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(Jaehee's POV)

College, sophomore year.

This was the year I met him. The year I met Byun Baekhyun.

I could still remember the first time I saw him. Black hair swept messily to the side, his white dress shirt rumpled; the top two buttons undone and yet looked extremely fitting, not at all sloppy. He was leaning against the lockers, his arms crossed, staring into space. Well, it was more like slightly glaring into space.

I was a new student and I didn’t know the ways of the school. Some students gave me weird looks as I continued to stare at the boy by the lockers; as if staring at him was something that wasn’t supposed to be done.

“Psst!” I turned at the sound and found a girl with black wavy hair and glasses shaking her head at me. I gave her a confused look and she nodded over my shoulder. 

I shrugged, not getting what she’s trying to say, and looked back at the boy. To my surprise, he was looking right at me. He stared at me lazily while I stared back confidently. I wasn’t one to back down and most definitely wasn’t the shy type, so when I raised my eyebrow at him, he looked slightly surprised. 

Yah! Baekhyun!” A male’s voice hollered across the hall and he looked over, breaking our trance.

Baekhyun, I thought. So that’s his name…

He went away without another glance while I went to my next class, his stare still etched at the back of my mind.

There’s something about that Baekhyun guy.


My first class was Math and I couldn’t help but groan at my misfortune. Of course, my first class would be the subject I hated the most. Just great.

I entered the classroom, gave my registration form to the professor and found myself a seat at the very back, right next to the windows.

Sitting down, I frowned; wishing I could make time go faster. This sucks, I thought just when someone walked in, triggering a cloud of hush noises. I looked up and felt my eyes widen at the sight. 

Baekhyun, I thought as I watched him waltz into the classroom, looking almost regal and at the same time rebellious with his leather jacket and dark gaze. I noticed that most of the students looked away while others stared openly with either fear or admiration. The girls for that fact, looked like drooling puppies. It made me curious as to who this Baekhyun kid was.

He was heading towards me and I immediately looked down at my desk, not wanting him to think that I was one of those drooling puppies—girls— who openly stares at him like some god who fell from heaven. A piece of paper made it’s way onto my desk and I opened it up slowly. 

That’s Baekhyun’s seat. Get out while you can! 

I scrunched my eyebrows and thought, what the hell?

Before I could look for whoever sent me the note, someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see two guys looming over me with blank expressions. One was quite tall and very handsome with dark brown hair, and the other was evidently Baekhyun who stared down at me with a more curious glance than his friend’s which was more accusatory. 

“Excuse me, little girl.” The guy smirked. “But you’re sitting on someone’s seat.”

I scoffed at the name calling and crossed my arms defiantly. “Well excuse you,” I gave him a one-over. “Freakishly tall boy. But is your name written on this seat?”

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