Chapter Six

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Dean's POV
Dean spent the entire school day being given a tour of the campus by his friend, Castiel. When the school day was done he said goodbye to Castiel before heading to the Impala that waited for him in the school parking lot. Once he got in he put the keys in the ignition and started his car. Before driving off he sat and thought about what happened today.

Did I really just make a friend today? Dean asked himself. He wasn't planning on making any friends, but maybe Cas could be an exception. He was really nice and pretty interesting, not to mention the cute smile he would have when Dean called him Cas. Wait, what?! I do NOT find Cas's smile cute! Dean told himself. He shook his head before driving off to the middle school to pick up Sam.
When Dean pulled into the school he could see a lot of kids in front of the school, but none of them were Sam. He pulled out his phone and texted him.

Where are you?? -Dean

In the library. I told you I would be here for an hour to study. -Sam

Dean face-palmed. He was too caught up with getting to know Cas that he forgot Sam had mentioned staying at the library. Dean was about to drive off until he saw a black-haired boy with bright blue eyes talking to a short brown-haired boy. Dean honked his horn to get their attention. When Cas looked up he smiled and walked over to the Impala.

"Hey Cas. What are you doing here?" Dean asked, smiling at his friend as he got out of his car.

"Hello Dean. I was picking up my brother, Gabriel." he replied, gesturing to the boy next to him. The boy had a lollipop in his mouth and smirked at Dean.

"So, this is the boy you won't shut up about. You were right, his eye are as green as my green-apple lollipops, but I think you over exaggerated how cute his hair is. I met this kid in school and he has really long hair. His hair is cute." Gabriel said, his smirk growing wider as he finished talking. Cas shot him a death glare and Gabriel stopped smirking, fear showing in his eyes. Dean tried to hold in his smile. He talked about me. He thinks my hair is cute. He likes my eyes. These thoughts kept playing through his head and he soon gave up trying to hide his smile. He quickly turned it to a smirk before anyone could see.

"So, you like my hair?" It came out as more of a statement than a question. Cas looked down, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. Gabriel started smirking again.

"Oh yeah, in fact he won't stop talking about it. He also mentioned how he likes your freckl-" Castiel cut Gabriel off by yanking his lollipop out of his mouth and throwing it into the grass. Gabriel looked up at him with shock and tears were forming in his eyes.

"That was my favorite flavor!" Gabriel exclaimed. He ran over to his dirt covered lollipop. He picked it up and started murmuring things to it. Dean picked up a few words like "I'm sorry" and "I will avenge you". He laughed lightly and turned his attention to Cas, who was still blushing.

"Sorry about him. He loves to embarrass me." Cas explained. Dean smiled at him.

"It's alright Cas. My brother would have done the same thing to me. You don't have to be embarrassed around me though." Dean responded, trying to make his friend feel better. It seemed to work because soon Cas was smiling with Dean. Gabriel walked back over with annoyance clear on his face.

"You. Will. Pay. For. That." he said in a low voice, his expression cold. He then walked over to a nearby tree and leaned against it, waiting for his brother.

"Great, now he's mad at me. I'm probably going to show up to school tomorrow with pink hair." Cas said with a frown. Dean laughed at that.

"Oh come on, he wouldn't do that because you threw away his lollipop would he?" Dean asked. Cas looked at him, his eyebrows raised.

"He has a reputation for playing tricks on people, but they get ten times worse when he's mad. That's why everyone calls him the Trickster." Cas explained. Dean let out a low whistle.

"Dang, sorry about that. But hey, if you do show up tomorrow with pink hair, I'll dye my hair blue so you won't be the only weirdo at school." Dean replied. Cas laughed.

"I'm already the school weirdo. Showing up with pink hair will only confirm what everybody else already thinks about me." Cas said, his head tilting down a little. His smile was starting to turn to a frown, until he felt Dean's hand on his shoulder. He looked up at him. He had a serious expression on his face.

"Listen to me, don't worry about what everybody else thinks about you. They don't matter. The only people that do matter are your friends and family." Dean said. He could see that his words hadn't completely convinced him that he was important. Dean sighed.

"Cas, you are the only person I've ever called a friend. I've never had a real friend before. Don't pay attention to everyone else, 'cause your important to me." Cas looked up at Dean and Dean smiled softly at him. Cas smiled too and pulled Dean into a hug.

"Thank you for thinking I'm important." Cas said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"It's true Cas." Dean replied. He let go of Cas and looked at him. He had a smile on his face and he was wiping at his eyes.

"Hey do you guys need a lift?" Dean asked.

"No, we'll be fine. I enjoy walking. Thanks for asking though." Cas replied. He and Dean said goodbye to eachother and Cas walked over to the tree where Gabriel was waiting.

"Took you long enough." Dean heard Gabriel complain and he smiled to himself. He got back in his car and waited for Sam to come out of the library since he had been talking to Cas for most of the hour.

When Sam got to the car he looked at Dean with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked. Dean didn't answer and started driving to the store to get food. He knew if he told Sam he would only bombard him with questions. So he just kept driving, leaving Sam in the dark.
Hey people. I'm gonna call you CB's (crossroad bitches) just 'cause I can. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was 1084 words. Bye!

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