold on tight, itʼs your fault if you fall” Tiffany said trying to balance herself
with the weight on her back.
“Awww youʼre so cute” Taeyeon said tightening her arm around Tiffanyʼs
Within another second Tiffany accelerated her speed to 100km/hr. She hit the
road without excess effort. In 10 minutes they reached the familiar roads and
building.The night roads were clear and quiet, most people would be sleeping
or partying hard like Taeyeon did.Tiffany carefully climbed off the bike and
following her was the heavy body. Taeyeon leaned onto Tiffany to get off the
bike. She toppled while standing on flat ground, her vision were multiplied
causing her to see double of everything.
“Youʼre so troublesome” Tiffany complained as she helpedsupport the
drunken girl
“Next time Iʼll let you sleep on the road”
“Youʼre so niccee, I think I like you” Taeyeon slurred
“Huh?” It took the black hair girl by surprise. She known the girl was drunk but
for her to so to her so directly it made her stomach tumble.
“I Ilikee youuu” Taeyeon said poking at Tiffanyʼs cheeks. It was hard for
Taeyeon to pinpoint the distance and the reality placement of everything; the
alcohol was playing up on her.Taeyeon leaned forward and pecked Tiffany
on the cheek.
“Touch me again andIʼll cut your fingers off”Tiffany scolded after unfreezing.
“You can cut my fingers anytime then” Taeyeon pecked again and again.
“Stop it!” Tiffany said struggling to keep the girl balanced and under control.
She tried to move away but not let the girl fall to the ground. They arrived at
the front of the elevator; she pressed the button for the lift to open. Upon
struggling Taeyeon and Tiffanyʼs lips collided. Tiffany felt like she was
paralyzed throughout her whole body. She didnʼt know how to react.
“You have pretty lips” Taeyeon pulled back and tilt her head to one side to
Tiffany covered her lips with her free hand but her eyes locked on the one
who stole her first.
The elevator sounded the alerted their arrival. Tiffany hurriedly walked out of
the elevator with the girl following behind her. She pulled the girl to the front
door. She unlocked it without saying a word.
Taeyeonthen crashed helplessly on the bedwhile Tiffany rushed to the
bathroom to washher face. She needed itbadly. Tiffany stared at her
reflection the mirror, parts of her fringe were wet and her face was moistened.
Her eyes then travelled down to her lips. Her finger unconsciously stroked her
pink lips.
“yay!! This is so much fun!”
The child like sound came from inside the bedroom;thumping sounds were
heard coming from the drunken girl. Tiffany ran inside the room to see what
was going on. The petite girl jumped up and down upon the bed that looks like
I would collapse any moment.
“Youʼre going to break the bed or head, hurry up and get down!” Tiffany
yelled. The girl ignored her screaming, she continued to have her fun without
fearing of danger.
“That it!” Tiffany climbed onto the bed like a sumo wrestler ready for a new
round. She head locked the petite girl and took her down and heaved her
down using her own weight.
“I like this game” Taeyeon said cheerfully, she had no idea what Tiffany was
doing but it looked like fun. Once Taeyeon landed on the bed and Tiffany had
loosened her grip, she wrappedher arm around Tiffanyʼs body and threw her
on to her back and she ended on top. She dropped down onto Tiffany and
pressed the victim down with her own weight.
“Ahhhh! Get off, Iʼm not playing with you” Tiffany yelled out in pain. She was
squish under Taeyeon; the girl had more strength than she thought especially
for drunk.
For ten minutes Tiffany tried to push the body off her but Taeyeon did move at
all. She lay there mumbling some words she could barely hear. After that she
realised the girl had already fallen asleep and was unknown of what was
about to happen next. Taeyeonʼs unconsciousnesswas an advantage to
Tiffany, with full force she pushed the girl off her. The sleeping girl fell onto the
fall with a loud thump, head first and the rest followed.
“Oh shit,”Tiffany said as she quickly dropsto the ground to lift the girl off.
[End of Flashback]
“You fell when you were drunk” Tiffany tried answering it was somewhat the
“It hurts”Taeyeon felt her forehead again
“Iʼll get you an icepack” Tiffany said arushed out the door
“When did she get so nice?” Taeyeon asked herself.
Chapter 7 Mummy!
I pray you, do not fall in love with me, For I am falser than vows made in wine
They both sat there cunningly looking into each other eyes.
The eye staring competitionis heldbetween two stubborn minds distant in
contact. The loser is the weeper andthe winneris the keeper. What was there
to win? Keeping consists of pride,the upper hand of dignity. They continued
their intense battle for a far bit of time. Their eyes were starting to water and
stingfrom the air blowing in through the window.
“Argg” Taeyeon couldnʼt bare it any longer. Her eyes had not had enough rest
from last night and the wind wasnʼt helping either. She was determined to win
this stranger sitting in her house. Who was this kid?
“You lost!!” The little kid screamed
“I did not, come one try again” Taeyeon said rubbing her eyes
“We did it three times already, you lost just admit it” The littlegirl got fed up
playing the game over again.
“Taeyeon give up, you canʼt win” Tiffany said after coming out of the
“Mummy, tell her she has no chance against me” The kid said with her chin
raised high
“Mummy? You were married before you got married to me?”
“No” Tiffany answered
“How did you get a child this big? This kid canʼt be mine… we only just got
married” Taeyeon was puzzled to why this kid called Tiffany mum.
“It is yours” Tiffany said
“What?!” Taeyeon eyes shot open
“Iʼm married to you now, so it is your kid too”
“But Iʼm too young to be a mum!” Taeyeon retorted
“Where did she come from anyways?”
“I had been going schooling aboard” The kid spoke up
Taeyeon looked over to Tiffany who was busy making breakfast.
“Is she going to be living here with us?”
“She staying for today, Iʼm taking her home later” Tiffany said.
The kid rocked on the chair and sat there swinging her little feet back and
forth. She acted so innocent but Taeyeon could see inside of the kid. She
wasnʼt innocent at all.
“Where is her da…” Tiffany rushed over Taeyeon to cover her mouth. She
stopped her from asking the forbidden question in time. Tiffany dragged
Taeyeon into the bedroom for a private talk.
“Why did you pull me in here?”
“Donʼt mention her dad okay?”
“He died in a car accident, just recently.”Tiffany expression changed
dramatically, she was dead serious.
“Poor girl. But why is she staying with us?”
“Iʼm waiting for her Aunty to pick her up so until then just act like a happy
family, just for the little girl. No arguments or anything that will upset the girl
“AlrightIʼll try butwhat is her name?”
“That is a cute name”Taeyeon felt sorry for the poor kid. She was so young
and had already loss her father. She wondered how Tiffany met that guy. It
made her feel a bit jealous. So was this Tiffanyʼs kid? Taeyeon thought.Never
mind that, as long as she didnʼt have to keep the kid it was fine.
Straightening her posture the black hair girl walked out with a genuine smile.
Her compelling eye smile could brighten a depressing soul any day. Taeyeon
couldnʼt help but smile seeing it too. The kid flashed a smile in return, a
fainted smile but it was enough to show that she felt happy to see Tiffany.
From her reaction Taeyeoncould tell Sulliwas close to Tiffany and she was
dependent on her.
Taeyeon tried not to risk another hurtful question she decided to eye stare the
girl, unconsciously her eyes couldnʼt help but wander elsewhere. Tiffany
glowed like she had a dozen lights shinning on her;this sudden attraction
caused her to tap nervously on the table. Countless times, her eyes wandered
to the area she called the red boundary. She had to draw the line there
because it was too much to handle in broad daylight. Her byuntaeswitch
ignored her pleaded and switched on. What in the world could she do to stop
it there?Had she taken the wrong medicine this morning? Was it not
headache tabletbut Viagra or something else? The own smell of her
perspirationlinger to her nose, she hoped the other two could not smellit. The
sweat bead dripped from the tip of her nose and down onto her sweaty hand.
Both theinner palms of her hand felt soaked, she wiped them against her
“YAH!” Sulli shouted after sensing something odd going on with Taeyeon.
Taeyeon flinched. Her reflex couldnʼt have done better. She bit her lips in
agony. She felt cold sweats down her spine. Taeyeon stood up quickly and
she tried to control herself. Her knees felt like they were going to collapse on
her any minute but she forced all her strength to stand up straight. She ran to
the bathroom and drowned her self in the cold water. Her aggressiveness had
died down, she felt relieved.
“Taeyeon are you okay?” Tiffany called out to make sure.
“Iʼm okay” Taeyeon sat drenched in cold water from top to bottom. What was
happening to her?
“Weʼre going out to shop for some things for Sulli now”
“Okay” Taeyeon yelled back
After hearing the sound of the door closing Taeyeon crawled out of the
shower, she dragged herself on the ground, dripping wet all over. She needed
to take another tablet. Her head was getting dizzy again. She deprived air;her
breathing was constantly playing up on her. Taeyeon took the pill that was in
the packet. She swallowed it whole without water. That was how desperate
she needed. She slid down against the wall, she felt like she was above in the
clouds. Taeyeon loosen thecollar and unbutton the top threebuttons.
Taeyeon loosen the grip on her collar after she unbuttoned it.
With each breath she inhaled thoroughly like it meant life or death was cast
upon her. Taeyeon stuffed the rest of the medication into her pocket. She will
need it later on. Not to let the other two worry she went to take a shower and
dress her self in dry clothes again.
15 minutes later
“Weʼre home!” Tiffany announced.
Taeyeon slightly shifts herself on the chair. She side smiled, a welcoming but
not overdoing it type of smile. She slid her hand from her pocket to pick up the
lollypop Sulli dropped on the ground.It was strawberry flavored, shecould tell
by the plasticwrapper. 
“I think this belongs to you” Taeyeonhanded the girl the lollipop
“Thank you” Sulli said taking out the lollypop she was sucking on. She took
the one that was handed to her and hid it into her pocket with all the others.
“Why did you buy somany lollipops? One is enough to rot your teethyou
know?” Taeyeon said smiling.
“I told Tiffany you were staring at her boobs earlier, she bribed me to shut up,”
Sulli laughed.
“Huh?” Taeyeon couldnʼt catch what the girl had said. She was half believing
and denying it. The lollipop in her mouth made it hard to hear the exact words.
“I said Tiffany bribed me to zip it about you going byuntae on her earlier”
“And you still say it” Taeyeon cheekswent red but she couldnʼt help it
“Well I said I promised her I wouldnʼt say to anyone else, but youʼre the culprit
so it not like you donʼt know” Sulli licked the lollipop with joy.
“Tiffany asked told me she was taking me to the movies today, and youcanʼt
go” Sulli said sticking tongue out.
“Who said I couldnʼt?”
“Tifany said”
“You call your mum by name?”
“You shouldnʼt do that, it is being disrespectful”
“Tiffany is like a friend, a sister and a mother to me.She isnʼt my real mum”
Sulli continued
“She isnʼt?”
“No, she is only looking after me”Sulli justified
Somehow that made Taeyeon feelsrelieved.She was relief there wasnʼt that
someone else.
“Iʼm still going to the movies” Taeyeon insisted
Taeyeon persistently tagged along, she took the taxi to the cinema while
Tiffany & Sulli took the motorbike. Taeyeon wasnʼt going to spend the night by
herself in that scary building. The building is dark and gloomy, it made weird
noises at nighttime, it maybe the rats out for a hunt but it could be anything. It
was an also an excuse for Taeyeon to tag along. Tiffany couldnʼt say no, well
she did but it didnʼt matter.
“What do you want to watch Sulli? Tiffany scanned the titles of the new
“Hmmm… I want to see Smurf” Sulli pointed at the little blue men
“Okay” Tiffany went to the counter to buy the tickets
Taeyeon pleaded Sulli with puppy eyes;Sulli was the only one that could
make Tiffany buy her a ticket.
“You own me one favour”
“Deal!” Taeyeon pinky promised the little girl with a satisfied smile
Sulli quickly headed over to Tiffany who was waiting in line, her little feet was
fast to respond. From where Taeyeon stood, she could see Sulli tagging on
Tiffanyʼs shirt and then she whispered into Tiffanyʼs ear as she bent down.
She pointed at Taeyeon who responded with a wide grin. Tiffany made an
expression but then she nodded not long after.
“Yes!” Taeyeon said to herself.
In a short time theyʼve got themselves three seats in the cinema room. Sulli
pulled Taeyeon by the hand to her height level.
“Sit next to Tiffany, donʼt I donʼt want to sit next to her. She covers my eyes
whenever there is a good scene. You know what I mean. She thinks it is bad
The moment Tiffany sat down Taeyeon shot gunned the sit next to her.
Tiffany gave a weird look, what in the world are you doing? While Sulli happily
seated herself beside Taeyeon
“Hey, Sulli is going to sit there”
“Shhhh, the movie is starting” Taeyeon whispered
Tiffany grumpily accepted the result; this was not what she expected. During
the movie, you could laughter and giggling every now and then from Sulli.
Taeyeon and Tiffany enjoyed the movie themselves, but suddenly Taeyeon
didnʼt feel too good. Her shook on the armrest, Taeyeon grabbed her hand to
stop it from shaking. She managed to hold it for5 minutes before her whole
body felt uncontrollable. She stood up surprising the two, and exited the
cinema without a word. Taeyeon called a Taxi to get home quickly.
With each tick of a second, Taeyeon could feel her body starting to shake
again and her head going dizzy, she wondered why. Did she catch the flu or a
disease or is she going to die? Her body shivered, and she toppled on flat
ground. She couldnʼt keep balance. Maybe she had too much to drink
yesterday, it was more than she could handle. Taeyeon launched herself onto
the couch, her breathing per second ascended.
The door swung opened, Tiffany face full of fright met Taeyeon lying on the
couch. She looked pale and lifeless. She had takenSulli home early because
Taeyeon hadnʼt been looking good all day. She was scared something bad
was happening. She was glad she noticed Taeyeon acting weird, before it
was too late. Tiffany rushed to Taeyeon side.
“What is wrong?”
“I donʼt feel too good, I think Iʼve caught a feveror something”
“Did you take medication yet?”
“Not yet, I already taken two this morning”
“Take another one now, Iʼll get you a glass of water”
Tiffany ran to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.
Taeyeon dug into her side pocket to take out the medicine packet. She held
out a clear packet with white tablets. Tiffanyʼs eyes shot open. She grabbed
the packet from Taeyeon to take a closer look. It was the packet that went
missing yesterday when she left it on the kitchen table. She had forgotten
about it.
“Oh my god, have you been taking these?”
“These arenʼt medicine” They are drugs –theyʼre ECSTASY.Ecstasy
transcends normal consciousness and makes person feel stimulated and
extremely hyped. Tiffany panic, she had once lost someone to drugs, and she
couldnʼt bear to lose another person that is close to her. She held onto
Taeyeonʼs hand tightly and unknowingly tears automatically drowned her
eyes;two streams of tears began to flow down her cheeks.
“Donʼt worry youʼre going to be fine I promise”Luckily Taeyeon had only taken
two, she isnʼt deeply rooted, she tucked the rest into her pocket. As long as
Taeyeon doesnʼt take anymore she would be fine.
“Come on just take one,” The girl urged
“What is it?”Tiffany asked
“Fun pills”
“Take one, it makes you feel energetic” She clasps her hand together like the
pill was gold.
“Okay just one” Tiffany popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed it
20 minutes later
The world around her became a new and different realm. She danced with joy
and her heartbeat made her feel the power she had inside. She felt liven and
excited. The world was in her hands, she didnʼt need to care or feel stress
about anything.
“I told you itis fun,”The friend said prancing around like she was floating on
the moon. With each step,each movement excitement drove them high.
Every weekend Tiffany ended up partying in high mode, she felt it was like
heaven. It was an escape of reality. Her family drove her insane, she felt she
had lost a whole part of her after she had heard the conversation between her
parents.She had no parents;theyʼredevils thathad sold her for money.
Yoona knew all along they werenʼt real sisters, she pretended to be naïve and
perceived what they had told her. Tiffany had been the dumb one all along.
She clench her hand, and grinded her teeth. Anger consumed her calmness.
Tiffany swallowed another pill to re-boast her energy level. She was starting to
feel depressed allover again. Swaying naturally with the music her whole selffunction as an object controlled by waves of sounds. But in reality the pills that
changed a person in a short amount of time controlled it. She waved her
hands in the air and knocked her head side to side. Grinding up against other
in the hot dance floor.
“You want to do something fun?” Her friend asked
Her friend leaned in and whispered “Lets fly”. Her talentwas persuasion, even
saying it in the way she did sounded exciting. Tiffany smiled at the thought,
but what did her friend mean by that? Her friend hooked her by the suggestive
smile. This got to be fun. Tiffany followed behind, they elevated up the
stairways, she struggled to keep balance but it was fun like that.
Up on the toproof the wind breeze blow and felt refreshing and cool against
the skin. Tiffany spread her arms out like wings to feel the wind surround her
body. She closed her eyes and breathed in heavily.
“Up here!” The friend interrupted her peaceful moment
Tiffany opened her eyes and turned towards the direction the voice was
coming from. She saw her friend standing on the edge of the building.
“Hurry up, you are missing all the fun”
She hesitated for a moment, but what was there to be scared about? Tiffany
staggered over to the edge, she stepped on the concreted edge.
“Are you ready to fly?”
Tiffany nodded. She watched her friend leaped off the edge happily looking at
the sky. She closed her eyes and placed on foot out to the open.
“Stopppp!” Anunknownfigure tackled Tiffany to the ground.
“Are you stupid? Or crazy? You could die jumping off there”
“I want to fly!” Tiffany said. She was unconscious due to the heavy pills she
had taken.
“You just want to waste your life away like that?”
The tall girl said, seriousness was written all over her face. Her brow frowned.
Her big eyes pierced through Tiffany. She had fine hair, short and neat. It was
a bit shorter than shoulder length.Her vivid red lipstickstood out most from
the rest of her face features.
“Donʼt you want to enjoy life?”
“I am enjoying it”
“I know youʼre not in the right mind at present,so I wouldnʼt waste my time
explaining to you why you should live” The tall stranger stood up.She swept
her clothes clean; the tiny particles that clung to her clothes were there no
more. She lent out a helping hand for Tiffany to get up. Her finger were long,
her hand slender and soft. Her nails were medium short length. She had red
nail polish on her nails.
“Come here, Iʼll take you down. It is more fun downstairs” She successfully
Tiffany followed the stranger downstairs, she didnʼt know why but this stranger
made her trust her. It was only 5 minutesof word exchanging, but she had a
feeling that she had known this person long ago, or maybe in her past life.
She was her life savior. Her name was…
“My name is Sooyoung, detective Choi Sooyoung” She took out a badge of
the stateʼs police. Her normal attire disguised her real identity, her revealing
clothing made her look cheap. Resemblinga street girl, one you call in for fast
and cheap service. Her revealing cleavage was an object of distraction. She
had done well to hide her identity.
“Iʼm Tiffany Hwang”
“I know.” She pursed her lips as though she had known for a long time.
Tiffany checked this person from top to bottom, a beautiful lady she would
have never guessed.
“Tell me, what is your goal in life?”
“Whatdo you mean?”
She flicked her fringe aside and repositioned her gaze. “What do you want to
do with your life?” She said resting her back;she crossed her leg over the
other. The stocking she worn stretched discoloring the part where her knee
bent. The pills had worn out, she was feeling the reality hitting in, her fingers
were getting anxious and her mind were telling her itwas tired. Depression
was her problem.
Her fingers started fiddling on the frill of her dress. Sooyoung peered down at
the small movement. She knew what was going on.
“Do you want to die?”
“Do you know your friend had jumped off a 6 storey building?”
“What are you talking about?”
“It is as what you just heard”
“How? Why?”
“I suppose you are awake now” Sooyoung showed no great reaction, she
moved her hand from her clasp to her thigh.
“The pills made her jump, you were there to witness it too. Remember?”
Tiffany remembered parts from the scene that had happened. She recollected
the moment her friend jumped off the cliff wanting to fly. Her tears came out
and rolled down her face. She buried her face in her two hands. This was
unbelievable. She couldnʼt stop herself from crying; it kept coming out nothing
she could do to stop it.
“Please, just look after yourself”
“Guess me a reason why I should?This world is going to collapse on its own
“I have been following you all along, you know you have been living with the
people whomay havekilled your parents?”
Tiffany head roseup quickly, she thought she had definitely heard it wrong
this time. She wiped the remaining of her tears away. She had drenched her
“How do you know?”
“Iʼm a detective, I have been following this case for quite sometime. The upper
ranks, had given me this case, case 739.The impossible made possible”
“This is a dream right?”
“I rather it was a dream, but it is real” Sooyoung expressed
“Then what do you want me to do? Kill them? Kill myself? Or is this going to
be one of those melodrama where you tell me to help you solve this case?”
Tiffanysarcasm took part in her response;she felt it sounded like a plot apart
of a drama.
“Well I wouldʼve given you a prize or an award, youʼve guessed itcorrectly”
Sooyoung stroked the fabric of her stocking.“I want you be apart of this case,
help me and help yourself”
“If you threw in a prize it would be more convincing”
“Iʼm serious”
“I am too serious”
“Heretake this, call me when you had given it some thoughts” Sooyoung
handed Tiffany a paper card with a phone number on it.
[End of flashback]
“Tiffany youʼre suffocating my hand” Taeyeon saidsarcastically
“What? Iʼm sorry”
“Itʼs okay”
“Iʼm really, really sorry”
“It okay, really. It is not your fault. I drank too much”Taeyeon insisted, she
patted Tiffanyʼs hand.
Tiffany remained silent. She couldnʼt say anything more.
Chapter 8A date?
A heart to love, and in that heart, Courage, to makeʼs love known
She was pleased with the result. A midnight saga it would come under
according to her. She wrote the message down, word from word and line from
line. Eloquently she gathered the pieces of paper that was ripped into shreds.
The technical code of conduct applies in every form of complex operation.
She placed the shreds into the burning fire. She watched it burn into ashes all
that were left. All that time spentpaid off.
[Flash back]
“About 3 months, that is all it takes”
“3whole months?”
“Give it 100 days”
“That still sounds incrediblylong”
“Have you no faith in your self?” The tall girl asked directly
“I … donʼt” She spoke showing discouragement.
“Well get some faith now, it is not going to wait for you”
“Sooyoung… I use to believe I was in a happy normal girl but now Iʼve fallen
from a very high place to theverybottom, where do you think I could find that
“In your heart” Sooyoung paused.“You have survived it, faith is just by your
side, grab it andkeep it there”She passionately spoke words thatshe hope
meant something to Tiffany.
“My heart is hollow now, it feels like it had been trampled all over.”
“Tell me something I donʼt know” Sooyoung eyes glittered. “Iʼve been through
worst, but I have survived and here I am now. Iʼm still standing on this earth.
Even if it means I am aloneI will still be standing. I want to help others find
their place and rectify justice in their hearts”
“At times like these I feel angels do exist” Tiffany chuckled.She felt it had
become an even more depressing conversation. It was all her fault. “Youʼre
one of them” Tiffany smiled. Sooyoung smiled back.
“It is like building a castle to dream, have you ever slept in a castle?”
“No” What kind of question is that Tiffany thought.
“Of course not, I havenʼt myself,butthe castle Iʼm talking about is the one of
hope and love. Purely non-fictional”
“Maybe one day I will”
“You will, I donʼt have doubts at all”
“Well, I think I may as well focus on this case first”
“Iʼm glad you thought it through”Sooyoung held out her fist. She turned over
so both could only see the back of her hand. Tiffany saw the hand gesture;
she must be giving her something. She waited for the object to fall into her
“Taeyeon, 22, daughter of the Kim family. Currently studying at University.
Her father owns one of the largest company in Korea”
The picture oddly looked like a little kid with milky skin. She looked 12 years
old not 22. Tiffany examined the photo closer.
“Isnʼt it illegal to marry a kid”Tiffany joked.
“Rich might have a bit of attitude, and you know what I mean about it”
“This maybe the ones of the impossible made possible in this case right?”
“I guess” Sooyoung sided smile
[End of flashback]
The message that shehad found on the paper accounted as the next clue to
the missing puzzle. A whole bigger puzzle waits to be revealed.
Taeyeon had been soundly sleeping that night; it was dead tired because of
the drugs she had taken. Tiffany hadnʼt been this scared in along time. She
was panicking so much before that she almost couldnʼt control her feelings.
She was overflowing with emotions. She needed to control her emotions; she
shouldnʼt let it overtake her. This was only temporary; she shouldnʼt go in
much deeper. She need not to have feelings foranyone, it would only hurt the
both of them. Tiffany sometimes felt like she had had enough, what was she
really doing, she doesnʼt know. She wished someone could anyone give her
an answer.
Sometimes itis the freedom that we want, to obtain the inners things that we
truly desire. What is it that each and every one of us wants? Do we really
know? How many of us has asked ourselves that question and gotten a
perfect answer? Some wants a brand new car, a new house, a million dollars,
those are greedy thoughts but those of who wants the simplest thing may be
the hardest to obtain. Love, friendship, affection, sincerity all that we can get
is one or the other. Life is raw and cruel. Equality is for eternity uneven. If one
believedthere is justice, it will come with a price.
Tired and restless, Tiffany slumped onto the bed beside Taeyeon. She lifted
the rest of her body onto the bed. It was comfy after sitting in the same
posture for so long. A slight movement from the person lying beside her made
her stop any motion. Taeyeon directly faced at her. She couldnʼt help but
wonder what she was dreaming about. Her face was calm and peaceful. With
that face she would never age.  Perhaps, if they werenʼt who they are, it would
be possible.
“Jessica!” Yuri called, she chased after trying to make her self seen and
noticed. Jessica was listening to music on her ipod, she was deaf to the world.
Yuri caught up huffing and puffing in exhaustion.
“Jessiiicaaa!” Yuri yelled into one ear.
“Yuri?” Jessica finally figured out why there was a noise in the background, it
was coming from Yuri.
“Why did you ignore my calls?”
“You called?” Jessica checked her phone and the screen said she had 3 miss
“Sorry I had been listening some new music” Jessica took out her earphone.
“Anyways lookwhat Iʼve found at Yoonaʼs house” Yuri took out her phone with
the photo of Yoona and Tiffany.
“Tiffany? How come she is next to Yoona?”
“I donʼt know, I have a feeling she is related” Yuri said.
“This is complex, we need to talk to Taeyeon” Jessica said.
The three people sat at the coffee table, the busy streets were noisy and
crowd but it was the noise could died down on the inside of the shop. Each
and every person had their own complex, own story, and their own life. It
couldnʼt be easier. It was winter, and the nights became breezy, colder than
The sounds of the doorbellsharp and loud could be heard through the shop.
Momentously the three sat in a second of silence, the warm coffee cups in
their hand fluster redness in their inner palms, in their minds roamed
questions yet to be answered.
“Tiffany” The three of them spoke at once.
“You go first” Jessica said to Taeyeon, Yuri nodded in agreement.
“I saw a photo of Tiffany in Yoonaʼs house the other day.
“Me too!” Yuri said taking out her phone and showing Taeyeon the exact
same one.
“How did you?” Taeyeon asked
“Oh well... long story short. I accidently went into the wrong room” Yuri said
“She musthave been noisy again” Jessica said.
“Well back to the main topic, is Tiffany related to Yoona?”
“I donʼt know” Taeyeon signed. She had forgotten to ask Yoona about it, and
Tiffany isnʼt too friendly upon that topic.
Whatever it is, we got to find out.
“Why?” Jessica said, “it not like it is a big scandal or anything, Taeyeon hasnʼt
and isnʼt dating Yoona”
“It is fun to know, Taeyeon is married to Tiffany so she should know her inlaws” Yuri said
“Iʼll ask Yoona sometime” Taeyeon phone beeped, she received a message.
“Maybe very soon, Yoona had just messaged meto go out for a drink”
“Wait, so she messaged you to go out on a date? This is good but isnʼt right”
Jessica fiddled with the cup handle as she spoke.
“Hmm yeah but it will be a good chance to ask her about their relationship, it
will be a get-to-know a new friend sort of thing. You canʼt classify it as a date if
you hadnʼt seen the person more than three times”
“So is that it works for you?” Jessica mumbled.
“Alright choices, one you go and two you say donʼt go and let the girl be
heartbroken” Yuri added sarcasm
“Iʼll go” Taeyeon wanted to know more about Tiffany and this was a good
Chapter 9Undeniable feelings
Will you catch me if I fall, cement me if I walk away…
The image must have seared into her retina, it is an image free of judgment.
Boldly the girlʼs cleavage was shown, she constipated whether to look straight
at it or avoid eye contact with it. It was literally calling for attention. If this was
heaven it waspartly it. Seduction played in it close to highest level. Times like
this called for sunglasses, the girl could see everything that she was looking
at. It beckoned her to give it one last look.
“Ahem” She made a sound to distraction her own attention elsewhere.
“Did you have fun that night?” Yoona asked cheerfully
“Yeah” Taeyeon blinked hard to eased her thoughts
“You got home safely I assume” Yoona said scanning Taeyeon up and down
“Tiffany took me home” Taeyeonsaid not realizing she had blurt out the name
“Tiffany?” Yoona interest drew in
“My wi-my friend” Taeyeon lied. “Do you know a Tiffany?”
“Yes I do” Yoona looked rather sad. Her shoulder drooped upon hearing the
name the second time.
“Your friend?” Taeyeon went on
“No, a close person”
“A family member?” Taeyeon needed more information
“Yeah, she is my sister”
“Oh sister, that is nice. I didnʼt see her at the party” Taeyeon continued
“She lives elsewhere, Iʼve lost contact with her for a while.” Yoona took a sip
from her coffee
“I see”
“Lets not talk about my sister. I heard from my parents youʼre a business
“Yes I am, I heard youʼre a designer and a model” Taeyeon heard much more
about Yoona than that.
“Haha yeah, I love it. It makes me happy. I want to have my own clothesline.
Yoonaʼs exquisites, something like that”
Taeyeon thought about it “Yoonaʼs exquisites, it sounds nice!” Taeyeon
“Thank you” Yoona graceful lips widened.
The two had a long conversation;she couldnʼt speak much about Tiffany
because Yoona seem displeased talking about her. But she got what she
wanted to know. Enough to understand why Tiffany didnʼt live with her family
in a pleasant house but instead she lived in a worn down apartment.Tiffany
apparently left home after having a huge argument with her parents; she
supposedly found out that she was adopted. That is a tragic story, Tiffany
background was not a pleasant one, and she finally understood why Tiffany
acted so coldly towards her.
Taeyeon enter the apartment and looked around to see if Tiffany was home.
Tiffany was on the couch watching T.Vit was her first time seeing Tiffany so
relaxed on the couch. Taeyeon creped over and launched her whole self at
Tiffany, she hugged the girl without letting her breathe. Initiating intimacy
wasnʼt her natural doing, it was something she does when she feel the
sincerity too. This was one of those moments. She felt she needed to give
Tiffany a hug. She didnʼt know why and how she gotten the courage to openly
hug Tiffany. But she did.Her arms didnʼt want to let go, andshesnuggly dug
into Tiffanyʼs neck. Tiffany was caught by surprise, was this apart of prank? It
didnʼt feel right.
“Hey get off me!”Tiffany yelled, pushing Taeyeon away. “Why are you
perverting me?” That was the only explanation she came up with.
“I want to give you a hug. Thank you for looking after me yesterday” Taeyeon
hands automatically wrapped around Tiffany again
She really didnʼt do anything. Tiffany felt rather guilty for leaving the packet of
ecstasy on the table so carelessly. She was going to take it away after
washing her hands, but she had forgotten about it. She was so clumsy. It
would have ended worst. Taeyeon couldʼve become addict to drugs and it
would have been all her fault. She might have jumpedoff the roof like how her
friend had ended up. She felt turmoil, feeling the embrace from the person she
could have hurt or is about to hurt now.
“What did I tell you that night you kissed me? I said Iʼll cut your fingers off if
you touched me again” Tiffany had accidently blurt out the incident that
happened between then. Her cheek bloomed redness. Her tonguegot tied up.
She stared at Taeyeon to see her reaction.
“We kissed?” Taeyeon couldnʼt remember a thing but that was the most
shocking news she had heard all day.
“Never mind I did not say anything” Tiffany said standing up avoiding eye
contact, she felt a rush of embarrassment running up her already flushed
“You canʼt take that back”
“Yes I can”
“No you canʼt! I heard it!”
“Whatever” Tiffany gave up, she had lost from the start. She was
disadvantage because the truth had been revealed.
“Can we do it again?” Taeyeon said cheekily, she knew how embarrassed
Tiffany was right now.
Tiffany half angry half embarrassed expression was all she responded. She
took off without another word.
“I like to refresh my memory” Taeyeon shouted after and laughed.
That night Tiffany awkwardly moved in the room, she couldnʼt forget about the
kiss she tried to erase. It was all Taeyeon fault. It was worse now that she
knew about it.
“Baby one more time~~~” Taeyeon sang.
“Hey!” Tiffany yelled
“What, I am singing a song” Taeyeon was pleased to see Tiffany react so
strongly. “Or are you thinking of something else?”
“No, I am not thinking about what youʼrethinking about”
“Youʼre thinking aboutit. You wouldnʼt know what Iʼm thinking about if you
didnʼt think about it yourself. But to let you know beforehand, Iʼll pucker up for
you anytime” Taeyeon points to her lipsready for some action
Tiffany wished she could bury herself undergroundright there.
Taeyeon jumped onto the bed and rested her head with one arm holding it up
like a model posing on the bed. She would have been perfect for a beach
photo shoot on the sand in the grazing sun.
“Come to bed baby” Taeyeon patted the spot next to her.
“Iʼm going to sleep outside to tonight”
“I donʼt think you will because Iʼll be sleeping on top of you on that couch, it
only fits one person and I donʼt want to go to that extend. It is a very
uncomfortable position,”Taeyeon laughed
Taeyeon yawned, “Hurry up, donʼt make me come and get you. Iʼm too tired to
play the chasing game” Taeyeon comfortably settle herself under the
Tiffany figured if she had get quickly onto the bed and wrapped her self up,
she would be fine. As long as she doesnʼt detach herself from the edge of the
bed, it wouldnʼt have any physical interaction. Tiffany locked her to the edge of
the bed after getting on. Taeyeon grinned seeing how Tiffany stiffly laid there.
She didnʼt dareto move.
Like reeling in a fish with bait, Taeyeon used the blanket and her strength to
pull in Tiffany. She didnʼt want her to fall off the bed. Tiffany mind tried to push
her feelings and emotions away. But getting detached from it was harder than
shehad imagined. If only, if only the arms wrapped around her were present
earlier, maybe she wouldnʼt have walked down this road. The warmth this
person had given her was greater than a heater in the summer operating
together. It gave her warmth from inside out. It was a new feeling.
“I think love you” The soft whisper in her ear was fainted, but it was real.
Taeyeon lifted her courage level up another few notches. She needed to
express herself before it was late. After seeing Tiffany in her everyday, and
knowing more about Tiffany it had gotten to her. She couldnʼt hold it in much
longer. The feeling couldnʼt be trapped inside forever, not even for the rest of
the 100 days.Even if she was still unsure of her feelings, she need was
willing to risk it. Itwas better to be truthful than to lie.
The four letter word. Her definition of love is blurred, indefinite and mysterious;
distanced from this word, like a century of secrets that are long forgotten. She
had not believe or hoped find it in her circumstances. 
“Stop joking around, if I elbowed you in the stomach youʼll regret saying such
“But I am serious”
Tiffany remained silent. Taeyeon mature side exerted, it rarely does but when
it does become serious it leavesa significant impression.
“When did you?” Tiffany couldnʼt help her mouth from opening. She was
curious, how did it become like this.
“I donʼt know…you drew me in andI canʼt stop thinking about you”
Tiffany stunned at the reply. It partially sounded like what had happened to
her self. She couldnʼt stop thinking about Taeyeon either.
“We wonʼt work out, if you started loving me. Please stop there. I wonʼt take
responsibility for your heart. I wonʼt give back what ever you give me” Tiffany
spoke softly but underlinedher message clearly.The grip tightened around
her frame.Taeyeon rested her head against Tiffanyʼs head. Her hair smelt of
a perfume she couldnʼt remember the exact name but it was luring.
“I donʼt need you to give back, I want to hold you like this. If I wereto let you
go now it means I had already given up, but I didnʼt. I want you to be mine”
Tiffany was too easily softened by those words; the language of love makes a
person defenseless. The wall crumbles, and the boundaries crossed becomes
a realm of no return. She had become vulnerable in front of Taeyeon, she
wish she hadnʼt. She needed to keep herself from giving in without
obligations. Her identity now wasnʼt the old Tiffany Hwang, she had
responsibilities, and with much ado in the way she doesnʼt knowif she could
make it.
“I have time and I can wait. You donʼt have to answer now or even remember
this, if you donʼt want too. I donʼt want to force you into anything you donʼt
defer your mind too.” Tiffany postponed her response. She couldnʼt possibly
come up with a better reply.
“Goodnight” Taeyeon kissed Tiffanyʼs shoulder as a breaking point.
“Night” Things happened so quickly and suddenly it mashed it together in a
big jumble, untangling it is a hard job. She decided to leave it as it is.
Chapter 10:That promise
So long as I can breathe or I can see, so long lives your love, whichgives life
to me…
She had coaxed her into believingthat youʼre the problem. “I dabble this as a
crucial fear. If she were to take this plan to another level, she had started. But
literally,that whole familyhas started. It was a good thing we knew that they
would take action and we went a step ahead of them, we are faster than them
by one point. During the time you were with them, Iʼm sure you have seen
many people come and go. Especiallythose from rich families, you were one
of the victims but at anearlier stage”Sooyoung inhaled deeply. Their roller
coaster ride had started. It was the beginning of the dreaded scheme.
“Taeyeon is the next victim” Sooyoung equalized the penʼs altitude in her
hand. She vertically held the pen pointing on the tip of her index finger.
[Flash back]
“There is one thing you need to do to make this plan a success”
“What is it? Is it dangerous?” Tiffany asked.
“You see the person in that photo I gave you? Taeyeon will be the next victim
in this scheme. The Im family will naturally let their daughter meet Taeyeon
and then slowly takeover using their evil tactics.” Tiffany was intrigued, this
plan was heading in a way she hadnʼt imagined to be.
“How did my parents die?”
“They died in a car crash, you were still a baby then. I donʼt know why they
took you in, perhaps it was guilt or they thought they could use you.”
Sooyoung eyebrow creased. Tiffanyʼs shoulder drooped. She felt disgusted
and betrayed.
“What do I have to do now?”
“You” Sooyoung underlinedTiffany as though she was written on paper.
“Haveto marry Taeyeon” Tiffany was surprised;she hadnʼt thought she had to
take it that far. “It is best to stay close to the victim, then you would know their
every step”
“What happens if they find out I married Taeyeon” Tiffany was curious
“They donʼt know that you know that they killed your parents and now youʼre
trying to catch them in their act. So youʼre safe. They might even use you
apart of their plan. It would be perfect;we can succeed easier and faster too.
We have chosen you for that reason, you fit perfectly into the plan.”Sooyoung
dropped ballpointpen on the table and swung her chair to the front to directly
face Tiffany.
“Youʼre now officially going to be a guardian angel for Taeyeon, try and keep
her out of trouble. Donʼt be too obvious. Remember to keep yourown
individualemotions away. However the feelings you will be giving out is
artificial, just to help you with your case. Anything youwill bedoing in the
future will be apart of the undercover police department strategy. Youʼre not
the old Tiffany Hwang, but an informant taking on a new role.”
“A new role?”
“Yes a completely new role, first off, you leave that house like you have
already. You are to join this street gang called the apocalypse. They have
been looking for new members to sell some MDMA,which is short for
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. You would know because you have
used them and brought them from gangs like that.Iʼll give you the
details to where theyʼre located later. They have been shifting
everywhere in town to avoid polices”
“What do I do if I get caught by the police?”
“You your wits, if the apocalypse value your existence they will save
you, if not they will let you go. But I will step in when I am needed”
Sooyoung put her hands together on the table and leaned forward.
“Okay I got it”
“You have to change your complete self, no more fancy clothes, nice cars you
have to e a complete wreck. Do you understand?”
“I got it!”
“What did you say?”
“Yes maʼam!” Tiffany salutedstanding tall.
“Here are your plan tickets to Cali. We have found out Taeyeon and her two
friends are heading to Cali for a day. You will be notified of what to do next.
Be careful”
[End of flashback]
“Yoona had met Taeyeon?”
“Yes, supposedly they had a casual conversation at the coffee store”
“Does she know about me?”
“I donʼt think she has yet, but it will be unavoidable. Soon you will meet her
face to face again. Herouter appearanceand personality is an illusion; she is
truly professional at this. You would have never guessed she was apart of all
this” Tiffany had lived for along time with Yoona, she never thought Yoona
had an evil side. She was caring and really nice. How did a beautiful girl like
that turn rotten? Money makes people selfish.
“Taeyeon confessed to me,” Tiffany revealed. Sooyoung felt like a sister to her
at times, she had no one else to talk too. She was the only one who knew who
she really was.
“Predictable” Sooyoung said.
“You predicted this?” Tiffany said stunned
“She is one of those rich kids that have never met someone like you. She will
easily find you intriguing. It could be something temporary. Donʼt look too
deep into it. Because she is apart of the plan, the feelings you give out haveto
be artificial.”
Tiffany felt a little disappointed, Sooyoung was right. Taeyeon could be having
temporary feelings for her. Because she was different to the usual clingy rich
girls “Should I reply?” Tiffany was lost.
“You mean what should you reply?” Sooyoung re-phased her question “I think
you donʼt want an close ended answer”
“When aconfession is made it means you either accept or reject. But in your
state it really depends. What benefit oradvantage can you get from
accepting? If you were to accept it,it will be not the real you who accept it. It is
as apart of your job. The results differs, the consequences varies”
“I understand”
She recalled all them with strange clarity,every breathand every movement,
last night she had the best sleep everhad. She had embraced Tiffany the
whole night and she had confessed without trouble. The heavy stone on her
heart is now gone. But the only thing that she was nervous about is Tiffanyʼs
reply.She doesnʼt know when or what the result will be but she hoped it turn
out good.
“Taeyeon, Taeyeon, TAEYEON!” Yuri repetitively shouted
“Huh? What?” Taeyeon thoughts got interrupt by her friend
“Iʼve been calling over 10 times but youʼve been day dreaming” Yuri explained
“Why are you hanging out with me? Shouldnʼt you be with Jessica?” Taeyeon
“Iʼve got some problems, I didnʼt know Jessicaʼs real mother had died on this
day. She went to visit the grave. Iʼve said some things that made her unhappy
so she left without me”
“What do you want me to do about it?” Taeyeon asked. Jessica had had a
hard past story too. She knew about it because they grew up together.
Sometimes she felt like kicking Yuri for being ignorant of Jessicaʼs feelings but
she couldnʼt interfere, it was their problem.
“Where is the grave located? I want to get there by to say sorry”
“In Daejeong” Taeyeon said
“Wait Jessica is from Daejeong?” Yuri was shocked
“Yes, she lived there when she was younger”
“I am from Daejeong too! Which district did she live in?”
“What a coincidence! This is getting more unbelievable. I never knew because
we never talked about it”
“Because you never took an interest” Taeyeon added
“You better get going before it gets dark, Jessica usually stays at her
penthouse there overnight, she doesnʼt get home until the next day. Or when
she feels like it”
“Okay, Iʼll get going now. By the way thank you” Yuri said smiling.
It took a long 2 hours train ride to get to Daedaeok-gu. Yuri stepped out of the
train feeling refreshed in the open air. The train ride made her drowsy and
tried but the refreshing breeze woken her up.
Yuri hailed a taxi to get to the cemetery, she wondered if Jessica was still
there at this time. The clouds lookedlike it was about to rain heavily. The
stronger winds came in; the tree whooshed in the breeze. Yuri reached the
cemetery;she searched around back and forth until she saw a bunch of
flowers in front of a grave. She made her way over the dried grass, she
suspected that Jessica had left them there. She recognised the flowers, white
Daffodils. She had saw Jessica holding it earlier this morning when they were
arguing. She felt regretful of what she had said. She must have hurt her
feelings. Yuri hadnʼt knownshe going to visit her motherʼs grave. If she knew
about it she wouldnʼt have put on a tantrum about stupid little things.
She finally reached the grave,the worn down edges shows it aged over the
years. It was old. The grass around it were trimmed down, it had been taken
care of well.Yuri bend down onto the ground to bow, after looking up she was
taken by a wave of surprise. On the grave she saw Mrs. Jae Hyung. She was
her caretaker when she was younger. She had a daughter name Soo-yeon.
They played together and had made many promises before she left to Seoul.
Yuri was upset for days because she couldnʼt see her friend again;she
wouldnʼt eat and tried to get her parents to take her to Seoul. Aftertwo years
Mrs. Jae Hyung had became ill and couldnʼt take care of her anymore so they
had to hire a new caretaker. Eventuallythey lost contact withMrs. Jae Hyung.
Yuriʼs mind then clicked. The whole thing had becomeclearer to her. The
relation between Jessica and Mrs. Jae Hyung, Jessica is Soo-yeon. The long
lost friendship that she use too and still do treasure greatly.
“Jessica is Soo-yeon!” Yuri said out loud. This time she wasnʼt going to let her
go. Yuri ran at full speed to the front of the cemetery where the taxi was
parked. On the way to the penthouse it was pouring rain. The sky had
darkenedand the roads wereslippery.
The little girl who she gave her first kiss to, it was Jessica. The one she had
been waiting all long was Jessica. The little girl in the cute white dress was
Jessica. The heart she had preserved for was for Jessica. One thing she
never had before was a real relationship, because the place in her heart was
taken. Her heart had belonged to the friend she had spent the many lovely
memories with. If she was given a time machine she wished she had treated
Jessica better. She wished she had known earlier.
The taxi windscreen wiper couldnʼt keep up with the pouring rain. The rain
was getting heavy, and heavier, the denseness of the rain coming downmade
it hardsee the road.
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep the loud car horn echoed.The headlight of the
approaching car out shone theirs. It was all bright and unclear.
The car stopped, the time stopped.
The world stopped.
“You promise weʼll meet again?”
“Of course, Iʼll come to Seoul to find you. Where ever you are Iʼll come and
get you” The little girl with the ponytail held up her pinky. “…Promise”
The plaited hair girl intertwined her pinky smiling her widest, baring her little
baby teeth.
…Life didnʼt promise to be wonderful
Chapter 11 Hummingbird
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch love in a mo…
Soft touches glided along the side of her face, she could feel warm breath
coming closer to her face. The person was wiping her face with a wet clothe.
Very closely. If she had open her eyes now she would see the person face to
face with a little gap to spare. She cringes, as the touches left goose bumps
on her arms. She tried to open her eyes but it wouldnʼt budge. The noise she
could hear were sounds of someone sobbing.
“Jessica?” She mouthed, she waseager to see who it was beside her. Why
was this person crying like she was dying? She isnʼt dying is she? Her body
was drenched; her clothes were all wet because of the pouring rain. But she
felt no pain. She remembered there were bright headlights coming right at
them before but what had happen after that? She had lost all consciousness.
“Youʼre awake?”
She managed to see an unclear figure. The face was unfamiliar, as her vision
gotten clearer she couldnʼt recognise this person who was sobbing.
“Oh mygod youʼre awake!” The girl shook Yuri gently in happiness.
“Where is this place?”
“This is daedeok-gu hospital” The girl replied
“The hospital?”
“How long have I been here?”
“Only a few hours, thank god youʼre not hurt or I've been feeling so guilty. I
had been checking your breathing, I was scared that your body had stop
functioning” The girl said checking up and down, she was so relieved to see
the person well awake.
“Wait, what time is it?” Yuri asked
“Itʼs about 6 oʼclock, is there something you need to do?”
“Yes, I need to go now”
“But the doctor said you need to rest” The girl stated
“I really have something urgent, thanks looking after me. Iʼm really fine now”
Yuri tried to stand up but her weak legs didnʼt allow her. The girl supported
Yuri by helping her stand up but she could only do so much.
“Iʼll be fine” Yuri forced her legs to keep balance. She eventually got on her
own two feet, she balanced it well but now she had trouble walking.
“I think you need more rest”
“Can you get me some crutches?”
The girl nodded and went out to find crutches for Yuri, she knew that was all
she could to help. She was the one at fault, she had crashed into the taxi and
now it was time to make up for it. She came back with two crutches after
asking the front information desk. She asked the nurse to get her a pair.
“Thank you very much” Yuri politely thanked. She appreciated, she
understood that the girl was feeling bad for crashing into her but she did make
for it. It not like she did it on purpose.
Thegirl helped her out to the front to hail a taxi; she was scared Yuri couldnʼt
take care of her self. But there was nothing she could do make Yuri stay at
the hospital.
“Thank you, it was nice to meet you” Yuri said and waved through the window
“Iʼm very sorry, I hope you get better soon, bye” The girl farewell, she watched
the taxi leave. She stood there until it was out of sight.
Yuri needed to get to the penthouse Taeyeon had told her. Jessica must be
there to sleep over night. It was getting darker asshe reached the house.
From the outside the house light s were still visible, it was lit brightly. She
could see it through the large rectangle windows.
Why was her heart beating so fast? She felt her pulse beating like she had
done 500 sit-ups. She never felt so nervous to see someone. She had been
with Jessica for the past year but she had never felt so nervous. It was like
she was meeting with someone she hadnʼt seen in a long time. Yuri inhaled
and exhaled deeply, she practice her the usual breathing sets she did for
Yoga. It help calmed her a little but the more she thought about meeting
Jessica as Soo-yeon, the long lost first love, she couldnʼt bear to breath
Just alittle more until she reached the stairs and the veranda. The taxi had
already driven far away after she paid him the cash. The guy was about in his
fifties; his smile reduced his age by ten years. His last words were ʻgood luckʼ.
She had told him she was meeting her first love again and he said he married
his first crush. He gaveher his best wishes.
Staggering along as fast as she could with the wooden support. Why did it
feel like forever? It was only a few steps away from the strongly built door.
Now two. Now one. Zero.
Yuri raised her hand up and paused in mid air. What was she to say? What
would her first words be? How should she act? She needed to make an good
impression. Her hand trembled. Should she knock? What if Jessica wasnʼt
inside but someone else was? What if she doesnʼt open? All the what ifs,
pelted through head. Why did she feel so worried? It was still Jessica, not
someone she hadnʼt talked to before. It was her girlfriend.
Yuri settled her emotions before knocking her first, then second and then
third. She heard footsteps coming out to the front door. She hearda voice.
“Iʼm coming”
Yuriʼs heart pounded.
Her skin felt wet, she was sweating in the cold night. The door handle turned.
Yuri breathed heavily; she fought hard to open her eyes. The door swung
open and she tried not to blink at all. But it stung. Sheblinked hard to ease the
sting. She needs words to come out. She needs to say something. The
person stared back at her; she was surprised, she could tell. When did she
become so beautiful? Her radiant hair were silky and smooth looking, her face
slightly pale in the night but was the most beautiful face she had seen in this
world. Her mind automatically found this person attractive. She felt ticklish
inside. Tummy felt butterflies and her face were flustered. Her cheek redness
should be visible at that precious moment. The girl blinked. Her eyelashes
bounced. She was adorable in her eyes. How long had she stood staring at
this beauty?
“Jessica” Yuri finally spoke. The first words she could say were the name she
longed to voice. It felt natural, the feelingof knowing someone since young
and meeting them again. Now theyʼve both grown up, it was a whole new
feeling. She wishes she had a compass, a compass that would have led her
to find Jessica earlier. She had fought with her parent to go to Seoul; it took
her a long time to convince them that Seoul University was better than the
ones in Daejeong. It was risky, but she risked everything to get to Seoul, all
for Jessica. Spent the whole two years searching Seoul for this person in front
of her right now, it happened like a miracle. But the girl was oblivious of what
was happening.
She wanted to grab hold of Jessica right there. She wanted wrap her arms
around her and never let go. The embrace she longed for was right there in
front of her. Nothing was stopping that. Yuri let go of crutches; using all her
strength she stood balanced. She leaned over and used her right hand to hold
Jessica's hand. She reached out to the soft hand that she had held before but
never cherished enough. She pulled Jessica towards her and embraced her
with all her might. Jessicaʼs head rested on her shoulder, she was happy to
see Yuri too, but what was going on? Why did Yuri have crutches and why is
she behaving so oddly?
Yuri finally released Jessica after feeling it was enough. She couldnʼt find any
word to express what she felt. She stroked Jessica's hair and then cheek.
Maybe words werenʼt what she needed. Her finger traveled down to the pink
lips. She leaned in and placed her own on Jessicaʼs soft lips. Her own lips
againstJessica felt naturally in sync, it was like they were accustomed to this.
This was their second kiss since the day she had asks Jessica to be her
girlfriend. But this was also the second time she kissed Soo-yeon. The first
time under the pine tree was magical. She had became skillful at kissing over
the years, but only now it was consider a real passionate kiss. She didnʼt
know why but she felt her feet gaining strength again, perhaps it was the
power of love. She led Jessica inside the house without breaking the
passionate kiss. She closed the door behind them and took little breathing
breaks. She didnʼt want to stop it feels good and exciting. Jessica followed
Yuriʼs lead; she wrapped her arms around Yuriʼs neck and Yuriʼs arm
established itself around Jessicaʼs waist.
Jessica enjoyed Yuriʼs aggressiveness, she always wonder what it would be
like to have a passionate kiss. She was shoved against the wall near the
chimney fire; she found it sexually appealing and seductive. Yuriʼs hand glided
along her back roughly but gently at the same time. Kissing is the act of
desire, reverence, a sign of love. She could feel it was genuine it wasnʼt
because of lust. A hand roamed underneath her shirt and on her bare skin,
she marvel and caressed it softly.
Yuri had taken it a little too far, this wasnʼt what she had planned but why did
it feel so good. She almost couldnʼt stop herself from going further. Her hands
roamed underneath the red sweater. Jessicaʼs bare touchable skin so soft
and tender under her fingers, her hand demanded her to keep going but her
mind told her to stop.
Yuri overcome her senses and pulled back. She broke off the kiss and took
her hands out from under Jessicaʼs sweater. The knit sweater was warm due
to Jessicaʼs body heat; it was almost likehaving a glove on both hands.
Jessica expression said it all, she was eager for more. Her eyebrow changed
shape, it was straight but now it is creased, her lips pouted adorably. She
wondered why Yuri had stop so suddenly.
“Sorry” Yuri said.
Jessica looked into Yuriʼs eyes, the apologetic eyes glittered, and she could
visibly see her own reflection in them.
“Iʼm sorry for what I said this morning, Iʼm sorry for being a jerk, Iʼm sorry for
not treating you better, Iʼm sorry Soo-yeon, for not finding you earlier” Yuri
eyes were watery, she blinked once causing the tears to rolled down.
“Soo-yeon? Who is that?” Jessica blankly asked
Yuri wiped her tears away. Did Jessica forget her own name? Had she
forgotten her childhood?
“Isnʼt your name Soo-yeon?” Yuri asked
“No, Iʼm Jessica. Have you been cheating on me Yuri?” Jessica was getting
“Isnʼt your mother named Jae Hyung?” Yuri needed to confirm it.
“Yes my real mother name is Jae Hyung, but my name is not Soo-yeon”
Jessica was confused, she didnʼt know whether to be angry or not.
“Okay, this is strange. I need to give Taeyeon a call. Iʼll be right back” Yuri
took out her phone and dialed Taeyeonʼs number.
“Hello, Taeyeon?”
“Yeah itʼs me”
“I need you to confirm something, Iʼm at Jessicaʼs penthouse right now”
“That is great, glad you made it”
“Is Jessicaʼs real name Soo-yeon?”
“Yes” Taeyeon answered affirmatively. Yuri felt relieved.
“But why does she say she is not?”
“It is a long story, but to put it short, Jessica had a high fever when she came
to Seoul not too long after. She partly forgot some things that happen when
she was younger. She may mildly remember images but not clearly” Taeyeon
explained as carefully but briefly as she could. It was harder over the phone.
“I understand, thanks. Iʼll see you when I get to Seoul. Night” Yuri said and
hung up after hearing Taeyeon said goodbye.
Yuri went back inside the living room where the warm fire situated. It blazing
flame was glorious. It was amazing to watch. But she learnt better not toplay
with fire at a young age. Jessica was sitting on the sofa; she was waiting for
Yuri to come back.
“Jessica, do you remember me?” Yuri asked softly
“Of course I do, youʼre Kown Yuri. I donʼt know what youʼre talking about. Are
you drunk?” Jessica said trying to sniff out an alcohol smell but she found
“No I mean the younger version of me, me in your childhood” Yuri went on.
“I donʼt really know, I feel like I have seen you somewhere before. The first
time I saw you, I felt we had known or metbefore.” Jessica tilted her head;
she tried to scavenge her past memory. But she found nothing
“Taeyeon said you had a high fever when you were younger, so might have
forgotten some unimportant segments” Yuri felt sadden to know Jessica had
forgotten about her. After all these years she had longed to find her friend
again, she had no remembrance of their memories together. Yuri came over
and sat down on the sofa beside Jessica, she placed her hand on Jessicaʼs
clasped hands.
“Iʼll give you time, we can do it together” Yuri said. Jessica nodded. She was
clueless but she also wants to get back those memories.
[flash back]
"Do you really have to go?" The tanned girl asked
"Yes, my mother told me there would be a lot more friends there"
"A lot of more friends?" The girl asked, she was scared of what will become of
"Do you think we would remember each other when we grow older?" The
plaited hair girl asked
"We will, I said I'll come find you. Just wait a little while" Yuri said
determinately. "Give me your hand." Yuri drew a little picture. "You know what
I drew?" Yuri asked looking back up.
"What is it?"
"A bird"
"A BIRD?" Jessica repeated
"Not just any bird, it is a hummingbird"
"Why a hummingbird? The little girl asked curiously.
"My parenttold me once, although a hummingbird is miniature in size but it
has a great heart. It follows it's heart to cross the Gulf of Mexico to the eastern
shores and then to the West of the blue Ridge mountains and to North of
Carolina. It doesn't give up. Neither would I" Yuri closed Soo-yeon's hand and
smiled. Jessica smiled in response.
Yuri loved reading books, and her parent always told her wonderful stories,
stories she would retell to her best friend. Her best friend would sit in awe and
listen quietly, sometimes she would add weird sounds effects. Yuri enjoyed it,
it made the both of them laugh for hours and even sometimes laughing by her
self at home.
[End of flashback]
Chapter 11.2 Technically yours
One half of me is yours, the other half yours
Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,
And so all yours
That bright morning in the penthouse the two had stayed over night filled with
a new air. Yuri had lain beside Jessica, staring and gazing at her. The
brunette was captivating, she couldnʼt take her eyes off her. Why hadnʼt she
noticed it earlier? She must look like a creep to a person who walked in and
catch her staring at Jessica. But she couldnʼt help it. People wouldnʼt
understand how she felt right now; there is no adequate word to describe the
overflowing emotions inside. This was greater than having the world, wait no,
this is the world in her hands. Jessica was the world to her.
She wondered what it would feel like to kiss those soft lips again. Another
second of contemplation is another second wasted. With that Yuri close in on
the luscious lips, Jessica has a unique scent, it was sweet to the nose and it
makes you long for more. The girl moved she shifted because of the
disturbance to her sleep.
“I thought you were sleeping beauty so I had to kiss you awake” Yuri said
sarcastically, but it was what she really thought. Gazing into the beautiful eyes
her inside fluttered. It wouldnʼt go away, she doesnʼt think it ever will. She had
sworn to herself to do whatever to keep this special personsafe, happy and
technically hers for the rest of her life. Jessica was a gift from heaven, she
remembered when she was younger her grandma who had past away had
told her when she first saw Jessica she had asked her these exact words,
“Grandma, is she an angel?” She was clueless what an angel was. But this
person appeared at her front door. She would smile in her pretty white dress.
She always smiled so widely. It was contagious. She was a living medicine.
[Flash back]
R.I.P Kwon Dong Sun, 12, 1997 the grave read. The engraved print brought
tears the people who were left at the funeral. The little girl grieved as she
stood there with her parent to say the last farewell. Her brother had died
because incurable cancer; it came so sudden that she couldnʼt accept it. She
doesnʼt know what to say or do. She doesnʼt understand why god had taken
her brother. He was kind, generous and lovely. Each day she had spent hours
and hours playing all sort of adventures with him and sometimes together with
other boys but nowshe was all alone. She hugged her mother who tears
couldnʼt stop either. Her father grieved silently, he wasnʼt his usual self too.
From that day onwards the little girl stayed depressed, silent and lost. She
refused to go out and play, she refused to do anything she used too do. She
stayed in her room or at home and tried hide away from the outside world.
Until that day, someone arrived at her front door. It was an Aunty and a little
girl. Was it the daylight or a real shining exterior? She didnʼt know.Her brother
said angels would come and save him. Was this one hers? It was like an
angel had drop by her door. They were fake wings but she didnʼt need to
prove they real. But she was real.
[End of flash back]
“Youʼre so ridiculous” Jessica said laughing, but she secretly loved it “I never
knew you had such a sweet tongue” Jessica added as she sat up and fixed
her hair.
“It is reserved for only you” Yuri helped Jessica fix the hair strands on the
“Do I have to get use to this from now on?” Jessica asked.
Yuri pretended to think about for a second before she fastened into a gentle
long lasting back hug. Tighten around Jessica, locking her down so she
couldnʼt move.
“Maybe I will” Jessica felt all this came so sudden, was it there to stay? She
doesnʼt know. The chances seems to be thin, this overwhelming love Yuri is
giving her, feels burdening. She wants to remember what their past was but
nothing came to mind. Yuri's sprouting extreme affection was a rare sight, she
had never seen Yuri been like this to anyone. This must be real. She wants to
enjoy the most of it, even if this had only lasted one day she was happy.
Taeyeon watched Tiffany move around the house, what was she doing? She
looked like she was avoiding her. She knew why but Tiffany doesnʼt have tired
herself out. Taeyeon rested her head on her arms and watched Tiffany
waddled from one end to another.
“You know you are making it easier for me to check out your buttock?”
Taeyeon said pressing against her arm that steadied itself on the table.
Tiffany backside was facing Taeyeon; she automatically extended her hands
to cover her behind. Taeyeon giggled. Tiffany turned around and pierced
straight at Taeyeon as a warning.
“Are you giving me the silent treatment because I said I love you?” Taeyeon
Tiffanyʼs silence preludes as a consistent treatment to Taeyeon, she earned
with her outright confession. Tiffany pretended Taeyeonʼs existence was an
object; she ignored the voice that tried to get into her mind.
“I lovvveeeeeeee you,I love you, I love you” Taeyeon said repetitively like an
annoying parrot. The type of parrot you donʼt need to train to say words but
instead it repeats itself to satisfy boredom. She was enjoying herself; there
was nothing better than teasing Tiffany. She had a stack of assignments to do
but she didnʼt bother to touch it because this was entertaining, Tiffany
fascinates her.
“You know youʼre adorable when youʼre angry?” Tiffany scrubbed the kitchen
top harder. “If I stop staring at you for one second, Istop breathing”
Can she stop being so annoying? Tiffany thought.
“Do you knowyuʼrelike an addictive movie? I could watch you forever”
Procrastination was way fun compared to writing essays. She could write an
essay about Tiffany. That would be fun.
“FANNY Fanny!”
“Describe how water tastes”
Tiffany paused and thought, what a weird question.Was it a trick question or
a riddle?
She remained silent because she couldnʼt think of words to describe it.
“Exactly, that. You canʼt explain it because it is impossible, it just like how
impossible it is to describe how much I love you” Taeyeon made a heart
shape and pointed to Tiffany.
Tiffany pretended to puke. She was starting to get nausea. If this were how
her days will go on, she would have fallen ill by the end of the 100 days.
“My forehead is really hot” Taeyeon said feeling her own temper. Tiffany felt
concerned. Taeyeon hasnʼt fully recovered yet? Or did she catch a fever.
“I think youʼve got me lovesick” Taeyeon said un-shamefully. Tiffany shouldʼve
known. It wasnʼt going to stop. She rolled her eyes and looked away. Taeyeon
smiled from ear to ear.
“Tiffany do you have a sister?” Taeyeon question struckTiffany. She did not
expect Taeyeon to ask so boldly. Tiffany froze and waited to see if Taeyeon
was going to add something.
“I do”
“What is her name?”
“Yoona” Tiffany wiped the kitchen bench as she answered
“Im Yoona?” Taeyeon pretended to act stunned
“So youʼre from the Im family, I didnʼt expect that” Taeyeon lied
“Not thatʼs that important” Tiffany said. Taeyeon acting is pretty poor Tiffany
“Not important? Theyʼre my in-laws, I have to at least know they exist”
Taeyeon said.
“And now you know. I like to change topic”
“Back to Iʼm-so-in-love-with-you topic?” Taeyeon grinned. She was ready.
Taeyeon wanted to bombard Tiffany with love. She feels Tiffany had lived in
her cold little world, she needs a person to make her smile, make her laugh,
make her happy and make her feel loved. Tiffany makes her do ridiculous
things she never done. This was ridiculous, but she enjoyed every bit of it.
She was addicted to Tiffanyʼs presence. If the 100 days were up what was
going to happen to them? Could the verbal contract between them be
renewed? Well it doesnʼt matter; she would work it out later.
“I think I like that better” Tiffany doesnʼt know why but she starting to find it
hard to lie in front of Taeyeon. She use to be able to do it, itwas natural and
guiltless. Now she canʼt stop fiddling when she tries to tell false truth. Facing
Taeyeon was even harder by the day, why was that? She couldnʼt find the
Tiffany turned to face Taeyeon. Taeyeonʼs soft call caught her attention.
Compared to Taeyeonʼs teasing, one of those sincere calls overlaps it a
thousand times.
“Make sure you tell me when youʼve fallen for me” Taeyeon passionate eyes
and genuine smile touched her heart. She felt it beating, pounding against her
chest. She wants to say what was on her mind. She wants to say yes I do
love you. But she immediately discontinued her contemplation.
Taeyeon could see her words had some effects on Tiffany, she now strongly
believes Tiffany extrudes the same feelings inside, her eyes says it all.
When I look into your eyes, you make me stronger but weaker in the knees.
Youʼve chained my heart and my soul but when will I rest my head upon your
beating chest. And listen to the sound of pure love? Is it the inner raving
engine that brakes our love on halt? Possibly it is too powerful to predict the
result. If our love were to collide, our hearts will bind and our hand will
intertwine, shared only between you & I. But can we happen?
Chapter 12 A beautiful mistake.
Love only comes once in a lifetime, true love is rectified when two
becomes one for the rest of forevermore.
Dear Sir/Madam,
You’re invited to cruise with us on this 40
anniversary day of Mr. &
Mrs. Im. A sailed out to sea, with wines in hand and the enjoyment of an
unforgettable experience. You can smell the fresh salty water under the tip of
your nose already right? It is wonderful. Peer out into the ocean blue and
have bright-lit candles, and delicious meals served by only the best. Includes
a mask parade dance. Please join in and wear your speculator masks and
show it off. Mr & Mrs. Im would like to share this day with all of family and
friends, so please do come and also bring company to enjoy this glorious
one evening an overnight event.
Sincerely yours,
The hopeful crew on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Im
Taeyeon close the invitation card. Mr. & Mrs. Im 40
anniversary party must
be fun. Wouldn’t it be a good chance to bring Tiffany to meet her family
again? Taeyeon wants Tiffany to be happy; maybe if she could help Tiffany
make up with her family she would be happy again. But she remembered the
last time she asked Tiffany to come to Yoona’s party she had rejected it. Just
keep hope Taeyeon told herself.
“Taeyeon askedme to go to the Im’s anniversary this evening” Tiffany
peered out intot he open sky. Their meeting location had to be kept a secret.
It changed everytime. This time they were on the hill look out. The vast land
beneath covered in trees and animals on the hideout.
“Tell her you’re coming. They have got it all set up; Taeyeon and her parents
would be stepping right into their trap. If they sign that contract they’re
doomed for. This anniversary is an excuse to meet up to trick the Kims into
signing the deadly contract.” Sooyoung eyes closed to smell the scent of the
green environment.
“What happens if they sign it?” Tiffany side glanced Sooyoung.
“The whole company in ‘partnership’ with the Im but in reality in their
scheme, it is to take over the whole thing” Sooyoung remained monotone
“If they don’t sign the contract today what would they do?” Question spurt
from every new piece of plan she was given. The more she heard the more
she quivered. Her lips pressed together and waited for an answer.
Sooyoung a short breathe, “They would do what they did to your parents,
use their most valuable against them”
“Did they use me to threaten my parents?”  She was stupefied, bewildered
by the thought of being the reason why her parents failed to keep their
“Yes and then they forced your parents to commit suicide to make it look like
they had naturally received the company under law enforcement” Sooyoung
looked on the gravel ground. She feels sadden at the thought. If she was
born earlier maybe she could have saved them.
“I’ll try my best to stop them” Tiffany had to get her act together no matter
“Be careful, stay in contact” Sooyoung said peering through her black
glasses. She did not wish to see a corpse at her front door.
The large cruise ship waited for the guests to fully arrive, the guest arrive in
one by one there were many rich and wealthy faces present. The cruiser was
huge, it was rented out by the Ims for the party. It coud fit over 3000 people.
Every guest was from the upper class. Each one known for different things,
directors of industries, managers of banks, CEOs of companies, retires and
many more people in high positions. The Im family had a vast connection,
but they only tackle those still not under them. Those who don’t give in and
those who are against them are to be taken down.
Taeyeon came by herself because Tiffany hadn’t answered her invitation. Her
parents had gone overseas for a business trip, they told her to take someone
with her and apologies on their behalf.  She had disappeared all day. Was
she avoiding Yoona or her? May be she shouldn’t have confessed. It was too
uncomfortable for Tiffany she assumed. Yuri and Jessica was present at the
party, Jessica’s parents were with them. Yuri tagged along with Jessica as
her companion. Taeyeon had no one, but that didn’t bother her. It wasn’t like
she was the only one.
“Are you by your self?” A girl asked as she approached in her white diamond
centric mask.
“Perhaps” Taeyeon said peering through her black mask.
“It’s me Yoona” Yoona revealed a part of face
“Oh hey”
“I saw you walk in before you had your mask on,” Yoona said
“The party looks lovely, very nice decorations.” Taeyeon commented
“Thanks, my parents said they liked it fancy so I hired hopeful, they’re known
as the best for parties. I’m glad it turned out great. I especially like the lights;
they make it look romantic and mysterious. The mask ball dance was my
idea though. My parents wanted to make this as an opportunity to meet
someone too” Yoona explained.
“Oh Isee, like match up?” Taeyeon said
“Yeah. You want to head over there?”
“Sure” Taeyeon looked towards the direction Yoona suggested.
It took another half an hour before the guest fully arrived. There were all kinds
of dresses and suits. It was an amazing sight. The ones with masks were
mostly consists of those who are sons and daughters of the wealthy
company owners and leaders and of course there were those who were ones
themselves. Taeyeon was tthe type who liked to leave an impression, she
had worn a mini dress; it had embedded silvers beads and was tailored
professionally. It showed her perfect S-line and milk skin in contrast with the
black dress.
The cruiser had left shore, she had hoped Tiffany would turn up but she was
nowhere in sight. Taeyeon was disappointed. The scanned the room for her
friends, they were having their turn arm in arm on the dance floor. They have
gotten closer ever since they stayed overnight in Daejeong together. It was
sweet to see them happy. She was happy Yuri now realisedthat Jessica was
her special other half. Taeyeon traveled across the side of the floor to the
waiter who had the cocktails on the tray. She smelt it before taking a sip.
Oddly enough as she raised the glass towards her mouth she caught a
glimpse of a person with very unique mask. It was pink and white trimmed.
What was unique about it was the feather attached to the side of the mask, it
beautifully crafted with a gold extras.
Something urged Taeyeon to walk over to greet her. It was must the mask or
the unique way she waddled; doesn't she looked familiar?,her behind looked
delicious and perky. Where has she seen it before?She wondered. Taeyeon
walked over to the beautiful anonymous. She brought another glass of
cocktail with her to offer to the girl. Stepby step she carefully passed
through the people, through the passing many other beautiful ladies. They
watched her, examined her, and checked her out. She wasn’t bad looking
herself, she was well dressed and her figure would be to die for to some. Her
attention was caught off every now and then by the cleavages but she stayed
focus on her target. She stood there watching the crowd dance mercifully
with it each other.
She reached the anonymous at last. The distance felt long but it really wasn’t
that far. She offered the glass before she spoke. “Hello, are you all alone?”
Taeyeon had switched from her usual soft voice to a seductive voice.
“Apparently” She said
“I am apparently alone too,” Taeyeon whispered. “Would you like to dance?”
Taeyeon offered her hand.
“Sure” The girl answered. She perked her head and chin upward. No one in
that room knew who she was, because only Taeyeon knew. She could
already guess with a hundred percent definite answer. By looking into those
eyes she knew who it was. The person who had made her fallen deeply,
deeper than the ocean they were sailing in.
“You look beautiful today” Taeyeon said and closed the gap between them.
She inched close and the girl inched backwards. “You know who I am?” The
girl asked. But before Taeyeon could answer she was interrupted.
“Excuseme, Mr. and Mrs. Im wants to see you Miss. Kim” The waiter
whispered politely.
“Oh okay, thank you” Taeyeon said. “Do you want to come?” Taeyeon asked
“Sure” She replied. She followed Taeyeon who followed the waiter to the
V.I.P room. There she saw Mr. & Mrs. Im and Yoona were there too.
“Hello Taeyeon, it nice to officially meet you” Mr. Im said
“It is nice to meet you too Mr. and Mrs. Im, congratulation on you 40 th
anniversary. I hope you two live together with a forver binding heart” Taeyeon
said shaking each their hands.
“Your parents didn’t come today?” Mrs. Im asked
“No they are busy on a very important business trip”
“Who is this?” Yoona asked. She was curious; the person still had her mask
“This is Tiffany Hwang, my wife” Taeyeon said proudly. Shocked filled the
room, the Ims were taken by surprised when the mask revealed their adopted
daughter and for Yoona, her sister she had lost contact with.
“Did you say she was your wife?” Yoona asked still stunned.
“Yes, we got married not to long ago” Taeyeon said holding Tiffany’s hand.
“Hello, father, mother and my beloved sister” Tiffany said each with a
deepening tone. She resisted being to obvious; right now it was better to be
in harmony with them than being against them. It wasn’t time yet. That day
will come, just not at present.
“Tiffany, my child I thought we had lost you for good” Mr. Im said “I’m so
glad you’re okay, and even married to Taeyeon”
“How did you two meet?” Mrs. Im asked.
“A coincidence, it was faith I guess” Taeyeon squeezed Tiffany’s hand.
Tiffany looked away from Taeyeon, the word faith was man made in her
mind. Tiffany tried smiling, she did her best to be the good daughter she use
to be.
“Mother, father, and my dear sister Yoona, I want you to officially meet my
partner, Kim Taeyeon. I’m really sorry for not asking permission or notifying
you all first” Tiffany sounded apologetic but inside she wished she had a
weapon of mass destruction to satisfy her anger.
“It is okay, I’m really happy to hear you’re happy, the Kim family are a good
family, they have one of the largest companies around. Even bigger than
ours.” Mr. Im laughed.
“Tiffany, I never got to watch you walk that altar but I want to give you my
best wishes, I hope it is not too late” Yoona said softly holding Tiffany’s
“As your mother I didn’t get to brush your hair or even choose your dress, I
have failed so hard. I’m sorry” Mrs. Im said almost into tears. They are really
good at this Tiffany thought. Their acting is even better than the ones you see
in Hollywood movies. They could win the Grammy awards. Tiffany watch
them smile, it was so pitiful. She will make them pay, thinking of her parents
being threaten to commit suicide made Tiffany disgusted.
“I hope you two enjoy the night,” Mr. Im said.
“Thank you Mr. Im” Taeyeon said. “Oh and that contract we were going to
sign, I think we should leave it until later. After the dance”
So Sooyoung said they might change of plan after the news of her marriage
broke. They will definitely call her in the following days to make up.
Everything was scripted and planned. Sooyoung told her the securities of the
cruiser were tight, there were cameras 24/7 no fly could even get in, if there
were any at sea.
Why would you have such high securities for an anniversary party? Unless
they had something else planned. If in the following 24 hrs nothing special
happened then it was true they had changed plans. Tiffany pretended to
drop something on the ground and it rolled to the table.
“I’m sorry excuse me,” Tiffany said as she bent down. Taeyeon continued to
converse with her in-laws.
She attached a micro voice recorder and transmitter Sooyoung had given
her. She stuck it under the table quickly. Without being noticed, she stood up
and diligently fixed her dress, they were all too focused on Taeyeon to notice.
It was planned that Sooyoung would text coded messages if anything were
to happen.
“Okay, have fun you two” Mr. Im said and the rest said their goodbyes.
“Bye” Tiffany said leading the way out. Taeyeon had put her mask back on
and Tiffany did too. “How did you know it was me?” Tiffany asked as she
waited for Taeyeon outside. “You have something unforgettable and hard to
ignore” Taeyeon replied. Tiffany wondered what it was.
“Would you like to dance?” Taeyeon offered again. “Hmm...Why not?”
Tiffany was pleased. She was in a good mood. It had gone well as preplanned. But before she headed out with Taeyeon, Tiffany felt her phone
vibrating. She used her fingerprint to access it quickly and read the message.
“They are watching you. Don’t let your act slip; they’re focusing on you and
Taeyeon. They think that you and Taeyeon an act because they can’t believe
you two are together” It was all written in codes, but Tiffany understood it
clearly. Tiffany knew why they had doubted her marriage.It was because they
don't think she was capable of meeting Taeyeon, a educated wealthy person.
She had left the rich house to prosper on her own, no money and no degree
in hand, it wouldn't have been possible in reality.
Tiffany comfortably wrapped her arm around Taeyeon. She wouldn’t usually
be this close, it would give Taeyeon the wrong ideas but at this point she had
no choice. Taeyeon was taken back by Tiffany’s actions. She wondered what
had gotten into Tiffany. Perhaps it was just the dance or was she possessed?
Tiffany needed to make them believe and be convinced that their marriage
was real. What was more convincing than a cuddly lovey dovey couple,
acting like they’re on honeymoon? Most just married couples appears to be
really clingy; they wouldn’t let go of each other even if a tsunami hit them.
“I have something to say” Tiffany whispered.
Taeyeon’s heart pounded. Was this what she had been waiting for?
“I know you have given me time to think and I thank you for that. I thought
about it, you said you didn’t expect me to give anything right? You don’t
need me to promise or be sure of us. You just want to be by my side?”
“Yes, I want to be by your side. I want to be the person you turn to when you
are sad or happy. Whether you need someone to spill your anger on or be
the clown for you” sincerely Taeyeon spoke.
Tiffany heard each word that came out of Taeyeon’s mouth. She was too
honest. How could she hurt someone like this? But it was a choice she had
made from the beginning; she couldn't turn back and revert everything like it
never happened.
“You know how much my heart flutters when I hear you speak? Do you know
how much I tried to hide how happy I am when I’m with you? Do you know
how hard it is to act like I don’t care? Why do you make it so hard for me to
not love you?” Tiffany got the words she wanted to say off her chest. She
meant everything; she didn’t need to lie because it was all the truth. It wasn't
an act.
“Why don’t you justlove me?” Taeyeon questioned
It is not easy as you say. I have a burden on my shoulder, I have to rectify
justice and in result I will hurt.
“Convince me right now, that you love me. I don’t want to hear cheesy words
or lines I want you to prove it” Tiffany said.
“Come with me” Taeyeon said as she reached for Tiffany’s hands, she held it
and led her pass the crowd and to the corridors. Taeyeon cornered Tiffany
backing up onto the hard surface of the cruiser walls and gazed into her
eyes. Taeyeon leaned in to close the distance between them. “What are you
doing?” Tiffany asked. She had been with Taeyeon long enough to know
Taeyeon intention but she was afraid. Afraid to take it to the next step. That
morning after they got married Tiffany had effortlesslymislead Taeyeon into
believing that they share a night together. That they had bare their skin to
each other and had slept together. It wasn't what it appeared to be.
Taeyeon took her own mask off and then she gently reached for Tiffany’s
mask, with both hands she reveal the beauteous goddess before her eyes.
She let the mask fall onto the wooden deck. “This only works up close” She
whispered. Taeyeon laid her lips onto Tiffany’s lip as she tilted Tiffany’s chin
upwards. This was the first time Taeyeon had kissed Tiffany without being
drunk until the point of black out. Her lips guided Tiffany to follow. They
merged softly and passionately.
It didn’t take long for Tiffany to give in. She had longed to feel those lips on
hers. Pressing against each other,Taeyeon hand travelled down to rest on
Tiffany’s neck. Taeyeon could feel Tiffany was strongly returning the kiss, she
knew Tiffany had accepted her confession.
They couldn’t get enough of each other; their movement were in sync and
their hands intertwined. Brushing onto each other lips softly and gently, the
scent the salty water rose to their nose, it was strong. It was reluctantly
ignored it. Taeyeon wanted to take it slowly and compassionately, if she had
rushed it didn’t feel like she had meant whatshe had said. It took awhile until
they devoured each other lips and exchanged the taste of the cocktail they
had consumed earlier. Her slender fingers traced Tiffany jaw line and down to
her collarbone tempting to go further. Tiffany didn't reject but instead she
insisted Taeyeon to continue.
Taeyeon pushed the door open and ignored the light switch, the moon had lit
the room and the beautiful silhouette in front of her could easily swept her off
her feet without the need of having the light turned on. She locked the door
shut. Her inconsistent breathing was all that was heard, she ignored the loud
music playing outside. Crushing her lips against the person she loved was all
that mattered; she reassured that they both wanted the same thing, each
other’s presence and touches. Skillfully Taeyeon traced the features of
Tiffany, she continued to down the outline of the body until she reached the
lower waist, and she acquired the warmth against her, she wrapped her arm
around Tiffany’s waist. She pulled her closer and their body intimately
collided. She trailed kisses down the bareness of Tiffany’s neck. Promptly
Tiffany lifts her head and slightly arched her back in response. Tiffany knees
started to weaken, she was close to giving in, and she would have been on
the floor if it weren’t for Taeyeon’s firm hold. Gently Taeyeon repositioned
them both, she laid Tiffany onto the bed and continued, and she trailed back
up to devour the luscious plump lips.
Slowly and carefully she traced her hand down to the zipper on the side of
the dress. She pulled it down inch by inch until the dress left the skin. She
tossed it onto the ground and appointed herself to the next step. Tiffany
couldn’t bear the touches that turned her on. She wriggled as she felt
Taeyeon kissed her abdomen. It tickled. Lavishing the raw emotions that
were trigger, sweats exude her body. She couldn’t help but breath heavily. If
time were to stop right there, she wished she could remember this moment,
this feeling of excitement, the exquisite touches and formation and the kisses
they shared. Also the sounds of love, the heartbeats of contentment and the
devouring of each other’s sincerity.
Her heart had lacked colors and her mind lacked lovely notions. She needed
someone like Taeyeon to keep her mind preserved in the simpler and gentler
reality. It was like this person had purely been harvest from a romance novel,
one of all the descriptive natures, the one who wins in the end, the one who
never gives up, the one that does all goods. But what was her character? The
person who survives a tragic accident, the one who gets swept off her feet
by that someone, or the ones who ends up with nothing. Their doings now is
classified under many titles; some calls it the human sin and those of who
calls it a process, a sequence of intimacy. But for her it was called something
different, a faux.
A beautiful mistake
But she hoped it would last and literally be imprinted in her memory as a
segment to refurnish on.
I’m so sorry Taeyeon.
Chapter 13Breathe her name
Eternity was in our lips and eyes,
Bliss in our brows' bent; none our parts so poor
But was a race of heaven.
Taeyeon hands grip on Tiffany’s arms loosen, she blinked consistently, her
eyes were getting blurry and she was slowly losingconscious.She was like
going into a comalying on top of Tiffany, nothing after that she could
Tiffany flipped Taeyeon over onto her back and placed her in a normal
sleeping position.
“I’m sorry Taeyeon”
Taeyeon had no clue what Tiffany had planned. Everything was part of the
plan. Earlier when Taeyeon wasn’t looking she had snuck some sleeping pills
into her cocktail. It was the only way to stop her from gettingherselfinto the
She covered Taeyeon with the blanket; she fixed Taeyeon hairin place and
stroked her cheek lightly. This felt like the first day they first met, that night
Taeyeon was unconsciouslydrunkto the point thatshe couldn’t even open
her eyes. Slowly she removed the dress Taeyeon worn. She remembered like
it was just yesterday. Once she was done she used the blanket to cover the
sleeping body. Tiffany laydown beside Taeyeon and watched her sleep, how
more times could she watch Taeyeon sleep. She was sure by the end of 100
days thatTaeyeon wouldn’t want to see her again. I hate lairs; once you
become a lairyou cannot stop. She does not know why Taeyeon had such
deep hate against lairs;Taeyeon doesn’t even want to mention the word.
Tiffany received a message from Sooyoung;someone was on his or herway
to their room and supposedly soon to be in front of theirdoor. Tiffany tucked
herself under the blanket looking like she was naked underneath revealing her
top bare skin but in reality she was wearing her undergarments.
Knock. Knock. Knock
“Hello, itʼs Yoona”
“Comein” Tiffany challenged
“Okay” Entering as she opened the door that Tiffany remotely opened. Seeing
the sight in front of her was unbelievable. She was stunned at her sister who
was in bed with Taeyeon. Taeyeon whoseeyes were closed and she didnʼt
even budge. 
“Iʼm sorry, Iʼm disturbing you two” Yoona looked apologetic
“Not at all, Taeyeon is tired so she is sleeping”
“Oh okay”
“What do you need?”
“I was just going to do some catching up with you, you like a sister to sister
talk. We havenʼt met for so long, I thought we could have conversation”
“Perhaps later or some other day, it is okay too” Yoona said
“No problem, Iʼll get change and we can go talk right now”
“Iʼll wait outside” Yoona said and closed the door behind her.
Tiffany got dressed and made sure Taeyeon was still sleeping, she fixed the
blanket and gave Taeyeon one last look.
“How have you been Tiffany? Where did you stay? What have you been
doing?” Yoonaʼs question sprouted like wild flowers
“Why donʼt enlighten me instead, my life hasnʼt been any greater” Tiffany
spoke with attitude
“Iʼm so sorry to hear that, you should come back home, we always welcome
“I have my own home now”
“Where do you live?”
“In an apartment” Tiffany said trying to say it nice as possible.
“Is Taeyeon nice to you?”
“Yes she is very nice, very caring”
“I hope you will live happily with her, I really wish she could bring you
happiness. You really deserve a good person”
No matter how much she hated the Imʼs family she couldnʼt help but be
touched by Yoonaʼs words, if Yoona was fake she acts really well.
“Thank you”
“I think mother and father really wants to talk to you too”
“What for? I donʼt think there is anything to talk about”
“I think you have some misunderstanding”
“Misunderstanding?” Tiffany repeated
“Yes, it is true that you were adopted but your parents didnʼt sell you for
money. They were in a car crash.”
Well of course, and guess who killed them Yoona
“Oh really?” Tiffany pretend to look shock, Tiffany knew better than to believe
“Yes, that what I was told. You should have a talk to them sometime,theyʼll
tell you everything”
“Yeah, Iʼll try” Tiffany couldnʼt get her mind over the truth that surrounded her
“Iʼm really glad to see you and Taeyeon together,if she hurts you or makes
you angry call me, Iʼll teach her a lesson” Yoona chuckled
“I will. Tell themthat Taeyeon is too tired to sign the contract tonightmaybe
reschedule the time to another day”Tiffany said
“Oh okay sure” Yoona smiledshe was glad to see Tiffany again, that was all
that mattered.
On the way back to the room she saw Yuri and Jessica dancing cuddly on the
dance floor. It was a sweet sight. She wished that her relationship could be a
smooth as those two. They been through a lotand now theyʼve found each
other. From what she had heard from Taeyeon they were meant to be with
one another, it was all faith. The word faith strikes her again; Taeyeon had
mentioned many times how their meeting were because of faith. Following
down thecorridor to the same room she had left a moment ago the door she
remember she had locked was open. Tiffany hurried to the room to check if
Taeyeon had woken up. She opened the door widely to let in some light. She
had found the bed empty and the clothes were gone, Taeyeon was nowhere
to be found. 
“Taeyeon, Taeyeon!” Tiffany called, she then dialed Taeyeonʼs phone number
but the phone was left inside the room. She panicked. Where was Taeyeon?
Tiffany hurried outside to find her. She checked in the main deck where
everyone was dancing but she wasnʼt there. She went around the whole
cruiserbut nothing. Tiffany felt really afraid. Had the Ims taken Taeyeon? Was
this what they were planning?
Desperately her heart beat frantically and her hands shook and she trembled.
She was scared, scared of the outcomes. Her knees became weak and her
eyes were drowned with tears. In the wide-open front of the cruiser all she
could see was the darkness of the gigantic open ocean. She stayed on deck
crying, she couldnʼt help it. What if something bad had happened to Taeyeon
like what had happened to her parents, she had realised how important
Taeyeon is to her. She really meant everything, all that she had left.
“Are you okay?” The person tapped on her shoulder
She didnʼt turn; she had more to worry about than a stranger trying to hit on
“Tiffany” The familiar voice called
After recognizing that voice she immediately turned around. The person she
had cried for, the person who she thought had lost was right in front of her.
Without a word she embraced Taeyeon with all her might. This time she
doesnʼt want to ever let go. This time she had known what she wanted. She
wanted to be with Taeyeon and not to worry about anything, she doesnʼt want
revenge, and she doesnʼt careabout the Ims. She just wants Taeyeon to be
“Where did you go, I was looking everywhere for you”
I thought I had lost you
“I went out to find you” Taeyeon said smiling at Tiffanyʼs tight embrace almost
suffocating her.
“Donʼt you ever dare disappear” Tiffany wept
“ I think I should be the one saying that, I never wanted to let you go” Taeyeon
Tiffany pulled away to face Taeyeon face to face and just inches away from
each other “I love you” It was the first time Tiffany had said the words
Taeyeon had longed to hear. It felt remarkable. It was a special feeling, a
feeling shewould never forget. Indescribable.
“I love you too” Taeyeon said and she reach out to close the small distance in
between them and their lips touched, this time both of them felt it was more
real than the last.
“If I had lie to you would you forgive me?” Tiffany said as she looked out into
the wide-open ocean
“Why are you so definite”
“My answer is nobecause, I canʼt find a reason why you would lieto me. I
trust you, you wouldnʼt do that” Taeyeon said
“Oh...” Tiffany felt pressured and guilty.
“Have you lied to me?” Taeyeon asked
“No” Tiffany said nervously. Yes, and many times.Iʼm really sorry.
“I knew I could trust you” Taeyeon tried pecked Tiffany on the lips but Tiffany
blocked using her hand to cover.
“You had enough for today”
“Aww what? There is a restriction?”
“Apparently now that you mention it, it does apply from now on” Tiffany smiled
“That is so unfair!” Taeyeon whined.
“It goes by my rules, if you donʼt want to follow then you wonʼt get anything”
Taeyeonlooked extremelyadorable when she sulked.Tiffany pretended look
“Jessica you look beautiful today” Yuri said as she stared into Jessicaʼseyes.
The mesmerizing dark brown eyes reflected a beautiful past, it was great but
this is was better.
“You know your hands aresuch a perv,my parents are here. I havenʼt told
them about us yet” Jessica said changing into a serious tone
“You havenʼt?” Yuri was a bitsurprised because she thought it wasnʼt like she
hadnʼt met Jessicaʼs parents before.
“Well… I have something I havenʼt exactly told my parents apart from us
being best friends”
“We can tell them together”
Jessica stayed silent, she had hidden something from Yuri, and she didnʼt tell
her because she knew it would hurt her.She didnʼt know how to put it in the
right words. If Yuri knew how would she react?
“Jessica honey” Jessicaʼs mother excuse her selves between the two girlʼs
“Mum?”It was what Jessica had dreaded; she knew it would happen but not
this soon. Jessicaʼs parents had comeover with some other faces she had
seen before.
“Hello Jessica” He politely greeted “and this is…”
“Iʼm Yuri, nice to meet you” Yuri said smiling
“Yuri I think Jessica may have told you this is Jae-Hwa, my future son-in-law”
Jessicaʼs step mother said smiling proudly
Yuri bit her lips; she didnʼt know what to say. Was this what Jessica had been
hiding her? Yuri looked at Jessica to confirm it but Jessica couldnʼt give Yuri
eye contact, she was feeling guilty as charge.
“His a lawyer, his parents owns one of the biggest firms in Seoul” Jessicaʼs
stepmother continued.
“Oh that is nice” Yuri tried to say something nice
“Jessica may we dance” Jae-Hwa gestured with his hand
“I get this, Iʼll let you two to it, Iʼll just excuse myself now” Yuri quietly left
“Yuri...” Jessica was beckoned onto the dance floor;her stepmother was
making her dance with this person she had only met a few times. She knew
her stepmother never liked her, and always wanted to get rid of her but her
father also thought it was about she should get married. But arranged
marriage wasnʼt what she wanted.
Yuri watched Jessica dance with the nerd face from afar;she didnʼt like him
one bit. From head to toe, he didnʼt fit the criteria Yuri would even be okay
with to allow him to befriend him. 
“That is it” Yuri said and left the dancing room. She was upset because
Jessica had told her. She thought they would be more open about each other
by now. Yuri was saddened by the news, if Jessica were to get married with
someone else what would happen to her?
Weeks later
“Jessica hasnʼt spoke to me ever since that cruise we went on”
“Oh why?”
“I thought I should be the one angry, not her” Yuri scratched the sticker on the
table off. It was a label of some sort, a barcode that had been stuck on to
identify the item. “Right?”
“I should be the one hurt, why isnʼt she talking to me?” Yuri continued
“I donʼt know, perhaps you she tried harder. Make her talk to you”
“You make it sound so easy”
“It is easy” Taeyeon watched Yuri getting all depress was more depressing.
She had been there for both of them, the ups and downs but looks like the
real rocky road was about to start. It really isnʼt easy, only if you believe it is.
“Tell her how much you love her, she will give in and talk to you”
“Taeyeon, I basically breathe her name” Taeyeon gave Yuri a weird look. “No
reallyIʼm serious”
Yuri inhaled in swiftly and exhaled with an excess length.
“Jessssiiiicaaaa”Yuri breathed out
“Alright that is creepy”
“You should try it sometimes”
“Why do I have a feeling you call her name like the need to drink water”Yuri
smiled slightly “I really do, she means that much to me” Yuri sighed. Her head
drooped lower. “It has been weeks, I tried calling her, I tried throwing pebbles
at her bedroom widow, I tried spray painting her car, Ieventried leaving 100
of voice messages each day, I tried sending her sexy photos of me but she
ignored me. What do I do Taeyeon?”
Taeyeon let out a little laugh. “Iʼm sorry, the last part just cracked me up”
“It okay, it seems a bit desperate” Yuri laughed at her self
“Alright, my advice for you. Smother her with your sincere love” Taeyeon had
no idea what she meant because she couldnʼt find the answer herself.
“You and Tiffany are going well?”
“Was, but after that night she pretended it didnʼt happen. I donʼt know what
made her change but it was fast. When she said she loved me I thought it was
something real, she meant it. I could felt it but now she is back to her old self
again. But she is like she has an unpredictable mood swing. She is hot and
cold.” Taeyeon signed. Seems like both of them had the same problem.
“Tifffaaaaaaaannnnny…I canʼt believe I just did that”
“I told you. It is addictive.I warnedyou”
Chapter 14Married you
Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time: effaces all
memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.
“Couldyou stop breathing my name? It is creepy”
“Sorry, itʼs Yuriʼs fault she started it”
“If you donʼt stop it Iʼll zip it up myself” Tiffany pulled her gloves
“Where are you going?”
“Attending my businesses”
“What exactly do you do?”
Tiffany marched outside door and closed it behind her. “Lock the doors”
Tiffany said as she exited
Taeyeon never figured out what Tiffanyʼs occupation was. It appeared to be
life threatening, she always looked like she was out for a fight. Taeyeon was
scared something might happen to her. She looks tough but she knows that
Tiffanyhas a fragile and vulnerable side;she didnʼt think Tiffany could kill a
soul. Taeyeon let it off her mind;it wasnʼt going to make her any happier. He
closest she got to have the interaction as the time on the boat was. Her mind
chased those graphic memories, when their lips touched and when they
embraced tenderly. Tiffanyʼs significant change got her inside turned out. It
made Taeyeon yearn to understand Tiffany even more.
“Jessica!” Yuri shouted, Jessica kept ignoring Yuriwho was chasing after her.
Iʼm sorryYuri. She forced herself not to look back.Jessica paused for a one
second before running again.
“Jessica! If you donʼt talk to me now Iʼll disappear from your life like you did to
me 15 years ago”. Jessica froze, she didnʼt want to lose Yuri but neither does
she want Yuri to get hurt. If Yuri disappeared from her life, it would be the end
of the world. Jessica held many secrets, but she knew sooner or later each
one would unravel and one by one they would hurt Yuri slowly but deeply.
Yuri took this chance to run up to Jessica and embraced her from behind, she
tightly cuddled the person she had missed and longed to be with. She hated
being ignored; she had the feeling of being alone again. Shequivered in her
arms, she was crying andshe was breaking down.
“Jessica, why are you ignoring me?”
Jessicacried even harder
“We can talk this through, Iʼm always here for you”
“Yuri, I canʼt tell you”
“You can, I wonʼt ever blame you for anything, I will forgive you and even hide
the truth for you”
“Would you really?” Jessica turned around to face Yuri. Her streaming tears
kept rolling down.
“Yes, ofcourse”
Jessica fumbled about the thought of telling the truth to Yuri. Yuri is
trustworthy, but she could be put into danger if she knew.
“Do you know why I have to marry Jae-Hwa?”
“Because your step mother forced you too?”
“Yes, but there is darker secret behind it”
“What is it?”
Jessica grabbed onto Yuri hand, she tighten her grip. It was now or never.
“Because Jae-Hwaʼs parents are actually the head of the largest gangs in
“What?” Yuri said in disbelief
“I know”
“Did they threaten yourparents?”
“Yes, and more. They want to take control of the big companies in Seoul.
Theyʼre taking them down one by one”
“What are we going to do?”
“I donʼt knowYuri, I really donʼt know”
“Jessica, stay safe. Iʼll make sure we can get out of this. Iʼm not going to let
some jerk marry you away, Iʼve finally found you and Iʼll keep you with me.”
Jessica was certain that Yuri meant every word. The only person she could
trust and the only one she loved.
“Yuri, when I saw you I fell in lovewith you, youwere a dork who hid beside
your grandma. I knew you would come find me”
“When I first saw you, I thought I had saw an angel” Yuri said smiling smugly.
But then realised there was something wrong with what Jessica had just said.
“You remembered me?”
“Yes, of course. How could I forget such a dork” Jessica said tapping Yuri on
the head. Yuri cheerfully cuddled Jessica again but ten times tighter than
before. “Why did you hide this from me?” She was curious.
“Because before I didnʼt think we were possible.I wanted to be with you for as
long as it lasted and not worry about the next thing that happens.But now I
donʼt wantyou to leave, I donʼt want you out of my life.Please donʼt leave me”
“Please donʼt leave me. I should be the one saying that. Iʼm theone always
being dumped by you. I donʼt know what youʼre talking about” Yuri kissed
Jessica on the forehead.
Day 85
“Taeyeon, I have something to tell you it is urgent” Yuri called Taeyeon that
evening but it was divert into the voice mail. Yuri had discovered something
important and she needed to tell Taeyeonright away. Last night she had saw
Tiffany selling drugs in the club, one hand she was holding a packet of white
substance and the other was cash. Yuri tried to dial Taeyeon again, but no
oneanswered. She was getting annoyed, why wasnʼt Taeyeon picking up?
Yuri stopped decided to pay Taeyeon a visit.
That evening Taeyeon wasnʼt home, she had received a call threatening call,
and atfirst she thought it was hoax. The person rang a couple of times but
she hung up. She knew no one by the name of Chin-Hwa, he had a husky
voice, one she couldnʼt erase. He was scary. But for the fifth call he had said
Tiffanyʼs name. She didnʼt hang up and listened to what he had got to say.
“Tiffany is in our hands, come and get her. Donʼt call the police” He ended and
sent her the address.
“If he mentioned Tiffany it must be serious” Taeyeon had taken a taxi to the
address. Taeyeon felt her the cold breeze come down her spine. It gave her
shivers. The place wasbadly worndown, graffiti spray paint was all over the
walls, the alley way through the building was dark almost hard to see. She
turned right and turned the broken door handle. She turned it. Slowly the door
opened. She paced slowly through the door. Within no time at all two
strangers on both sides grabbed her. They dragged her into a grey door. It
had danger spray painted on the front. What first confronted her was Tiffany
who was tied to a chair and a man who seems to look like the head was
sitting comfortably in a seat with men on both sides.But there weretwo
strikingly beautiful looking girls in the crowd. One with blonde hair, and the
other one with long black hair, the blonde one looked familiar, it then clicked. It
was the new student at University from weeks back. The otheroneshe had
never seen before.
“So you were gain enough to come”He took a puff from a cigar. The smell
was strong even Taeyeon could recognise what brand it was from a distance.
The ones the wealthy people purchase, her father had some of those in his
draw in his office room.He would take a few puffs whenever he was stress.
He wasnʼt a regular smoker.
“Tiffany, are you alright?” Taeyeon concerns were only for Tiffany, she didnʼt
care what would happen to her.
Tiffany nodded, her mouth was tied with a white mouth, she couldnʼt speak
but Taeyeon could tell Tiffany had lots to say.
“What do you want?”
“I like you, so direct” He pursed his lips a waiting for more words to come out
“Let Tiffany go!”The two men held Taeyeon back;she couldnʼt get closerto
“Sure sure, but lets us do a deal”
“What deal?”
“Weʼll sign a contract”
“What sort of contract?”
“A contract for partnership”
“Partnership?”Taeyeon wondered what kind of partnership was he talking
“If your company agrees to importing and exporting our goods, weʼll be happy
to let Tiffany, our loyal member leaves without having her to oblige to the gang
“Loyal member?”
“Oh you didnʼt know?” He blew a circle of smoke out into the air. “Tiffany here
is one of our best drug dealers, she has been with us for quite some time.But
now she has become even better use”
Taeyeon stuttered “What?” Is this why Tiffany had married her? Taeyeon
stood staring at Tiffany in disbelief. She felt betrayed. To getto her final goal,
Tiffany had used her? So she was apart of all this.She had lied to her from
the beginning. Why was she so callable, why did she agree to such a stupid
contract? Taeyeon asked herself. Tiffany words were all lies, all she wanted to
do was lured her into this trap. She wanted money. She didnʼt want a small
amount but she was onto something bigger.
“Tiffany how could you?” Taeyeon tears developed. Tiffany cried, she wanted
to say something but she couldnʼt.
“Aww drama,dramatic love story never ends well. Anyways sign this contract
and Iʼlllet the both of you go, or Iʼll kidnap you and ask your parents to sign it
“I wonʼt sign it, I am not going to transport drugsfor you. You can kill me if you
want, Iʼm not going to sign it.” Taeyeon rather died after knowing Tiffany had
scammed her feelings. She was never real. No wonder why she had acted so
cold, it was because she was using her. She was trying to get her to fall for
her. It was all a trick.
“Oh really?” He said and did ahand gesture, it was signal to his mean. The
guy standing behind Tiffany took out a knife and held it close to her throat.
“Do you want it to end this way? I really donʼt,”He said in a sarcastic way.
“Donʼt!”Taeyeon shouted. Her heart trembled. She couldnʼt bear to watch her
love one die. No matter how much she hurt inside, she still loves this person
dearly. Nothing could change that fact.
“Then sign it, Iʼm losing my patience” He said putting pressure on his last
“Let me go and Iʼll sign it” Taeyeon made her way over to the table with the
paper and pen. Taeyeon tensed up as she picked up the pen, she gave
Tiffany one last look. As the ballpoint pen layon the table the door busted
opened. Police with bulletproof vest came in. Taeyeon watched everything
happen fast. Taeyeon only had one thought in mind and that was to save
Tiffany, she ran over to Tiffany to untie her,as the men were too busy
protecting the head. Before she could untie the last knot a hard object
whacked her head causing her toblack out instantly. Her head felt heavy and
she was bleeding, Taeyeon had felt her head before knocking out onto the
ground. All she had heard after was the sound of people fighting and Tiffany
who had shouted her name.
Tiffany continued to shout as shesaw Taeyeon drop onto the ground. She
cried and couldnʼt stop. The blonde and the black hair girl fought off the men
and came over to help Tiffany. She was too worried about Taeyeon to care
about anything. “Taeyeon, Taeyeon” Tiffany repeatedly called.
Taeyeon was immediately taken to the hospital after the police had
successfully captured all of the gang. Including the boss.
Yuri and Jessica came to visit Taeyeon at the hospital. Tiffany had been taken
to the police station to give her reportabout the case. Yoona came with two
new faces. One she recognised, it was the girl that had crashed the taxi she
wasin, inJaeJeong.
“Itʼs you”
“Hello Iʼm Seohyun member of the CPI, which stands for Criminal Police
“Oh wow, I would have never expected that” Yuri said shaking her hand
“Iʼm Hyoyeon also apart of CPI”
“The pretty blonde!” Yuri exclaimed. Jessica covered Yuriʼs mouth because
she was being too loud. “Sorry”.
“This is my girlfriend” Yoona wrapped her hand around Seohyun. “She only
speaks of the prophecy” Seohyun elbowed Yoona in the ribs. “Owww”
“Jessica, my parents and yours will be okay. Luckily I could act well to trick
them that I didnʼt know about much. At least now the head is going to be jailed
for life. Forcing businesses to sell drugs on their behalf is a huge crime.”
“Iʼm relieved, I thought I had to marry that jerk face” Jessica said
“I could have found a new girlfriend” Yuri joked
“Oh really?” Jessica elbowed Yuri hard
“What is going to happen to Tiffany? She was part of that gang.” Yuri asked
holding Jessicaʼs hand
“Tiffany, she would be fine. You would be pretty surprised if I told you this.
Tiffany is an informant for the CPI”Yoona answered watching the reaction of
her two friends.
“Omg” Yuriʼs jaw dropped. Now that was surprising. So basically almost
everyone is apart of the CPI.
“Are you apart of the CPI babe?” Yuri asked facing Jessica who gave her a
ʻreally?ʼLookand rolled her eyes.
In that moment to people walked in. One tall girl andanother girl who was
shorter by many centimeters, or an head.
“Donʼt tell me theyʼre apart of the CPI too” Yuri laughed.
“We are” The tall girl said. Yuri stopped as she saw the serious face.
“This is Sooyoungand Sunny, we have minor members; it really isnʼt a big
groupeverything is done undercover. We deal with undercover investigation
and retrieving &sharing information with other departments. Sunny here is in
charge of stalking the criminals. Sooyoung is the one who handles the
informants, like Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Seohyun”
“Oh it is all clear now”
“We only hope Taeyeon wakes up soon”
“I hope so too” Jessica said.
“She must have been really hurt, inside and out. She doesnʼt know the truth
yet. I hope she will understand” Yoona said.
Taeyeon body moved. Her hands slowly motioned raising to her aching head.
“Taeyeon youʼre awake?” Jessica and Yuri made their way over to the bed.
Taeyeon eyes opened, the many unfamiliar faces she had seenwas
Tiffany was finally released from the police station; it took a while for her to
report everything with adequate details. Seemingly it was easy but really her
mind hurts, her hearted hurts more. She wondered how Taeyeon was doing.
She straightaway got herself to the hospital. She checked the front desk for
the right room number and headed up the elevator. The number in red kept
ascending as the elevator went up. She was nervous, she hope Taeyeon had
woken up, but she was scared Taeyeon would be angry to see her.
Tiffany sped up her speed in the corridors. Each step felt like it took forever.
The room she wanted to go in was just ahead. Before she could enter the
room, Jessica had pulled her out.
“Why are you dragging me out here?” Tiffany wasveryconfused.
“I have to tell you something, you have to be prepared for the worst.”
Tiffany panicked. “Did something bad happen to Taeyeon?”
“The doctor said thatTaeyeon head had been seriously damaged. Because
the object hit her head so hard it did major damaged to her memory sector.”
“Andis she going to beokay?”
“She temporarily or even permanently lost her memory” Jessica continued.
Yuri patted Tiffany shoulder in comfort
“It is all my fault” Tiffany cried.
“No it isnʼt, you did your best. She will be fine soon” Yuri couldnʼt help but feel
sorry for the girl.
“Go on in” Jessica said
Tiffany wiped her tears away before entering the room. The person lying on
the bed opened her eyes slowly. Her face was so pure, so beautiful as ever,
even with the bandage on.
“Taeyeon, how are you feeling?”
“Who are you?”
Tiffany couldnʼt help but let her tears roll. “Iʼm Tiffany, do you remember?”
“No” Taeyeon said bluntly
“Iʼm glad you donʼt remember me, it wasnʼt a good one” tiffany cried even
more. She came closer and stood beside the bed.
“Why are you crying?” Taeyeon asked
“Iʼm just happy to see you awake”
“Oh” Taeyeon watched the girl cry. She couldnʼt say anything comforting
Tiffany sniffed and wiped her tears away. “You should rest, go back to sleep.
Iʼll leave soon”
“Okay, bye” Taeyeon said softly as she closed her eyes. Tiffany stood there
watching her for quite a while. Until she was sure Taeyeon had fallen asleep.
“Forget me, forget we ever happened. Iʼm really sorry” Tiffany whispered and
then crouched down to give Taeyeon a kiss on her forehead. Tiffany had felt
really guilty, it wasnʼt right for her to lie to Taeyeon. If Taeyeon were to
remember she would ever forgive her. It was better for her to not remember
her at all. And start again.
All she didwas a mistake. Her parents haddied in an accident and it wasn't
a suicide. Yoona's parents weren't at fault, they were made to seem like the
bad guys but the real ones were the head of the gang she had joined. Yoona
had known what her parents had gotten themselves into so she had asked
for help secretly from the CPIs. Sooyoung's past were all the caused of
money and drug addicts, they had lured under the wrong clues. It wasn't the
Ims who were the criminalthey were the victims. Jessica's parents were also
victims of this scheme;they were forced to cooperate with the gangsters and
were forced to marry Jessica off the head's son. Taeyeon and her family was
a victim in this crisis as well, but she was the final victim, Tiffany was the one
who hurt Taeyeon, unwilling and unintentionally. But she did lie to Taeyeon.
She had lied that about many things of their marriage, she hadn't told
Taeyeon that she was using her to carry out a mission of the CPIs. She
couldn't save Taeyeon;instead she had come to save her.
Day 99
Tiffany packed her luggage and was ready to set off to start a new life
overseas. She didnʼt want to be an undercover police anymore. She had had
enough; it was not an easy job. Her revenge for her parentʼs accidents was
after all a mistake. It was all an accident. Tiffany propelled out of the bedroom
after reminiscing the months she had spent with Taeyeon sleeping together.
The dork that was addicted to sniffing her, the adorable face she had woken
up too. The times she had spent making Taeyeon clean up, and the
conversations they had in the kitchen. It wasnʼt a pretty house, but it gave her
pretty memories. There was a sudden knock on the door. She wondered who
it was. Tiffany came over to open it. Yuri widely smiled as she greeted
“Where are you going?” Yuri asked
“Iʼm leaving”
“To where? Why?”
“I want to start new”
“Oh I see, it is good to start new” Yuri agreed
“Why are you here?” Tiffany asked. Yuri face changed to a serious
“I have one favour to ask you”
“What is it?”
“Lets get married,”she said confidently
“What?” Tiffany was shocked
“Iʼm kidding” Yuri said laughing her heart out. “You should see your reaction”
Yuri couldnʼt stop herself from joking around in serious moments.
“Thefavour I want to ask you is…”
Day 100
The guests filled the seats in the church, the flowers hung as decorations
through out the church, with ribbons and bows. Everyone dressing their very
best for a beautiful ceremony. Yuri and Jessica walked hand in hand as they
greeted the guests.
“When is our wedding?” Yuri asked
“WhenI feel that you are trustworthy” Jessica said
“I am trustworthy!” Yuri pleaded
“Only I can tell” Jessica said as she marched off.
“Jessiicccccaa!” Yuri followed behind
“Yoona, Seohyun and her parents had gathered early, it was an important day
for their daughter after all. They finally will get to see their daughter get
“The CPIs were invited as VIP guests, they were happily seated close to the
“Iʼm so happy our CPI member is getting married” Sunny said.
“You know we are still waiting for your wedding invitation”
“Ask Sooyoung” Sunny said grumpily
“You better hurry” Hyoyeon said
“Why?” Sooyoung said
“Iʼll make Sunny marry someone else for a case if you donʼt do it soon”
Hyoyeon joked.
“You wouldnʼt dare” Sooyoung laughed
It was then time for the ceremony to start. Everyone was seated waiting for
the marrying couple to enter. The bride walked gloriously down the aisle, her
father led her step by step down the red carpet. Yoonaʼs mother had tears in
her eyes;she had longed to witness her daughterʼs wedding. She was so glad
to be given another chance.
The bride had reached the alter in harmony with the music. The person
waiting was watching in awe. She was awe by the beautiful sight. It wasnʼt the
first and it wonʼt be the last.
“Do you Kim Taeyeon, take Tiffany Hwang to be your lawfully wedded wife, to
have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for
poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be
faithful until do death do us part? Taeyeonʼs throat was feeling dry but she
tried to swallow hard on whatever that came down her throat. The words she
tried to force to come out of her throat was stuck and couldnʼt find its way up.
“I...I…” Her stuttering made the audience curious at what was going on, why
was she not answering? Their faces filled with questioning looks and they
peering at one another to find an answer. Taeyeon looked over to the person
next to her, and millions of questions went through her mind. The woman was
focusing to the front; she did not even turn to look at her.
Was this woman the destined one? Was this the right choice? Was she ready
to officially get married? Her heart couldnʼt find answer to her thoughts.
Taeyeon took a huge breath in and then she breathed out again before
swallowing whole of whatʼs left of her anxious turmoil. “I...”
“I do!” Taeyeon shouted. Shecaught Tiffanyʼs attention and the guests with
her explosive voice. Taeyeon grabbed Tiffanyʼs handgentlyand made her
face her directly.
”Tiffany…” Tiffany was confused, how come Taeyeon called her name so
sincerely; it was like she had remembered. “Ifyou live to be 100…I hope I live
to be 100 minus 1 day…so I never have to live without you.”
“You may now kiss the bride” The priest continued
Taeyeon leaned in and kissed Tiffany on the lips, she had winked before
closing in. Tiffany eyes surfaced joyfultears. Taeyeon was only acting; she
had remembered her from the start. It was all a plan.
“Our contract has been renewed for 100 years and infinity,”Taeyeon
whispered after breaking off from the kiss.
“You lied!” Tiffany said laughing and crying at the same time.
“For 100 minus 1 day I was married to you, now it you who is married to me”
Taeyeon stated and kissed Tiffany again.


[SNSD] 100 minus 1 daymarried to her - Taeny, Yulsic (End)Where stories live. Discover now