Pizza, Gen. McArthur, & Scrubs (1/3)

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Akira's POV

"Here's your pizza, extra cheese added. I also bought your favorite sundae, no chocolate toppings, just vanilla. Woila!" Said Sarah as she constantly flick her eyelashes at me, finishing her sentence with a wink. Gross.

"Is this for free? Have you eaten anything wrong? Did you bumped your head or something?" I arched my brows up and gave her a scrutinizing look.

Sarah immediately flashed a guilty look and started fidgeting around the condo as if she's going to be strike by lightning the moment she reveal the real deal. A silent laugh escaped my mouth but the moment she turned on my direction, I pretended to slowly chewing the hawaiian she gave me and I did my best to maintain a serious expression.

"You know tomo-"

"Yes. Tomorrow is the 24th of May and our schedule is to watch our all-time favorite movie in a cinema. We cleared every conflict event right ahead of time and I don't see any problem with that at all." I said cutting her off. I don't like where this is going.

The theater in town is about to held its yearly throwback event. It's going to be a whole week full of blockbuster movies with ticket sold at half price. Well, it's not that I can't watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith at home, I even have a Blu-ray disc. But hey, this might be my only chance to watch it in a legit cinema. I can't believe she's about to cancel this night out.

"Aki, please. As much as I wanted to, I just can't." Plead Sarah with teary eyes.

Her theater skills won't work for me.

"And why is that? What could be more important than watching Angelina and Brad in a real cinema?" I questioned.

"Okay. My brother James, he's into this big trouble again and when I say 'big' it wasn't even an exaggeration but an understatement."

"And what did he do this time?" I arched my brows.

"Oh, you won't believe this. He's into this 'Trick and Treat Club' and he was dared to steal Douglas McArthur statue's head in their school park and place it on top of the principal's table with a note saying 'I shall return'." Sarah narrated with a flabbergasted voice.

"What?! Your brother is completely insane." I said in disbelief.

"Tell me about it. Unfortunately, I was tasked to bring him in a retreat in Northwood tomorrow. Apparently, my parents still believe this activities would help him, which I strongly disagree. Chances are, the camp master would go nuts once my noble brother entered their facilities." She said, exasperated.

So that's why. I face palmed and make a sad expression in front of her.

"But that doesn't mean you can't also watch. So, here's your ticket. I already gave mine to your date." She said with a smug.

"Wait, what? I don't remember agreeing into any of this. I'd rather watch alone." I said with a strong voice.

"What? Come on, I already told him about you, Akira. Besides, you're just going to watch a movie, would you rather spend another Friday night alone? Plus, I really owe this guy big time. He was the one who fixed the trouble caused by my brother. Bestfriend, please?" Ask Sarah in a sweet voice. I cringed.

"Na-ah. No way. N-O, NO!"

I arched my brows which she also did. She thinks she could win in this one, huh?

"Aww, that's so sad. He told me the time of the movie is exactly he's time out from the hospital." She said teasing.

"Wait, you mean-"

"Uhuh. You hit the jackpot, girl." Sarah said with a wink.

Argh. I therefore conclude, Sarah won. It's just that, I really have this thing with guy in scrubs.

(1 of 3. Word Count: 629 words)

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