The bite

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It was a woman.
Dark haired. Deep blue eyes that almost hypnotised you if you stared for too long. She looked about 18-20 years old.
"Wh..who are you?" Stammered Jessie
Emily and Jessie knew everyone in town because the town they lived in was so small it was only inhabited by about 100 people.
"Stay away from me!" Screamed the woman
"You and your people are going to hurt us..."
Our people? Jessie and Emily thought
What does she mean?
Emily gave Jessie a nervous glance and stepped a little towards the woman her hands out to reassure the woman
" We don't want to hurt you... or your people" Emily added
"We heard you crying so we just wanted to help" said Jessie
The woman's face relaxed
Jessie and Emily sighed with relief
The woman was about to reveal her identity
"I am..."

Sorry it's a short chapter but the next chapter will reveal all the answers...
dun dun dunnnnn 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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