Chapter 8 - Pranked

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It was now time for dinner and you were sat next to Draco with Pansy and Daphne like most mornings. Draco was currently gloating about how he won ten galleons off of you. "Whatever Draco, ten galleons is almost nothing. I've still got plenty of money."
"Plenty of money that you'll lose to me."
"Hah. Yeah right." Draco looked over to the Gryffindor table and spotted Potter before pointing to him. "Come on, let's go say our goodbyes to Potter." You laugh as you get up with him, Crabbe and Goyle following you. "Having a last meal, Potter?"
"When are you getting on the train back to the muggles? Tonight? Tomorrow morning?" Potter took one look at both of you and sneered. "You're a lot braver now you're back on the ground and you've got your little friends with you."
You were about to say something back to him but Draco got there first. "I'd take you any time on my own. Tonight, if you want. Wizard's duel. Wands only-no contact." Even though he tried not to show it, Potter looked extremely confused. "What's the matter?"
"I don't think he's ever heard of a wizard's duel, Draco. Perhaps you'd have to explain the rules to him." You found this rather funny and couldn't help but laugh. "Of course he has!" Ron said this more towards you then Draco before continuing. "I'm his second, who's yours?" Draco looked between Crabbe and Goyle before changing his mind. "Y/N." You raised your eyebrows in a slight shock. You were definetely more skilled than them in duelling, but you had never actually done one before. "Midnight all right? We'll meet you in the trophy room, that's always unlocked."

Draco started to wall away from their table and sent Crabbe and Goyle away. "Crabbe, Goyle, go sit back down. Y/N, you stay with me." You watch as Crabbe and Goyle walk back over to where they were sat and you follow Draco out the great hall. "Draco, you're not seriously going to duel him are you? You could lose Slytherin so many house points and I don't think either of you know enough magic to have a duel anyway."
"Of course I'm not going to, Y/N. What I'm going to do is inform Mr. Filch that some Gryffindors are planning on sneaking out their dorms tonight to go to the trophy room." You smirk at what he says. "Then if he finds them, he'd have no other choice but to get Potter and Weasley expelled!" You both walk confidently to Mr. Filch's office.


When you both arrived at Mr. Filch's office, Draco knocked on the door. The door was then flung open a few seconds later by an angry looking Mr. Filch. "Mr. Filch, I believe that some Gryffindors are planning of sneaking out of their dorms tonight."
"Yeah, I've heard that they're planning on going to the trophy room. We don't quite know why but it can't be good." You smile at Filch, hoping to gain his trust. "Well, thank you for this Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Avery." And with that, he closed the door and went back to whatever he was doing in there.

Instead of going back to the great hall, you and Draco decided to go in the library to 'study'. Most of the time 'studying' was spent with you two messing around with each other. "So, Draco, I've seen Pansy trying to talk to you a lot during lessons? Why do you ignore her so much? She's quite nice." Draco sighs at the mention of her name and mentally dies. "She won't leave me alone. Wherever I look, she's just, there. I blame you for becoming friends with her." You giggle as you open your book on potions to a random page. "Aww. Is Draco upset that I found some other friends aside from him?"
"No! Just upset you became friends with her, out of all the people." You just shake your head as you flick through your book. "Do you know what we're doing tomorrow? In potions?"
"Might be learning to brew the forgetfulness potion. But me being me, I'm sure we'll get it first try."
"We? It's like you assume I'm going to be your partner."
"Well you are. I've already made up my mind." You laugh and just brush it off, this is how Draco's always been and he isn't going to change now. Even if you do argue with him. "Do you think you'll be trying out for the quidditch team next year?"
"Of course. And they'd be stupid not to let me on, I'm going to be the best seeker Slytherin has seen in years. Probably the best seeker the whole school has seen!" Normally you'd disagree but you did have to admit that Draco was very good on a broom. Even Harry wouldn't be able to disagree. "It's absolutely idiotic that they don't allow first years to have their own brooms. I thought about making my father buy me one and smuggling it in. But I couldn't figure out how."
"I know, it's all because of muggleborns. Since they've never ridden a broom before, the school can't let them ride around without supervision." You stop reading as you look up to face Draco opposite you. His grey coloured eyes narrow and meet with your E/C ones for a seconds. "I know. If this school only allowed pure bloods like us, it would be so much better."
"Then people like that Granger wouldn't be here." You nod your head in agreement as he says this. "Lets leave. It's boring in here and the common room is much better." As Draco leaves, you quickly pick up your books and catch up with him.


There were only a few people in the common room, including your brother. Once you and Draco sat down on one of the sofas together, your brother came up to you. "Y/N, I saw you got some more mail today. I saw that you got a letter and a small package. I want some of the sweets from inside since you stole some of mine. It's only fair." You scoff and take them out of your cloak pocket, opening the package up right infront of him. "Sure, here you go brother." You go to hand one to him before stuffing it in your mouth. He crosses his arms, still waiting as he grows more impatient. You had stolen all of the sweets his parents had sent him and it really annoyed him that you were able to get away with it. When you were at home and now, at Hogwarts too.

You reached into the small bag and took another one out, passing it to Draco. "Here, Draco. Do you want one?" He gladly took it and ate it, you watched as your brother's face grew impatient. He took the bag from you and emptied it, leaving only one. When you snatched it from him, you saw only one was left and sighed in defeat. You ate it then scrunched up the bag and threw it at him. It hit him in the back of the head and he used Wingardium Leviosa to put it in the bin. Crossing your arms, you furrowed your brows as you had not yet learned that spell. You'd have to wait until Monday for your next charms class. Professor Flitwick had been teaching everyone the wand movement and the proper pronunciation but you had never actually done it before.

"Stupid Rincewind. Always thinking he's better just because he's older and a prefect."
"Don't worry, I know how you can get him back." You smirk as you turn to Draco. "How?"
"Does your brother drink tea?"


About half an hour later you were taking a seemingly normal cup of tea to your brother. You knew how much he loved tea and remember how he used to always drink it when he was home from Hogwarts. Walking up to your brother, you handed him the cup. "Here you go, Rincewind. I thought I'd apologise for stealing so many of your sweets from mother and father with a cup of tea. I remember how much you used to drink when you were home." He gladly took the small white cup from you and you walked back to Draco. "What was the point of that again?"
"The cup you gave it to him in was a nose biting tea cup. You'll see what I mean in a second." You watched as your brother took a drink of the tea, less than a second later he yelled out in pain. He turned to you and Draco as you both laughed loudly. The tea cup was biting onto your brother's nose. He wasn't even holding onto it anymore and it was just dangling from his nose. He stormed out and went to the hospital wing to get it removed. "Nice one, Draco! Where's you get that?"
"My parents took my to Hogsmeade about a month before I started Hogwarts. There's a shop called 'Zonko's Joke Shop' there. You can buy all sorts of things." You laugh before getting up and deciding to go to sleep as it was quite late. "I'm going to bed now. I can't wait to wake up to a Hogwarts with a Harry Potter!" You practically skipped to your dormitory before changing into your pyjamas and happily falling asleep.

Rulers Of Slytherin 》Draco Malfoy x Reader 》Year 1Where stories live. Discover now