Part Three

14 4 7

So they caught up to me but it was uneventful, the only lowered the helicopter and dropped the ladder down on my head. It didn't take much for me to go unconscious due to the loss of blood I received from my cracked nose. The plus to getting caught is having my nose treated, the downside is that I can actually feel the pain from my nose and that it is bandaged up so much I can't breathe or smell. Not that I would want to smell the hospital, it probably smells like death anyway.

I'm sitting in the pristine white cubicle with nothing to do but stare at the wall. I've looked for cracks but there is nothing. There is no possible way to escape. They probably dropped me in the room I can't even see the outline of the door. I wonder why the call it a jail yard if you are isolated in a giant cubicle, it's almost as if you are left alone here to die.

I have to get out of here.

I immediately stand up and everything goes dizzy. I close my eyes for a second and when I open them, everything is fine. I just stood up too quickly. I pace around the room for the fiftieth time since I have arrived looking for something, looking for anything that could give me a way to escape.

I jump hearing a loud vibrating noise above my head. I look up and see the roof of my cubicle slowly opening. Once it is completely opened, a helicopter flies down into my space. The helicopter stops and the ceiling begins to close again. The helicopter door opens and President Lee steps out of the helicopter, sunglasses covering his eyes and his lips set into a permanent frown. He saunters over towards me with his hands hidden behind his back and two security men standing on each side a few steps back.

"Oh President Lee, how I have been dying to meet your acquaintance." I say with mock respect as I bow deeply in front of him.

"I need all of my citizens to obey and follow my orders. We can not afford a single citizen to step out of line." He states flatly, void of emotion as if he were a robot. "To have each of my citizens obey I need to know why you rebelled against us so I can fix the problem."

"Rebel? I would never rebel unless there was a clear and obvious reason. You can't fix the kind of problem I had. It's too late, you've done your damage." I spit in his face.

"See to it that your rebelling was done in vain. I hope you enjoy your stay." He turns around ending the conversation promptly and the roof of the cubicle begins to open again.

"How did you find out about what I did?" As soon as the words voicing my curiosity leave my lips, his steps falter.

"It's all over the news. I'm sure they showed you the damage you have caused?"

"No, I have not seen the footage." His face leaves it's set position of a frown for a split second showing a hint of emotion in his otherwise stoic appearance. He waves one of his security men over and he nods. The security man walks over to me and knocks me unconscious on the ground.


I blink my eyes open and I am not met with the white roof I was slowly becoming familiar with in the cubicle. Instead I see a black curved ceiling with the purr of an engine. I slowly sit up and rub my head trying to figure out where I am. The vehicle rapidly turns to the side and I am thrown into the side of the plastic vehicle. I bring my hand up to my nose and wince at how much it hurts even though I barely touched it. I glance around and I see the back of President Lee and the two security men's heads. I slowly stand up, balancing myself against the side of the helicopter. I glance around the helicopter looking for something that could do some damage. Along the back wall are a bunch of black boxes. I quietly make my way over there and open one of the boxes, empty. I open another and this one is also empty. I keep opening them but every single one of them is empty. I pick up one of them boxes planning to smash it on the ground but it is heavier than I expected.

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