chapter 2

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When we walked into the building loud music filled my ears, the smell of sweat and alcohol and people literally dancing on top of each other was everywhere

Me, stiles and Lydia walked other to the bar trying to ignore the all the craziness when a man walked other he started talking to us but I wasn't listening only paying attention when we started walking to met with the person we doing came here to talk to

Araya Calavera

Mikaelsons, vision of hope
Authors P.O.V
The mikaelsons where standing in a room watching hope, she and her friends where sitting in a chair in front of them is a woman sitting behind a desk looking at the teenagers with a serious expression

" Severo hates this music. Me? I've always loved the music of youth. This kind, especially. It has a savage energy" Araya starts her accent bright as day
" we're here for Derek hale" maya says with confidence thinking that the calavera's have him and that she would get her friend back

" is that so" is all maya gets as a response making her frown a little
" we know you have him. We've heard you can be bought" Lydia says after seeing her younger sister frown knowing that maya will probably say something rude and they wouldn't get Derek back
" It's 50,000 for Derek" stiles adds while putting the money on the table

"Now where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese mafia? Not smart to come alone." Araya says smugly the mikaelsons thinking that Maya didn't think their plan through weren't expecting what she said next
"What makes you think we came alone?" Maya says leaning forward a little with a small smirk growing on her face with every word

"You brought a wolf into my home" Araya says her voice and face reads furious
"We brought an alpha" maya says her smirk even bigger when she says alpha

Araya sighs "My friends, I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?"she asks locking eyes with all of them
Lydia hesitates before saying "The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky."
"But, do you know its meaning?" Araya asks looking at maya

"Some people say it's a time of reflection... or grief." Maya answers, her voice sad while looking down
Freya frowns knowing that someone Maya loves had died
"Grief and loss, mija. I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale?" Araya says knowing who they have lost

"Cause we don't like to lose." Stiles says with a serious face and voice
A radio goes off saying the front door and south was clear

Araya then says "north?,north?"
Then the radio goes off again but this time it was Scott "maya take ten off the table"and that's what she did smiling at Araya while she took ten off

"Maybe you should just take the deal" Lydia says smugly
"While I'm keen to follow the warning of a banshee, I'm going to decline." Araya says causing hope to frown looking down

"All right, come on. Just give us Derek! You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just-- come on, take the money." Maya says wanting to get what she came here for and leave

Araya picks up the walkie-talkie and says into it "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate." Then maya was knocked out

The Mikaelsons, French quarter
Freya's P.O.V
The spell me and davina were doing stop and we were all back at the compound "we have to go to hope, did you do the locater spell" Klaus asks me with a concerned look in his eyes
"Yes niklaus I did the spell she has been living in beacon hills all this time" I say excited that I will see hope again

"Well what are we waiting for we have to pack" Rebekah yells running up to her room to pack
We all laugh then go to our own rooms to pack then finally we will see our hope

I hope you like it I'm gonna try to update every Tuesday and Friday but if that's to hard I'll just update whenever and thank you all for reading my story

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