Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                        It was at a college party where I met the guy who changed my life for good. Meeting him make my whole life upside down and is never the same again, even until today. The college party was the first party I went alone without Lucas or anyone I know for that matter. I was desperate on loosing myself and to get drunk. So I just went despite the constant warning from Lucas. Until this day, I’m still regretting on not listening to those warnings and to rebel. But you know what they say, regrets always come later.

            The college party was no different from high school party. Except high school parties are mostly house parties. You know, those party hosts whose parents are super wealthy and left the town to travel around the world or out for business trip. I wouldn’t become a hypocrite and say those kids who hosted the party are nothing but useless kids for I used to host party together with my brother. We were bored and living in a massive house didn’t help much either.

            College party however, is mostly held on fraternity house which makes it even more pack in the small house. Sometimes it is held in a club or pub if your age is legal or sometimes fake ID would suffice.

            I remembered I was dancing to one of Fall Out Boys hits and was drinking my sixth shot of vodka, I was really good at handling alcohol back then and I wasn’t tipsy, not even close when a guy approach me.

            “You look like you’re having a good time.” he said

            “I am.” I replied even though it was more of a statement than a question.

            “I’m Josh.”

            Josh. The one name I used to love. The one name I now loathed more than cats loathed mice. The one name I tried to forget and move on with my life but I have yet to succeed. And I hate myself more for ever loving him and let myself fooled by his crazily handsome charm. 

            It has been hours since Lucas left and I have kept myself busy with planning on Lucas’ sister wedding.  I found myself shaking my head trying to figure out what kind of flowers the bride and grooms wanted for their reception. This is driving me crazy; never in my 3 years of career have I met couples as crazy as Lucas’ sister, Megan – or Meg for short – and her fiancé who are throwing all the preparation at me. I understand that it is my job to plan out whatever is needed for the ceremony. But the brides or the grooms – mostly brides – will at least want to know what I am planning for them and if everything is perfect for the guests. Maybe she is just busy and doesn’t have time to plan her own wedding, maybe the same goes to her groom too. Well, she better be then.  

            A knock startled me and before I could answer, the door open, revealing my best friend on his Armani suit, and judging by the small paper bag on his hand that has a ‘Gucci’ written on it, I’m guessing he had went to shopping. He smiled sheepishly when he realized what I am working on.

            “I’m sorry about this. But my sister doesn’t know a thing about weddings.” He said apologetically

            “I know she doesn’t. But does she at least want to know what I’m planning on or if it’s perfect for them and the guests?” I snapped.

            “She told me she trusted you on whatever you’re choosing because, and I quote ‘she is the best and she knows what she is doing.’ To which I question about the she knows what she is doing part. Because frankly, you get lost in the middle most of the times.” He stated.

            “You’re right, and she is just exaggerating my part to get on my good side. Tell her, it doesn’t work. I’ve never really like her since the first day we met, no offence.” It’s true; his sister is a huge pain in the arse. The first time I met her was at a Christmas party the Knights hosted. She kept throwing herself at my boyfriend at that time and kept throwing me unfriendly glare and rude remark. It doesn’t help much as I always love to provoke her into a small fight; nothing big that will cause you to stay in the hospital for months – though I would love for that to happen – it’s just a small cat fight that will cause small scratches here and there.

            “None taken.” He said with a shrugged as if he is cool with it. Well, he does know how much his sister annoys me, so I guess he understands.

            “But,” he continued, “You should stop stressing out about your work and go out for a walk. The day is still young.”

            I think about it for a minute. Well, the work is driving me crazy nut the wedding is only 2 months away. Oh but a short walk won’t hurt anyone. Maybe I could contact the bride and asked for more details or something.            “Sure.” I replied after a moment of silent.

            And with that, I left the apartment with a small yellow umbrella on my right hand and a black coat on the other.

AN. Both chapters have yet to be edited. Please ignore any grammatical errors or spelling errors. Thank you.

Chapter 4 has been written. Will be posted soon,


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